Firefighter TrainingThe Campbell River Fire Department maintains NFPA certified firefighters to the BC Structural Firefighter Competency and Training Playbook Full Service Level in both its career and paid-on-call staff. The department career Training Officer manages all training and reports to the Deputy Chief of Operations.  The Training Officer is responsible for planning and implementing ongoing training needs to maintain certification of the firefighters. Additionally, each station has a paid-on-call Training Officer that manages weekly training drills for the paid-on-call staff.

The department partners with various training agencies to conduct their NFPA certified recruit firefighter training program in accordance to the BC Structural Firefighter Competency and Training Playbook. This program provides the minimum level of training required in the Province of BC to be certified as a firefighter. The program runs over about a year and requires the combined efforts of many departmental instructors and evaluators.

The fire department takes advantage of a purpose-built training building located at the airport. This facility provides a multi-story building for evolutions as well as propane props for simulating fires in cars, dumpsters, and gas meters.

Working with community partners, such as Island Generations and BC Hydro, industrial rescue drills can be conducted on-site. This provides both the department and the workers, a chance to practice the skills in a more controlled environment prior to an emergency.


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