• Dec 23, 2022


    In response to the winter storm warning in effect, the City of Campbell River and the Campbell River Coalition to End Homelessness are activating a warming centre at the Community Centre from 10:00 p.m. on the evening of December 23 to 7 a.m. on December 24, 2022. 

    The warming centre will be staffed with individuals who have experience working with people experiencing homelessness to ensure support is available to those attending the centre. Funding for the centre is provided by Emergency Management BC and the City of Campbell River. Thank you to the Coalition to End Homelessness and the many staff and volunteers who make warming centre activations possible.

    In the coming days, a new space is set to open at the Harbourside Inn, 1342 Shoppers Row. This space will provide dedicated services for the unhoused population. In line with this opening, the City will no longer be operating a warming centre out of the Community Centre. For information on the new space, please contact Laichwiltach Family Life Society.

    For more information on the City warming centre, contact Peter Wipper, Director of Community Safety, at Peter.Wipper@campbellriver.ca.



by Alison Harrower | Dec 23, 2022

In response to the winter storm warning in effect, the City of Campbell River and the Campbell River Coalition to End Homelessness are activating a warming centre at the Community Centre from 10:00 p.m. on the evening of December 23 to 7 a.m. on December 24, 2022. 

The warming centre will be staffed with individuals who have experience working with people experiencing homelessness to ensure support is available to those attending the centre. Funding for the centre is provided by Emergency Management BC and the City of Campbell River. Thank you to the Coalition to End Homelessness and the many staff and volunteers who make warming centre activations possible.

In the coming days, a new space is set to open at the Harbourside Inn, 1342 Shoppers Row. This space will provide dedicated services for the unhoused population. In line with this opening, the City will no longer be operating a warming centre out of the Community Centre. For information on the new space, please contact Laichwiltach Family Life Society.

For more information on the City warming centre, contact Peter Wipper, Director of Community Safety, at Peter.Wipper@campbellriver.ca.

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