The annual renewal date for business licences is February 27 of each year. Renewal notices are mailed out mid-February and must be paid by March 30. If payment is not received on or before that date, an automatic late charge of $25 is applied.
If you are renewing your Business Licence, you can use your Visa or MasterCard to pay for your business licence using Online Payments or through your MyCity account. If paying online, allow banks two to three business days to process payments before the payment deadline.
If you are making an application for a new licence, payment is required at City Hall.
You can find information about your business licence at MyCity. MyCity is a secure, all-in-one, online service that allows homeowners, residents and businesses to access information about their property tax, business licence, utility billing and dog licence accounts instantly and at any time. You will need to create an account to begin.