Community Presentations June, July & September 2017
There has been a lot of public discussion regarding the future of the 3.5-acre site for several years, and the results of the various workshops and engagement process have become an integral part of our understanding of public aspirations, goals and concerns. At the public engagement sessions in June and July, community members proposed ideas for this location. We have attempted to distill guiding principles and a sense of community aspirations from this exercise, and reported on the results in September. The public nature of the site has proven to be a central theme. There have been several comments received that the land should remain in the hands of the City of Campbell River. As well, there is general consensus that the lands should be an integral part of the continuous public-access and recreation waterfront system, which has been developed along the community's shoreline. This suggests that public movement should be facilitated, and that reasons for the public to regularly be in the space will be a central goal for the project.
Community members have proposed a number of specific "building" projects, including an aquarium, arts and cultural venues, a public market, and small service commercial functions serving the general public. The overriding message has been that if there is a building component to site development, it should provide cultural and social benefit, and not be a large centre for private sector profit.
3.5 Acre Site Waterfront Task Force links
Detailed information about the 3.5 Acre Site Waterfront Task Force:
Click the thumbnails below to view a photos of the 3.5 acre site:

Waterfront Task Force Road Map:
June – Input
- Inspired Characteristics
- Physical Planning Framework
July – Input
- Refine Inspired Characteristics
- Exploring Options for Partnerships with Wei Wai Kum First Nation
August – Input
- Public Area Planning
- Building Planning
- Preliminary Design
September – Input and Feedback
- Analyze Public Open House Feedback
- Review Public Open House
November - Feedback
- Refine Final Report + Planning
Background & Update
A review, public engagement and physical planning process for the 3.5-acre site has been underway since late May, and final submission to Council will be completed in November.
Process and Schedule
The process has begun with three key focus areas:
- understanding of past processes and of technical concerns
- learning from the citizens of Campbell River about goals, aspirations and functional requirements
- outlining physical planning realities and priorities
The focus over the first two months has been with the first two issues - technical and historical background, and initial public engagement. We have also begun the process of site analysis, exploration of key physical planning direction, and reaching accord on priorities and goals.
The process is evolving according to the attached "Road Map", and consists of monthly cycles of consultant teamwork, Task Force review, and moving forward to the following month with Task Force consensus based on each Task Force meeting. In a broad outline, the process is working toward completion of fact-finding and consensus-building public engagement through the month of July. A summary of conclusions and physical planning direction will be prepared for a full public Open House on September 12. The Open House will be an opportunity for the general public to understand and comment on the direction confirmed by the Task Force; public response will be recorded and contribute to final editing and revision of the plan.
The public engagement process has been evolving as we learn more about the site and its history. We have completed our first round of general public comment, and this process will continue throughout the life of the project.
Through our initial investigations and discussions we have gained a lot of clarity regarding the site, public priorities and evolving consensus.
Links for further information
City of Campbell River - Report to Council