• Feb 14, 2023


    Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

    The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

    620 Petersen Road
    Development Variance Permit application P2200034 was approved, which reduces the requirement for underground utility wiring from 100 to 50% and varies design standards from Urban Local to Rural Local Road. The City must receive a cost estimate and cash-in-lieu contribution for the required undergrounding work. The applicant’s agent, Rachel Ricard, addressed Council regarding the application as staff recommended an alternate outcome to the original request. The request to eliminate the requirement for underground utility wiring at 620 Petersen Road was denied and staff confirmed cash in lieu contributions would be allocated to the intended project that it was collected.

    1650 Galerno Road and 0 Alder Street
    Development Variance Permit P2200083 was approved, which reduces the requirement for underground utility wiring from 100 to 50%. The City must receive a cost estimate and cash-in-lieu contribution for the required undergrounding work. Written submissions regarding P2200083 were received, and the applicant’s agent, Meghan Norman, addressed Council regarding the application as staff recommended an alternate outcome to the original request. The request to eliminate the requirement for underground utility wiring was denied. Staff confirmed cash in lieu contributions would be allocated to the intended project that it was collected. Council directed staff to bring forward an amendment to the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw by the March 30, 2023, Council meeting, to reflect the cash in lieu contribution.

    780 Pinecrest Road
    Development Variance Permit Application P2200087 was approved, which allows an increase to the maximum height of a retaining wall from 1.5 to 3.4 metres and removes the requirements to terrace the wall and screen the retaining wall with landscaping.

    1308 Evergreen Road
    Development Variance Permit Application P2200113 was approved, which reduces the east side yard setback from 3 to 2.25 metres and the west side yard setback from 3.0 to 1.9 metres.

    2280 and 2290 Eardley Road
    Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3891, 2023, to rezone a portion of 2280 Eardley Road from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone and to rezone 2290 Eardley Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone and Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone to develop a secondary residential unit and a two-storey, 11-unit apartment building was given first and second reading. The public hearing requirement was waived.

    781 7th Avenue
    Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3877 to legalize three existing units at 781 7th Avenue was given third reading and adopted. The public hearing requirement was waived.

    Permitting and Regulation of Food Trucks
    Council gave first and second readings to the Business Licence Amendment Bylaw No. 3887, 2023 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3886, 2023. The changes add criteria and amend interpretations and definitions to allow food trucks at designated locations in Campbell River, as recommended in the Economic Development Department report dated January 26, 2023. The public hearing requirement was waived.

    Heart of the City Business Improvement Area Bylaw Amendment
    Council directed staff to prepare a bylaw to amend the name of the Heart of the City Business Improvement Area (HoCBIA) to the Downtown Campbell River Business Improvement Association and to expand the current area boundaries to include properties located on Pier Street that were previously part of the Pier Street Association, as recommended in the report dated January 29, 2023, from the Legislative Services Department. The amendment was established by Council Initiative as requested by the Heart of the City Business Improvement Area Society.

    UBCM Poverty Reduction Application
    Council supported the partnership with Strathcona Regional District to submit a collaborative application to the UBCM Poverty Reduction Planning & Action Stream 1 to develop a Regional Poverty Reduction Plan as recommended in the Long Range Planning & Sustainability Department, February 9, 2023 report.

    Financial Planning Overview
     The first 2023-2032 pre-budget Committee of the Whole meeting took place on February 7, 2023, and provided Council with foundational information to inform and prepare Council for Financial Planning deliberations, which will take place from March 7-10, 2023. 

    Key conversations included:

    • A summary of previous discussions leading up to 2023 financial planning
    • 2023 budget strategy
    • Discussion on components of a financial plan and sources of funding to assist with decision making
    • Macro and micro issues that have led to the drafting of a Financial Plan that is outside of parameters established in the Financial Stability & Resiliency Policy.
    • An overview of major changes to City revenue and expenses

    The January 30, 2023, Cherry Tree Lane Strata Development request to open Willow Creek Road for the provision of an egress was received and a staff report was requested on the potential re-opening of Willow Creek Road, including cost estimates.

    HIGHLIGHTS of February 9, 2023 COUNCIL MEETING



by Alison Harrower | Feb 14, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

620 Petersen Road
Development Variance Permit application P2200034 was approved, which reduces the requirement for underground utility wiring from 100 to 50% and varies design standards from Urban Local to Rural Local Road. The City must receive a cost estimate and cash-in-lieu contribution for the required undergrounding work. The applicant’s agent, Rachel Ricard, addressed Council regarding the application as staff recommended an alternate outcome to the original request. The request to eliminate the requirement for underground utility wiring at 620 Petersen Road was denied and staff confirmed cash in lieu contributions would be allocated to the intended project that it was collected.

1650 Galerno Road and 0 Alder Street
Development Variance Permit P2200083 was approved, which reduces the requirement for underground utility wiring from 100 to 50%. The City must receive a cost estimate and cash-in-lieu contribution for the required undergrounding work. Written submissions regarding P2200083 were received, and the applicant’s agent, Meghan Norman, addressed Council regarding the application as staff recommended an alternate outcome to the original request. The request to eliminate the requirement for underground utility wiring was denied. Staff confirmed cash in lieu contributions would be allocated to the intended project that it was collected. Council directed staff to bring forward an amendment to the Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw by the March 30, 2023, Council meeting, to reflect the cash in lieu contribution.

780 Pinecrest Road
Development Variance Permit Application P2200087 was approved, which allows an increase to the maximum height of a retaining wall from 1.5 to 3.4 metres and removes the requirements to terrace the wall and screen the retaining wall with landscaping.

1308 Evergreen Road
Development Variance Permit Application P2200113 was approved, which reduces the east side yard setback from 3 to 2.25 metres and the west side yard setback from 3.0 to 1.9 metres.

2280 and 2290 Eardley Road
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3891, 2023, to rezone a portion of 2280 Eardley Road from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone and to rezone 2290 Eardley Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone and Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone to develop a secondary residential unit and a two-storey, 11-unit apartment building was given first and second reading. The public hearing requirement was waived.

781 7th Avenue
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3877 to legalize three existing units at 781 7th Avenue was given third reading and adopted. The public hearing requirement was waived.

Permitting and Regulation of Food Trucks
Council gave first and second readings to the Business Licence Amendment Bylaw No. 3887, 2023 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3886, 2023. The changes add criteria and amend interpretations and definitions to allow food trucks at designated locations in Campbell River, as recommended in the Economic Development Department report dated January 26, 2023. The public hearing requirement was waived.

Heart of the City Business Improvement Area Bylaw Amendment
Council directed staff to prepare a bylaw to amend the name of the Heart of the City Business Improvement Area (HoCBIA) to the Downtown Campbell River Business Improvement Association and to expand the current area boundaries to include properties located on Pier Street that were previously part of the Pier Street Association, as recommended in the report dated January 29, 2023, from the Legislative Services Department. The amendment was established by Council Initiative as requested by the Heart of the City Business Improvement Area Society.

UBCM Poverty Reduction Application
Council supported the partnership with Strathcona Regional District to submit a collaborative application to the UBCM Poverty Reduction Planning & Action Stream 1 to develop a Regional Poverty Reduction Plan as recommended in the Long Range Planning & Sustainability Department, February 9, 2023 report.

Financial Planning Overview
 The first 2023-2032 pre-budget Committee of the Whole meeting took place on February 7, 2023, and provided Council with foundational information to inform and prepare Council for Financial Planning deliberations, which will take place from March 7-10, 2023. 

Key conversations included:

  • A summary of previous discussions leading up to 2023 financial planning
  • 2023 budget strategy
  • Discussion on components of a financial plan and sources of funding to assist with decision making
  • Macro and micro issues that have led to the drafting of a Financial Plan that is outside of parameters established in the Financial Stability & Resiliency Policy.
  • An overview of major changes to City revenue and expenses

The January 30, 2023, Cherry Tree Lane Strata Development request to open Willow Creek Road for the provision of an egress was received and a staff report was requested on the potential re-opening of Willow Creek Road, including cost estimates.


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