If you are a registered property owner, an agent acting on behalf of an owner, or you have the Property File Research Request Form completed and signed by the current owner, you may be able to request digital copies of specific file records for a property within Campbell River, for a fee. Response time for Property Record Requests is three business days. Larger files, whether residential or commercial (Part 3), may take four to five business days.
The completed Property File Research Request Form (including proof of signing authority for a business) must be submitted and payment made prior to the request being processed. The table below shows the process for submitting a Property Record Request.

*Payment must be received within 7 business days of invoicing; otherwise you will need to resubmit your request.
The Fee Schedule for Property Record Request can be found in the Development Applications Procedures and Delegation Bylaw, 3955, 2024.
The City of Campbell River does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided in a Property Record Request and no representations are being made by providing these copies. Reliance on this information will be solely at your own risk and not that of the City. This information has been provided subject to the Federal Copyright Act and in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
The table below has been provided to help identify the types of records that may be obtained through a Property Record Request. If you require different or more detailed information from a property file, you will need to submit a Freedom of Information request through the Legislative Services Department.
Any information provided is for your convenience only and it should be clearly understood that you must satisfy yourself as to whether the premises and the existing or proposed use thereof is, or would be, in conformity with all applicable by-laws and regulations of the City. The City of Campbell River does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information given or its fitness for the purposes intended by the requestor.