Downtown Small Initiatives Program
The Downtown Small Initiatives Program is a series of quick-to-complete projects that enhance the look and feel of the streetscape, and aims to bring extra vibrancy and activity to the downtown. The program is a vital component of the City’s downtown revitalization efforts which include both place-making and street activation projects.
The downtown boundary established in Refresh Downtown (red dashed line) is also the boundary for this program.
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Examples of Downtown Small Initiatives Projects
Increasing public seating through the installation of parklets and sidewalk bistro seating.
Honey Lemon Grill Parklet Grey Dog Dinner Parklet
Bistro Seating
Improving pedestrian amenities such as waste receptacles and bike racks.
Garbage Receptacles Bike Racks
Improving lighting and illumination of downtown street art and signage.
Dreamscape Mural Illumination Spider Spotlight
Downtown Safety Office Light Sconces
Adding more downtown event programming like CR Live Streets, which consists of art battles, chalk art festivals, night markets, movie nights, and street concerts.
Chalk Art Festival Evening Street Market
Enhancing landscaping features through the addition of decorative rocks, new plants, shrubs and flowers.
Tidemark Square Landscaping
Developing a food truck pilot program to provide additional food options in the downtown core.

CR Street Eats Food Truck Pilot Program
Downtown Food Truck Pilot Program
Over the past three years, outreach to the broader community has indicated a hungry appetite for food trucks in the downtown.
Food truck survey results from the 2016 Refresh Downtown public consultation process can be found here: 2016 Refresh Downtown Survey Results
A summary of the 2018 Food Truck Pilot Program survey results can be found here:
Summary of 2018 Food Truck Pilot Program Survey
To review the results from a 2019 Youth Action Committee food truck survey, select here:
2019 Youth Action Committee Food Truck Survey Results
In 2019, Council directed that staff proceed with implementing a Downtown Food Truck Pilot Program. The CR Street Eats Pilot Program launched on June 3, 2019 and was a 12-week initiative that permitted participating mobile food vendors to operate on public property within the downtown core. The Frequently Asked Questions document for the pilot program contained useful information regarding how the program would operate.
Upon conclusion of the pilot program on September 3, 2019, staff conducted public consultation with downtown businesses and local residents. On October 7, 2019, staff submitted a public consultation report to Council, which included the outcomes of the pilot program. Council has now directed staff to bring forward regulatory options for mobile food vendors to operate more permanently on public property, including within the downtown core. The consultation report can be found here:
CR Street Eats Pilot Program Outcomes and Public Engagement Report
For more information regarding the CR Street Eats Pilot Program or next steps, please contact the City’s Long Range Planning and Sustainability Department by email at or by telephone at 250-286-5727.
Do you have an idea for a Small Initiative in our downtown?
If so, please contact the City’s Long Range Planning and Sustainability Department by email at or by telephone at 250-286-5727.