For information on Freemen of the City honours and biography of recipients, click on this document.

The honour of Freeman is the highest honour a city can bestow on an individual. The title of Freeman shows the City’s recognition of selfless acts and deeds performed as well as our appreciation and thanks for the tireless commitment to the community by this honoured person. 

The purpose of naming a person Freeman and bestowing the honour of Freedom of the City is to recognize an individual who has created tremendous pride, given exemplary service to, or made an outstanding contribution to the City of Campbell River. This honour is restricted to very exceptional cases, and requires Council to reserve the honour for only those particular cases of exceedingly high merit. 
While Freemen’s names are added to the top of the voters’ list and included in city social events, the title 
carries no privilege; it is purely an honour, reflecting the eminence of the person on whom it is conferred or as recognition of significant and valuable services rendered to the City by that person. Freemen are also lookedupon as “elders” of the community and called upon for advice by council. 
Since Campbell River’s incorporation in 1947, nine freemen have been named: 

  • Oscar Thulin (1965); 
  • Tom Barnett (1982) 
  • Robert Ostler (1991)
  • Mary Ashley (1994)
  • Dot Andrews (2005)
  • Bill Harrison (2005)
  • Jim Lornie (2005)
  • Bill Matthews (2007)
  • Rod Brind’Amour (2007) 

Criteria for selection includes: 

  • Selfless service to the community 
  • Outstanding achievements in a number of areas within the arts, business, humanities, politics, community service, sports, environment or professional endeavours.
  • Nomination requests are accepted but not solicited from the public; 
  • Nomination of an ex-Council member are not considered for a minimum of one year after that member’s term has ended;
  • The honour cannot be bestowed posthumously.

More information on the Freemen of the City honours and Biography  for July 2011.

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