Refresh Downtown was endorsed by City Council in 2017.
Click HERE to download the full document.
Project Description
Refresh Downtown is a comprehensive strategy with a focus on implementation, to make downtown Campbell River “development ready” for both capital projects and land owners looking to invest in our city.
It is designed to provide a platform from which to develop marketing material to attract new businesses and residents. Through detailed, scaled street design concepts, it informs specific engineering designs for a city street block, or for the individual property developer identifying opportunities for partnerships between the City and private sector.
Street design plans within Refresh Downtown are digitized within the City’s GIS system, and projects are integrated within the City’s ten-year financial plan. Refresh Downtown provides a stimulus for development, ensuring that the city is “development ready”, whenever and wherever in downtown it occurs.
Vision Concepts - Below are some of the vision concepts developed as part of the public consultation process. These concepts are contained within the Refresh Downtown document.
Cultural District (Shoppers Row)

Waterfront District (Pier Street looking north)

Cedar District (Cypress Street looking south towards 11th Avenue)