• Dec 03, 2020

    Recreation service changes - Temporary restrictions on adult team sports

    In response to the most recent public health orders, the City of Campbell River will temporarily suspend all indoor and outdoor adult team sports.

    To meet the Province’s direction, the City is in the process of cancelling adult field and facility bookings – and advising people who’ve booked for pickleball, soft tennis and badminton that they can play singles games only at this time. Read more..


Recreation service changes - Temporary restrictions on adult team sports

by Tanya Gunn | Dec 03, 2020

In response to the most recent public health orders, the City of Campbell River will temporarily suspend all indoor and outdoor adult team sports.

To meet the Province’s direction, the City is in the process of cancelling adult field and facility bookings – and advising people who’ve booked for pickleball, soft tennis and badminton that they can play singles games only at this time. Read more..