During the Council meeting on October 12, 2023, the City of Campbell River Council rescinded third reading of the Permissive Tax exemption bylaw and amended the bylaw so that all 90 per cent Permissive Tax Exemptions are adjusted back to 100 per cent (as originally proposed), and that those less than that will be adjusted back up equally in a pro-rated manner. With this change, the bylaw was given third reading.
The removal of the PTE for the Campbell River Art Gallery was acknowledged and Council committed to working with the organization on a productive solution and path forward, which could see the 2024 property taxes funded through Council Contingency.
Council direct staff to review and make recommendations to the Council policy on the current PTE limit of 1.7% and the allocation amounts to individual organizations for the 2025 tax year.
Council acknowledged the residents and community groups in attendance and those that reached out, and thanked them for sharing their feedback and for allowing Council to listen and determine a productive solution.