On November 1st at the Maritime Heritage Centre we presented a variety of proposed directions for amending the Zoning Bylaw and received feedback from those who attended. Directions were presented for the following topics:
- Quinsam Heights Zoning (boards 12-18)
- Commercial Zoning (boards 22-27)
- Secondary suites/dwellings (boards 19-21)
- Zoning of lands adjacent to the estuary (boards 28-31)
- Urban Agriculture (boards 32-22)
- General Revisions/Shipping Container regulation (boards 9-11)
Click Here to view information boards from the open house.
If you were not able to attend and still wish to give feedback, you can print and complete feedback forms relevant to the topics of interest to you:
You may scan your completed form and email to, fax a copy to 250-286-5762, or return a paper copy to the development services front counter. The deadline for submitting forms is 9 a.m. Thursday November 16.
Following Council approval of the OCP Bylaw Amendments, the City of Campbell River is now reviewing its Zoning Bylaw and asking citizens, businesses and community organizations to weigh in on how the community should grow and develop.
This project is not a complete overhaul of the existing Zoning Bylaw, rather an update to make sure the Zoning Bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan.
Some key topics to address through the Zoning Bylaw Review process include:
- Alignment of the community vision and land uses in Quinsam Heights
- Clarify and streamline provisions for secondary suites/dwellings
- Reduce redundancy and conflicts in commercial zones
- Review the uses permitted on the estuary
- Provisions for urban agriculture
- General revisions to administrative sections to clarify bylaw interpretation
The next public Open House will take place Wednesday November 1 at the Maritime Heritage Centre. This drop-in event will run from 5 to 8 p.m., providing an opportunity for people to learn more and share their ideas.
For each of the above topics a proposed direction will be presented along with some draft zoning regulations. Participants will be able to submit written feedback which staff and Council will subsequently consider in confirming/finalizing the proposed direction.
For more information, sign up for e-mail updates at the bottom of this page or contact City’s Community Planning and Development Services Department at 250-286-5725 or
View the detailed summary of feedback from the first Zoning Bylaw Open House here:
Link: Consultation 1 Engagement Summary
On Tuesday, May 2, the first community consultation event for the Zoning Bylaw update took place and was attended by 38 community members. People had the opportunity to learn about the consultation process, engage with City Planning staff, and to sign-up for working groups.
The key topics up for discussion at the Open House were:
Link: Quinsam Heights
Link: Secondary Dwellings
Link: C-4 Commercial Zone
Link: Village Centres
Link: Downtown Commercial
Link: Development near the Estuary
Have feedback you want to share? Fill out and return this form to the City's Community Planning and Development Services Department at the second floor of City Hall or e-mail to
Would you like to be involved further? The City is inviting people to get involved in a Zoning Bylaw working group. Five groups are proposed including:
- Urban Agriculture
- Quinsam Heights
- Environment
- Commercial
- Secondary Dwellings
Each group will consist of 5-7 people, and will run from June to mid-August. The intent is to provide focused technical review over two or three workshopping sessions. Contact the City's Community Planning and Development Services Department at 250-286-5725 or e-mail to
Following Council approval of the OCP Bylaw Amendments, the City of Campbell River is now reviewing its Zoning Bylaw and asking citizens, businesses and community organizations to weigh in on how the community should grow and develop.
This project is not a complete overhaul of the existing Zoning Bylaw, rather an update to make sure the Zoning Bylaw is consistent with the Sustainable Official Community Plan.
Some key topics to address through the Zoning Bylaw Review process include:
- Alignment of the community vision and land uses in Quinsam Heights
- Clarify and streamline provisions for secondary suites
- Reduce redundancy and conflicts in commercial zones
- Review the uses permitted on the estuary
- Revision to clarify bylaw interpretation
The first public Open House will take place Tuesday, May 2 at the Maritime Heritage Centre This drop-in event will run from5 to 8 p.m. providing an opportunity for people to learn more and share their ideas through fun, interactive activities.
Want to get more involved? The City is creating working groups to discuss the proposed changes, and is looking for volunteers.
Working groups and their key topics are:
- Environmental
- Secondary Suites
- Commercial
- Quinsam Heights
- Urban Agriculture
For more information, sign up for e-mail updates at the bottom of this page or contact City’s Community Planning and Development Services Department at 250-286-5725 or
The OCP Bylaw Amendment was approved by Council on January 23, 2017.
View the updated OCP Bylaw and Schedules here:
Link: Sustainable Official Community Plan Bylaw 3475, 2012 amended to Bylaw 3640, 2016
Link: Schedule A – Policies and Parts I-IV
Link: Schedule B – Development Permit Areas Part V
Link: Schedule C – Appendices
Link: Schedule D - Maps
PROJECT UPDATE - October 28, 2016:
The Public Hearing for the proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment will be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 6:30 p.m. on November 7th, 2016.
View the proposed OCP Bylaw and Schedules here:
Link: Schedule A - Policies Parts I-IV
Link: Schedule B - Development Permit Areas: Part V
Link: Schedule C - Appendices
Link: Schedule D - Maps
For easier review of the proposed changes, please see the "Policy Side-by-Side" and "Track Changes" documents below.
PROJECT UPDATE - September 23, 2016:
View a detailed summary of the proposed policy here:
Link: Policy Side-by-Side
Link: Track Changes Document
Over the past six months, the City hosted a series of four public events to gather community and stakeholder feedback and input on the early policy directions for the Sustainable Official Community Plan & Zoning Bylaw Review. Based on this feedback the City of Campbell River has revised the proposed changes to the Sustainable Official Community Plan.
We will be holding an open house on October 12 form 5 - 8 p.m. at the Maritime Heritage Centre to discuss the revised proposals to make sure we're on the right track before we present the updated plan to Council. Come by and discuss the proposed changes with Staff.
PROJECT UPDATE - July 18, 2016:
View the detailed summary of feedback from Consultation 3 here:
Link: Consultation 3 Engagement Summary - Final
The City of Campbell River thanks everyone who came to Consultation 3 to review and share feedback on the draft policies for the updated Official Community Plan. This feedback will be used to refine and finalize the updated Official Community Plan to present to Council. Community members will also have an opportunity to attend a Public Hearing before the final updated SOCP is approved. Then, we will move on to the next stage of the project: updating the Zoning Bylaw. Again, there will be many opportunities community members to share ideas and feedback.
PROJECT UPDATE - June 1, 2016:
View the detailed summary of feedback from Consultation 2 here:
Link: Consultation 2 Engagement Summary
The City would like to thank everyone who shared their ideas and feedback in Consultation 2. Over 200 residents participated in a Policy Workshop, Design Session for Quinsam Heights, Public Open House, and online questionnaire.
Building off the feedback and ideas from the first public open house, these events took a closer look at the changes needed to achieve the community’s overall goals. Participants worked closely with planners and designers to examine and refine policy ideas for secondary dwellings, highway commercial properties, commercial centres, and development permit guidelines as well as directions for the future of the Quinsam Heights neighbourhood.
This input will be used to refine these early directions into draft policies for the updated Official Community Plan. Join us for Consultation 3 on June 22nd at the Sportsplex (Room 1) to review and comment on the refined draft policies.
PROJECT UPDATE - April 4, 2016
View the detailed summary of feedback from the first Open House here:
Link: First Open House Summary Report
The City would like to thank everyone who attended the first OCP & Zoning Bylaw Review Open House on March 8th. Close to 100 people came to this interactive event to share their ideas and weigh in on how the community should grow and develop. Residents shared their ideas on a range of topics including Quinsam Heights, secondary dwellings, gateways to the City, neighbourhood centres, and development permits. Feedback from participants focused on Quinsam Heights, where they wanted to preserve rural character, protect green spaces, maintain and expand trail networks, and upgrade roads, sidewalks and other infrastructure. Comments about the City’s proposed updates on other topics were generally quite positive.
A number of activities and events are being planned for April and May, so stay tuned for details!
On Tuesday March 8, the first community consultation event for the OCP/Zoning update took place and was attended by 92 community members. People had the opportunity to learn about the consultation process, including how it will unfold over the next 18 months and how they can be involved.
Attendees also had the opportunity to provide their perspectives on key issues being explored as part of the OCP update. Interactive stations were set-up for people to comment on the following community priorities under review in the OCP:
Quinsam Heights land use;
- secondary suites;
- development permit guidelines;
- neighbourhood centres;
- commercial land use.
Complementing wide-spread advertising, due to the focus on their neighbourhood as a key land use decision point, residents in Quinsam Heights all received postcard invitations to the March 8 event. Information gathered from this session will be used to inform the next consultation event anticipated for late April, which will include more in-depth stakeholder and public workshops on Quinsam Heights and other key land use issues.
Stay tuned for further details!
Project Description
The City of Campbell River is updating its Sustainable Official Community Plan (SOCP) & Zoning Bylaw to make sure they are both clear and consistent, and to address some important topics.
The project does not involve an overhaul of the SOCP but rather an update that will focus on:
- Creating a better vision and plan for the form and pattern of development in Quinsam Heights, and updating zoning regulations to match.
- Clarifying what types of shops and services we need and where they should be located, through updated policy and zoning for village and neighbourhood centres.
- Improving the appearance of commercial properties facing highways through updated policies and guidelines.
- Through zoning changes, making it easier to have a legal secondary dwelling, while managing impacts.
- Making the Zoning Bylaw simpler, clearer, and consistent with the SOCP.
The Sustainable Official Community Plan is a 50-year vision and plan for the whole City. It focuses on land use, transportation, infrastructure, community facilities, environment and climate change, and touches on social, cultural and economic development. The SOCP describes the community’s intent.
The Zoning Bylaw is a legal document that sets rules for development, including uses, building siting, size, and height, parking and landscaping. It applies the SOCP intent to development.
What is the Process & How Can I Get Involved?
City Council is keenly interested in this project, and is committed to a transparent, responsive planning process.
Over the next year and a half, we are asking citizens, business owners and community groups to share your ideas on key issues and weigh in on how the community should grow and develop. The City is engaging with First Nations on this project and other matters on a government-to-government basis.
There will be many opportunities to be involved throughout the process.

The process will take place in 2 key stages: the SOCP update and the Zoning Bylaw update.
Stage 1 is where we will update the SOCP.
- First, we will engage the community to confirm the plan’s vision and goals and explore issues and opportunities relating to Quinsam Heights, shops and services, development permits, and secondary dwellings. We will engage broadly first, then dive deeper through workshops.
- Second, we will combine community input with technical considerations to propose changes, and then we’ll check with the community to make sure we’re on the right track.
- Finally, we will update the plan for Council’s consideration.
Stage 2 is where we will update the Zoning Bylaw and make sure it is consistent with the SOCP so that residents, landowners and developers have a clear understanding of where we’re headed. While this is a more technical process, there will be opportunities for you to learn about proposed changes and help shape them before the Zoning Bylaw is updated and presented to Council for adoption.
Upcoming Events & Activities
Join us for the Public Hearing on the updated Official Community Plan in fall of 2016.
Stay tuned for opportunities to get involved in Stage 2 of the project: updating the Zoning Bylaw.