
The Board of Variance is an independent panel of five members appointed to consider minor variances from the City's Zoning Bylaw. Appeals to the Board are generally made by homeowners or developers when compliance with a minor aspect of Zoning Bylaw (such as a side yard setback) would cause "hardship" to the applicant.

The Board will consider whether the application is "minor" and whether "hardship" is evident, and will either deny or approve the application. The Board usually visits a site, and then hears representations from an applicant and/or neighbours before making a decision.

The Board meets when applications are received, typically three to five times a year.

Board of Variance Bylaw No. 3605, 2016 

Committee Members:

  • David Birtch
  • Bradley Maxwell
  • Ferris Stirling
  • Kristin Storry
  • Bruce Woytuik

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