• Mar 15, 2021

    Highway 19A upgrade work restarts, Rockland Road closure required

    The final work required to complete the Highway 19A Upgrades project is now underway – and to complete this year’s task list safely, Rockland Road (between the highway and Galerno Road) will be closed during the construction period.

    In 2020, all underground services were installed through the project boundaries – roughly from Simms Creek to Big Rock Boat Ramp. Roadway structure was established, and curbs, lighting and the new roundabout were also installed.

    This year, overhead wires will be moved under ground – a task postponed due to COVID-19 – and landscaping will be completed. The work requires extensive coordination with a number of service providers and contractors, particularly through the tightest area at Rockland Road. To give crews room to work and maneuver off the highway, a portion of Rockland Road will be closed again beginning March 22, 2021. Read more...


Highway 19A upgrade work restarts, Rockland Road closure required

by Tanya Gunn | Mar 15, 2021

The final work required to complete the Highway 19A Upgrades project is now underway – and to complete this year’s task list safely, Rockland Road (between the highway and Galerno Road) will be closed during the construction period.

In 2020, all underground services were installed through the project boundaries – roughly from Simms Creek to Big Rock Boat Ramp. Roadway structure was established, and curbs, lighting and the new roundabout were also installed.

This year, overhead wires will be moved under ground – a task postponed due to COVID-19 – and landscaping will be completed. The work requires extensive coordination with a number of service providers and contractors, particularly through the tightest area at Rockland Road. To give crews room to work and maneuver off the highway, a portion of Rockland Road will be closed again beginning March 22, 2021. Read more...

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