Smoke Testing: What You Need to Know

Smoke testing is a safe, efficient, and effective way to identify and locate issues in the sewer system. Smoke testing can alert City crews to any of these issues:

  • Leaks and infiltration: Identifies uncontrolled rainwater or groundwater that enters the sewer system.
  • Cross-Connections: Where the storm water system is tied directly into the sanitary sewer system, cross-connections can occur. This is where excess water from rainfall, snow melt or ground water enters into the pipes and goes to the wastewater treatment plant. Minimizing cross-connection flow is beneficial for everyone because it reduces waste-water treatment costs, sewage pumping costs, and reduces the risk of flooding.
  • Improper sewer connections: Pipes that are not properly connected could allow sewer gases into buildings.

Property owners are responsible for investigating and addressing problems on private property. The City is responsible for repairs to the sewer system from the property line. Should an issue be discovered, residents and business owners will be notified of City work plans and schedules for repairs.

Smoke Testing - What You Need to Know

  • Why is the City smoke testing?

  • How does smoke testing work?

  • What can I do to prepare for smoke testing?

  • Where does the smoke appear?

  • Can smoke enter my house?

  • What should I do if smoke vapour gets into the house?

  • If the smoke vapour is not harmful, why do you recommend evacuating the structure?

  • What happens if the inspection crews find a faulty sewer or lack of water traps in a home?

  • How long will the smoke testing take?

  • Do I have to be home during testing?

  • Can the smoke testing activate the smoke alarms?

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