View the City’s Statutory Notices as required under the Community Charter and other Acts, including permissive tax exemptions, local service areas, alternative approval process, provision of assistance, property sales, development notices and more.

  • Jul 17, 2024


    The City of Campbell River has undertaken the following legal agreements:

    • 900 Parkside Drive                                                                                                                                                                    Five-year Land Lease Agreement from July 1, 2024, and terminating on June 30, 2029, to the Campbell River Trail      Riders Organization, for a fee of $10.00.                                                                                                                                        Legal description: Lot 1, District Lot 276, Plan 38030, Sayward District                                                                                  PID: 001-011-375
    • Unit 1 – 1235 Shoppers Row                                                                                                                                                   One-year Container Unit Lease Agreement from July 15, 2024, and terminating on July 14, 2025 to Rochelle   Thomas  and Michaela Adams, for a monthly fee of $400.00.                                                                                                   Legal description: Lot F, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District, Plan VIP13752, Permissive Exemption Art Gallery   & Tourist Information Centre, Lot 1, Plan 18780, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District                                           PID: 004-634-284
    • Unit 2 – 1235 Shoppers Row                                                                                                                                                         One-year Container Unit Lease Agreement from July 15, 2024, and terminating on July 14, 2025 to Tina Setzer, for a monthly fee of $400.00.                                                                                                                                                           Legal description: Lot F, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District, Plan VIP13752, Permissive Exemption Art Gallery   & Tourist Information Centre, Lot 1, Plan 18780, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District                                           PID: 004-634-284
    • Unit 3 – 1235 Shoppers Row                                                                                                                                                   One-year Container Unit Lease Agreement from July 15, 2024, and terminating on July 14, 2025 to Emma   Heitzmann, for a monthly fee of $400.00.                                                                                                                            Legal description: Lot F, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District, Plan VIP13752, Permissive Exemption Art Gallery   & Tourist Information Centre, Lot 1, Plan 18780, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District                                           PID: 004-634-284
    • Unit 4 – 1235 Shoppers Row                                                                                                                                                   One-year Container Unit Lease Agreement from July 15, 2024, and terminating on July 14, 2025 to Jennifer Warren,   for a monthly fee of $400.00.                                                                                                                                                 Legal description: Lot F, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District, Plan VIP13752, Permissive Exemption Art Gallery   & Tourist Information Centre, Lot 1, Plan 18780, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District                                           PID: 004-634-284

    The City will remain the registered, fee-simple owner of all lands described above.                                                           This notice is given pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter.

    Questions?                                                                                                                                                                                           Email, call 250.286.5700, or visit City Hall at 301 St. Ann's Road.



by Amanda Carlyle | Jul 17, 2024

The City of Campbell River has undertaken the following legal agreements:

  • 900 Parkside Drive                                                                                                                                                                    Five-year Land Lease Agreement from July 1, 2024, and terminating on June 30, 2029, to the Campbell River Trail      Riders Organization, for a fee of $10.00.                                                                                                                                        Legal description: Lot 1, District Lot 276, Plan 38030, Sayward District                                                                                  PID: 001-011-375
  • Unit 1 – 1235 Shoppers Row                                                                                                                                                   One-year Container Unit Lease Agreement from July 15, 2024, and terminating on July 14, 2025 to Rochelle   Thomas  and Michaela Adams, for a monthly fee of $400.00.                                                                                                   Legal description: Lot F, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District, Plan VIP13752, Permissive Exemption Art Gallery   & Tourist Information Centre, Lot 1, Plan 18780, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District                                           PID: 004-634-284
  • Unit 2 – 1235 Shoppers Row                                                                                                                                                         One-year Container Unit Lease Agreement from July 15, 2024, and terminating on July 14, 2025 to Tina Setzer, for a monthly fee of $400.00.                                                                                                                                                           Legal description: Lot F, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District, Plan VIP13752, Permissive Exemption Art Gallery   & Tourist Information Centre, Lot 1, Plan 18780, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District                                           PID: 004-634-284
  • Unit 3 – 1235 Shoppers Row                                                                                                                                                   One-year Container Unit Lease Agreement from July 15, 2024, and terminating on July 14, 2025 to Emma   Heitzmann, for a monthly fee of $400.00.                                                                                                                            Legal description: Lot F, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District, Plan VIP13752, Permissive Exemption Art Gallery   & Tourist Information Centre, Lot 1, Plan 18780, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District                                           PID: 004-634-284
  • Unit 4 – 1235 Shoppers Row                                                                                                                                                   One-year Container Unit Lease Agreement from July 15, 2024, and terminating on July 14, 2025 to Jennifer Warren,   for a monthly fee of $400.00.                                                                                                                                                 Legal description: Lot F, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District, Plan VIP13752, Permissive Exemption Art Gallery   & Tourist Information Centre, Lot 1, Plan 18780, District Lot 1558, Sayward Land District                                           PID: 004-634-284

The City will remain the registered, fee-simple owner of all lands described above.                                                           This notice is given pursuant to Section 26 of the Community Charter.

Questions?                                                                                                                                                                                           Email, call 250.286.5700, or visit City Hall at 301 St. Ann's Road.

Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run