For all development related activity within the community, the Development Services Department has evolved into a one-stop service department to assist you with your development proposal. By combining development planning, building services, development engineering, and business licensing responsibilities, the Development Services Department will be able to assist you with all aspects of your proposal. To assess what applies to your proposal request, by email, an appointment for a pre-application meeting with the Development Services Staff who will be happy to assist you.
Phone: 250-286-5725
The City of Campbell River does not provide Comfort Letters. Requests for records that pertain to compliance, bylaw infractions, environmental assessment, or contamination records, notice of demolition or inspection reports are subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Requests for property information are handled through the Property Record Request Process.
The application process for any project can seem difficult and intimidating. The information contained in this area should assist you through the process. In addition, staff at the Development Services Department are always available to walk you through any process. more...
This list is made up of all the current development applications and is updated monthly. All approved applications will remain on the list for 1 month after more...
If you are the registered owner of a property, you may view the property file at City Hall through the Development Services Department with proof of ownership. more...
Secondary suites are separate living spaces within a larger home that include a kitchen, sleeping area, and bathroom. These suites are part of the same property and together are considered one single home. more...
a variance may be requested when a particular application by virtue of a site regulation such as a setback, site coverage, height or other regulation will not comply with the Zoning Bylaw. more...
If you are doing any construction work that impacts City lands or infrastructure such as a street, sidewalk, boulevard or parking lot, you will need to submit an application for a Works on City Lands and Infrastructure Permit. more...
Find out more about the various types of permits that require Works and Services. For all application types there are minimum submission requirements. more...