• Nov 09, 2023


    Overall quality of life in Campbell River highly rated (90%).

    In fall 2023, a bi-annual Citizen Satisfaction Survey was mailed to 1,300 randomly selected Campbell River residents and an online survey was made available to all residents on the City of Campbell River (the City) engagement platform. Residents were asked to rate their satisfaction with City services and the quality of life within the community. The survey results support a trend of satisfaction with the community, City services and staff, while also acknowledging key issues.

    932 surveys were completed; 372 completed surveys were mailed back, and 560 surveys were completed on the City’s online engagement platform, Get Involved Campbell River.

    The following highlights focus on the mail survey results as they remove an element of self-selection bias present in the online results. A response rate of 29% was achieved for the mailed surveys, which is in line with results typically received by Discovery Research, the consultants hired to complete this project.

    • Quality of life in Campbell River is highly rated

      90% rate the overall quality of life in Campbell River as good (66%) or very good (24%). Similarly, 84% rated Campbell River as a good place to raise children and 89% as a good place to retire.

      While satisfaction levels remain high, 69% said they felt that the quality of life in Campbell River has worsened over the past three years.

      31% felt their favourite thing about living in Campbell River was the scenery, beauty, being close to nature and 25% felt it is being close to the ocean.

    • Satisfaction with City Services and Programs

      86% of respondents are “very satisfied” (14%) or “somewhat satisfied” (72%) with City services and programs. High satisfaction ratings were given for community, cultural, and recreational events (95%); city trails (93%); and water supply (92%).

      The lowest satisfaction ratings were given for bylaws and enforcement with 37% satisfied. While overall satisfaction levels were down, 73% of respondents support increased downtown foot patrols by RCMP, bylaw and security personnel. Earlier this year, Council approved four additional Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) police officer positions and one additional municipal bylaw enforcement officer position in the 2023-2032 Financial Plan.

    • Important issues facing Campbell River

      76% indicated that homelessness and addiction was one of the most important issues facing the city of Campbell River. Other important issues included crime and safety of citizens (36%) and the affordability and availability of housing (32%).

      49% of respondents are "Somewhat” or “Very Satisfied” with local authorities’ efforts for downtown revitalization, while 51% indicated they are dissatisfied.

    • Customer Service Provided by City Employees — Excellent
      The majority of residents who have interacted with staff in the past year feel that City staff are courteous (91% satisfied), helpful (80% satisfied), and knowledgeable (86% satisfied).

    “Thank you to everyone who shared feedback, your time is appreciated and will help shape the facilities, services, and programs available for years to come,” says Mayor Kermit Dahl. “We hear and understand residents’ concerns related to homelessness, mental health, addictions, and housing and assures the community that a healthy and safe community is a priority for Council. We continue to invest in efforts at a municipal level to address them, while also working with and advocating on Campbell River’s behalf to other levels of government who are key to addressing these challenges.”

    The bi-annual Citizen Satisfaction Survey provides up-to-date information for Council decision-making and helps staff make recommendations that reflect where the community is at. The results assist in the development of and meeting public consultation requirements for key documents such as the financial plan.

    “It is encouraging to see that satisfaction levels remain high, and the majority of residents experience a high overall quality of life and are satisfied with City staff and services,” says City Manager, Elle Brovold. “The results do follow downward trends seen in other municipalities across BC and were expected based on information provided in the latest Point-in-Time homeless count for Campbell River, the RCMP Downtown Business Survey and other regional reports that highlight significant increases in challenges due to mental health, addictions and homelessness. Although these issues are not traditionally within the jurisdiction of local governments, these insights further support Council’s prioritization of community safety and downtown revitalization in the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan and the 2023 Financial Plan.

    The 2023 Campbell River Citizen Survey - Detailed Report is available at www.getinvolved.campbellriver.ca.

