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The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.
Vital Signs 2024
Council received a presentation about Campbell River’s 2024 Vital Signs report from Michaela Arruda, Executive Director, Campbell River Community Foundation. Vital Signs uses community-driven data to present a snapshot of the region’s vitality, needs and opportunities. It explores topics such as housing, health, work and economy and much more.
In June 2024 Council approved funding support of up to $15,000 for the Campbell River Community Foundation and this project.
Visit to view the report.
Update to Storm Drain and Sanitary Sewer Connection Bylaws
Council adopted Sanitary Sewer System Connections Amendment Bylaw No. 3981, 2025, and Storm Drain System Connections Amendment Bylaw No. 3982, 2025. These bylaws specify when properties must connect to the City’s systems and the cost for the work if it’s performed by the City. The previous charges were dated and did not cover the actual cost incurred by the City on those rare occasions when it must complete this work on behalf of property owners. The bylaw amendments update all charges to capture the City’s actual cost, plus a 10 per cent administrative fee.
Amendments to Council Procedure and Public Notice Bylaws
Council gave third readings to Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw No. 3987, 2025, and Public Notice Amendment Bylaw No. 3988, 2025.
If adopted, the proposed bylaw amendments would specify that:
• The public notice posting place will be the agenda holder in the foyer at City Hall (301 St. Ann’s Road) and a public notice board outside of City Hall.
• Two required public notices will be posted: one on the City’s social media channels and another on the City’s website.
• A third notice will be posted in the local newspaper. This notice will be concise and refer readers to the first two posting locations and the public notice board for more information.
City practices look to meet all requirements in the Community Charter and Local Government Act and to inform the public in modern, effective, flexible and efficient ways. The proposed bylaws would not discontinue public notices in the local newspaper. Keeping the diverse residents of Campbell River informed is a priority for the City. The proposed bylaws look to make public notice information available on a notice board at City Hall (301 St. Ann’s Road), on the City website (, on the City’s social media platforms, and via the local newspaper.
Correspondence regarding Public Notice Amendment Bylaw No. 3988, 2025, was received by Council.
2025 Community Grant Recommendations
Council approved awarding a total of $820,600 in Community Grants to 18 organizations. The Community Grant program supports arts, culture, and community services that enhance the quality of life of residents in Campbell River.
The total grant budget for 2025 has been maintained at 2024 levels and all organizations received their requested funds, which were the same as 2024 levels unless otherwise requested.
In 2024, Council approved the Financial Assistance Policy (FAP) which streamlines the grant process, increasing transparency and accountability to Campbell River taxpayers. To assist organizations with the transition to this new policy, 2025 grants were awarded under former community grant criteria. The FAP governs all financial assistance under one holistic policy. This includes grants, leases and facility rentals to non-profit organizations. The City notified organizations that changes were being considered in 2023 and will be offering revenue diversification workshops in the spring and meetings to assist non-profit organizations with the transition and the application process under the new FAP.
Official Community Plan Update — Communications and Engagement Strategy
Council endorsed the Communications and Engagement Strategy Update for the Official Community Plan (OCP), with a recommendation that online access to OCP presentations be included.
The City is conducting a comprehensive review and update of its OCP to guide growth and development in the community over the next 20 years. The OCP is the strategic vision for the future of Campbell River— it guides how neighbourhoods are designed, how people move around the community, how land is used, and the amenities the City provides. The last full review of the OCP took place in 2012, with minor updates made in 2015. Since then, Campbell River has experienced rapid growth and other significant changes, making this OCP review timely for addressing the community’s current priorities. The Province requires municipalities to review and update their OCPs by December 31, 2025.
A preview video launching the OCP engagement strategy was shared, and more information regarding engagement opportunities will be shared with the public in the coming weeks.
Economic Development Department’s 2025 Annual Tactical Plan
Council received the Economic Development Department’s Annual Tactical Plan for 2025 for information. The tactical plan is an action plan that builds on the seven strategic goals that are laid out in the department’s five-year rolling strategic plan. Objectives include expanding the business training for The Rail Yard Market vendors to include other small businesses, developing a work plan for the Municipal Investment Attraction Readiness Program, preparing the department’s 2026-2030 Strategic Plan, supporting key sector industries, exploring opportunities to support innovation and a future-ready workforce, and more.
Interfor Letter to British Columbia Municipal Governments
Council received correspondence from Svetlana Kayumova, Vice President, Corporate Communications & Government Relations, Interfor. Addressed to British Columbia Municipal Governments, the letter outlines actions Interfor is proposing to provincial and federal governments to support forest industry operations as the industry navigates the economic uncertainty of tariffs implemented by the United States. Council supported Interfor’s request and committed to advocacy support.