Contact Us

Hours of operation, who to contact and how.

Official Community Plan

Our vision for today - and the future.

Bylaw Updates

Important information about the Bylaw Updates.


Location, location, location!

Building Permits and Inspections

Get help with your construction projects.

Engineering Submissions and Permits

Information related to Works and Services for subdivisons and building permits.

Applications, Forms and Guidelines

Must-reads and print-outs.

City Construction Projects

See how we're improving our community.

Interactive Maps

Maps and tools you can use.

Video Tutorials

Essential viewing before you begin your project

Downtown Revitalization

Read what's happening downtown here.

Green City

A lighter load: Campbell River's environmental programs.

Sea Level Rise

Campbell River’s changing coastline.


Follow the housing conversation.

Social Planning

Finding solutions through community development.

What's New
Upcoming Events