The City is proposing Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3989, 2025, for 375 2nd Avenue. Legal Description: LOT A DISTRICT LOT 72 SAYWARD DISTRICT PLAN VIP70741.
The proposed site-specific text amendment to the Public Area One (PA-1) Zone would permit a new development that will provide residential accommodation to doctors and nurses, and to families that need lodging while staying with a family member who is in hospital.
Council will consider first, second, and third readings at 6 p.m. on April 10, 2025, in Council Chambers at 301 St. Ann’s Road.
Written submissions, quoting file number P2500014, will be received no later than 4 p.m., Thursday, April 10, 2025, by the Development Services Department or via email at
To view supporting application documents, visit our Current Development Applications Map at or visit City Hall during business hours. The Report to Council will be available on Friday, April 4, 2025, at
PLEASE NOTE: All correspondence submitted will be published as part of the public record when this matter is before Council or a Committee of Council. The author’s address is considered relevant and will be included. Do not provide a phone number or email address if you wish to keep this personal information private.
*Section 464 (3) of the Local Government Act states: A local government is not required to hold a public hearing on a proposed zoning bylaw if
(a) an official community plan is in effect for the area that is the subject of the zoning bylaw, (b) the bylaw is consistent with the official community plan.
(c) the sole purpose of the bylaw is to permit a development that is, in whole or in part, a residential development, and
(d) the residential component of the development accounts for at least half of the gross floor area of all buildings and other structures proposed as part of the development.
For more information, contact or (250) 286-5725.