Campbell River Playing Field Status


    Due to rainfall accumulation, natural surface fields are closed. The Parks Department will reassess the condition of grass fields on Monday, March 24, and will update user groups once a determination is made.

    The Robron Park artificial turf field remains open.

    For more information, contact the Parks Department at 250-286-4033.


The Parks Department is responsible for booking all City of Campbell River fields. It is also responsible for booking School District #72 fields on weekdays after 5:30 p.m. and on weekends.

To book a Park or Field, complete an application form for Parks and Outdoor Facilities (link below under Application Forms) and drop if off at the Dogwood Operations Centre, 385 S. Dogwood Street or email

If you are unable to access the downloadable form, please contact the Parks Department at 250-286-4033.

Be as specific as possible with location, dates and times of use. If your event will be attended by more than 150 persons or involves multiple dates, your group will require insurance. 
Please pay specific attention to the insurance requirements. The insurance certificate must:

  • Name the City of Campbell River and/or School District #72 as an additional insured
  • Have comprehensive general liability of not less than $2 million
  • Contain a cross liability clause. This must be stated on the certificate.

The Permit should be signed by a representative of the group. 
The permit fee is $29.00 for single community booking. User fee rates below. 

If the permit is for a sporting group with multiple usage dates the permit fee does not apply but field User fees will apply. Once the permit has been completed, fees paid and insurance (if required) in place then you will receive a confirmed copy of the permit. Copies of the permit are also sent to the City of Campbell River works yard or the SD72 works yard to let them know that you will be using the facility.

Events where alcohol will be served require a Special Event Licence Application.

View the Provinicial Guidelines  for more information about Special Occasion licences. If you are planning a Special Event, you will also require a Special Event Permit.

Application Forms:

Field Lighting

The City of Campbell River has three playing fields with lights for evening play.

  • Nunn's Creek Park: Baseball Diamond #3 (Midget/Bantam)
  • Willow Point Park Diamond #3: Softball/Slopitch
  • Cermaq Community Artificial Turf

There are fees involved for all  teams wishing to use the lights.

Tennis and Volleyball Courts

There is no fee for tennis or volleyball courts but they can be booked with a Field Court Application.


Looking for a Park to rest or play?  View our City Parks and Trails page.
