by Tanya Gunn | Mar 20, 2023
Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


BC Hydro Hydroelectric Operations

Stephen Watson, Stakeholder Engagement Advisor for BC Hydro, presented to Council on 2022 hydroelectric operations, the outlook for 2023, and the three proposed dam safety upgrade projects at the John Hart, Ladore and Strathcona facilities. Council will provide a letter of support to BC Hydro.

Food Truck Permitting and Regulation
Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3886, 2023. The updated bylaw amends interpretations and definitions related to food trucks to allow food trucks at designated locations in Campbell River.

2280 and 2290 Eardley Road
Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3891, 2023. This bylaw rezones a portion of 2280 Eardley Road from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone and 2290 Eardley Road from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone and Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone. This will allow the development of a secondary residential unit and a two-storey, 11-unit apartment building. The requirement for a public hearing was waived.

615 Rebecca Place
Council gave Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3895, 2023, first and second reading and decided not to hold a public hearing. This bylaw rezones the property at 615 Rebecca Place from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone to allow for a secondary residence in an existing ancillary building.

4236 Glendinning Drive Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3896, which subdivides 4236 Glendinning Drive into two lots and rezones the lots from Residential Estate One (RE-1) Zone to Residential One (R-1) Zone. The bylaw allows for a future subdivision and construction of a single-detached dwelling on the new lot. Council decided not to hold a Public Hearing.

497 Rockland Road
Council gave and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3883, 2023, as amended, to rezone the property at 497 Rockland Road from Commercial Eight (C-8) to Residential Multiple Three (RM-3) to allow townhouses with secondary suites or apartments, totalling 24 dwelling units, if conditions are met. This bylaw received first and second reading in January 2023. Following that meeting, a request was made to reconsider the bylaw to include ‘apartment’ in the amendment, and to limit the maximum building height to 15m. Council amended the bylaw at second reading and staff will now proceed to schedule a Public Hearing.

2675 Dolly Varden Road
Council approved Development Variance Permit application P2200108 to vary Zoning Bylaw 3250, 2006, to reduce the side and rear yard setbacks and to increase the height of a secondary residence at 2675 Dolly Varden Road.

1874 Carlyle Crescent
Council approved Development Variance Permit application P2200105 to vary Zoning Bylaw 3250, 2006, to allow for a second driveway on a property for a secondary residence.

1520 and 1536 Perkins Road
Council approved Major Development Permit Application P2200077 to vary Zoning Bylaw No. 3250, 2006. to allow for three townhouse apartments with 12 residential units at 1520 and 1536 Perkins Road, with variances to front and rear yard setbacks and an increase in the percentage of small car parking stalls.

Hours of Liquor Service Request at 1351 Cedar Street
Council received an application to extend the hours of the Liquor Primary Licence at 1331 Cedar Street, also known as JJ’s Pub (legally addressed as 1351 Cedar Street). The application looks to extend the hours of liquor service to 3 a.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and to 2 a.m. on Sundays. Written submissions were received that did not support the application and concerns were highlighted by the RCMP. Council supported the application on a one-year trial basis.

RFP for Enterprise Resource Planning System Acquisition
Council approved the award of RFP 22-62 for Enterprise Resource Planning System Acquisition, Implementation & On-Going Support to UNIT4 Business Software Corporation for $2,113,955.00, excluding GST, over a 5-year term.
Quarterly Financial Report - Q4 2022
Council received the City’s Quarterly Financial Report – Q4, 2022 for information.


Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw

Council adopted Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw No. 3888, which maintains the annual remuneration for Mayor and Council at the 2022 levels for 2023.

Council Advisory Committees
Council concluded the Airport, Environmental and Tourism Advisory Committees until the City’s Advisory Committee Structure is reviewed.

City Manager Designated City Liaison to Medical Health Officer
Council designated City Manager, Elle Brovold, as the City liaison to the Medical Health Officer.

Remedial Action for 84 Dogwood Street and 1936 Nunns Road
Council directed that the owners of 84 Dogwood Street and 1936 Nunns Road be required to bring the properties into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014, and authorized City contractors to enter onto the properties to perform the work required to achieve compliance if necessary. Written correspondence from a property owner was received.


BMX Track at Nunns Creek Park
Council received correspondence from the Campbell River BMX Association requesting that the City:

1. Grant permission to use the Nunn’s Creek Park property to rebuild the BMX track at 1299 Homewood Road;
2. Assign a City contact person for communication; and,
3. Consider the CR BMX Association for future grants or funding opportunities.

Council directed staff to bring back a report on potential locations within the City for a BMX site.

Travel Grant for Campbell River Firefighters Curling Team
Council supported a request from the Campbell River Firefighters Curling Team for a $500 travel grant to participate in the Canadian Firefighters Curling Championship. 
Ocean Shores Condominiums Strata Safety Concerns
Council received correspondence from the Ocean Shores Condominiums Strata regarding safety concerns with access to their property and directed staff to have further discussion with the Strata regarding their concerns.




by Tanya Gunn | Mar 20, 2023
Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


BC Hydro Hydroelectric Operations

Stephen Watson, Stakeholder Engagement Advisor for BC Hydro, presented to Council on 2022 hydroelectric operations, the outlook for 2023, and the three proposed dam safety upgrade projects at the John Hart, Ladore and Strathcona facilities. Council will provide a letter of support to BC Hydro.

Food Truck Permitting and Regulation
Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3886, 2023. The updated bylaw amends interpretations and definitions related to food trucks to allow food trucks at designated locations in Campbell River.

2280 and 2290 Eardley Road
Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3891, 2023. This bylaw rezones a portion of 2280 Eardley Road from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone and 2290 Eardley Road from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone and Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone. This will allow the development of a secondary residential unit and a two-storey, 11-unit apartment building. The requirement for a public hearing was waived.

615 Rebecca Place
Council gave Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3895, 2023, first and second reading and decided not to hold a public hearing. This bylaw rezones the property at 615 Rebecca Place from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone to allow for a secondary residence in an existing ancillary building.

4236 Glendinning Drive Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3896, which subdivides 4236 Glendinning Drive into two lots and rezones the lots from Residential Estate One (RE-1) Zone to Residential One (R-1) Zone. The bylaw allows for a future subdivision and construction of a single-detached dwelling on the new lot. Council decided not to hold a Public Hearing.

497 Rockland Road
Council gave and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3883, 2023, as amended, to rezone the property at 497 Rockland Road from Commercial Eight (C-8) to Residential Multiple Three (RM-3) to allow townhouses with secondary suites or apartments, totalling 24 dwelling units, if conditions are met. This bylaw received first and second reading in January 2023. Following that meeting, a request was made to reconsider the bylaw to include ‘apartment’ in the amendment, and to limit the maximum building height to 15m. Council amended the bylaw at second reading and staff will now proceed to schedule a Public Hearing.

2675 Dolly Varden Road
Council approved Development Variance Permit application P2200108 to vary Zoning Bylaw 3250, 2006, to reduce the side and rear yard setbacks and to increase the height of a secondary residence at 2675 Dolly Varden Road.

1874 Carlyle Crescent
Council approved Development Variance Permit application P2200105 to vary Zoning Bylaw 3250, 2006, to allow for a second driveway on a property for a secondary residence.

1520 and 1536 Perkins Road
Council approved Major Development Permit Application P2200077 to vary Zoning Bylaw No. 3250, 2006. to allow for three townhouse apartments with 12 residential units at 1520 and 1536 Perkins Road, with variances to front and rear yard setbacks and an increase in the percentage of small car parking stalls.

Hours of Liquor Service Request at 1351 Cedar Street
Council received an application to extend the hours of the Liquor Primary Licence at 1331 Cedar Street, also known as JJ’s Pub (legally addressed as 1351 Cedar Street). The application looks to extend the hours of liquor service to 3 a.m. on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and to 2 a.m. on Sundays. Written submissions were received that did not support the application and concerns were highlighted by the RCMP. Council supported the application on a one-year trial basis.

RFP for Enterprise Resource Planning System Acquisition
Council approved the award of RFP 22-62 for Enterprise Resource Planning System Acquisition, Implementation & On-Going Support to UNIT4 Business Software Corporation for $2,113,955.00, excluding GST, over a 5-year term.
Quarterly Financial Report - Q4 2022
Council received the City’s Quarterly Financial Report – Q4, 2022 for information.


Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw

Council adopted Council Remuneration Amendment Bylaw No. 3888, which maintains the annual remuneration for Mayor and Council at the 2022 levels for 2023.

Council Advisory Committees
Council concluded the Airport, Environmental and Tourism Advisory Committees until the City’s Advisory Committee Structure is reviewed.

City Manager Designated City Liaison to Medical Health Officer
Council designated City Manager, Elle Brovold, as the City liaison to the Medical Health Officer.

Remedial Action for 84 Dogwood Street and 1936 Nunns Road
Council directed that the owners of 84 Dogwood Street and 1936 Nunns Road be required to bring the properties into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014, and authorized City contractors to enter onto the properties to perform the work required to achieve compliance if necessary. Written correspondence from a property owner was received.


BMX Track at Nunns Creek Park
Council received correspondence from the Campbell River BMX Association requesting that the City:

1. Grant permission to use the Nunn’s Creek Park property to rebuild the BMX track at 1299 Homewood Road;
2. Assign a City contact person for communication; and,
3. Consider the CR BMX Association for future grants or funding opportunities.

Council directed staff to bring back a report on potential locations within the City for a BMX site.

Travel Grant for Campbell River Firefighters Curling Team
Council supported a request from the Campbell River Firefighters Curling Team for a $500 travel grant to participate in the Canadian Firefighters Curling Championship. 
Ocean Shores Condominiums Strata Safety Concerns
Council received correspondence from the Ocean Shores Condominiums Strata regarding safety concerns with access to their property and directed staff to have further discussion with the Strata regarding their concerns.


Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run