• Dec 19, 2022



    The winter/spring recreation guide is now available, and program registration is open! 

    The City of Campbell River Winter/Spring 2023 Recreation Guide, which covers January to May recreation programming, is now available online, and registration is open. City recreation programs include cooking, science, singing, arts and crafts, various sports, and more!

    City of Campbell River Summerside Friends Club JacksonProgram Spotlight: The Summerside Friends Club
    The Summerside Friends Club provides a fun and safe space for youth to gather, particularly those living with a disability. Sports equipment is available to support physical literacy and staff are highly qualified, positive role models. This program, originally called MultiSport, has been in the community for many years. The name ‘Summerside Friends Club’ was an idea from the youth in the program at the time. Summerside Express is a local legend which provides summer camp experiences for children and youth living with a disability, and the Friends Club provides an opportunity for those who attended to see each other again and further their friendships, while also welcoming and encouraging new members! 

    Summerside Friends Club runs Thursdays at the Community Centre from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Snacks and juice are graciously provided by Thrifty Foods. 

    The City of Campbell River is grateful to Grieg Seafood and MOWI Canada West for their contributions towards Specialized Recreation programs, like Summerside Friends Club. These companies provided important and appreciated support, that covered supplies or running costs for recreation programs in 2022 that were geared toward individuals living with a disability.

    “We are thrilled to be able to support the City of Campbell River’s Specialized Recreation programs,” says Grieg Seafood BC Managing Director Jennifer Woodland. “These programs provide the perfect example of how we can help strengthen both individuals and communities through diversity, inclusion and social connection.”  

    “At Mowi Canada West, our passion is healthy people through active support of the communities where we live.”  Says Mia Parker, Director Environmental Performance and Certification. “Specialized Recreation is an excellent example of programs that support emotional and physical health.”

    “The city is committed to creating and maintaining diverse programs in our community,” says Robin Mitchell, Recreation and Culture Manager for the City of Campbell River. “Recreation’s motto, ‘All ages, stages, and abilities,’ is put into action through programs like Summerside Friends Club and I would like to share a heartfelt thank-you to the community organizations that support Specialized Recreation. I encourage everyone to take a look at the latest recreation guide and sign up for one of the winter/spring programs.”

    Check out the Winter/Spring 2023 Recreation Guide at campbellriver.ca/recreation-guide. Program registration is now open and can be completed online at campbellriver.ca/registration, in person at the Community Centre, or by calling 250-286-1161. Keep up to date on all City programming by following our Facebook page facebook.com/Campbellriverrec.

    Contact: Robin Mitchell, Recreation & Culture Manager | 250-286-5700 | robin.mitchell@campbellriver.ca


by Tanya Gunn | Dec 19, 2022


The winter/spring recreation guide is now available, and program registration is open! 

The City of Campbell River Winter/Spring 2023 Recreation Guide, which covers January to May recreation programming, is now available online, and registration is open. City recreation programs include cooking, science, singing, arts and crafts, various sports, and more!

City of Campbell River Summerside Friends Club JacksonProgram Spotlight: The Summerside Friends Club
The Summerside Friends Club provides a fun and safe space for youth to gather, particularly those living with a disability. Sports equipment is available to support physical literacy and staff are highly qualified, positive role models. This program, originally called MultiSport, has been in the community for many years. The name ‘Summerside Friends Club’ was an idea from the youth in the program at the time. Summerside Express is a local legend which provides summer camp experiences for children and youth living with a disability, and the Friends Club provides an opportunity for those who attended to see each other again and further their friendships, while also welcoming and encouraging new members! 

Summerside Friends Club runs Thursdays at the Community Centre from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Snacks and juice are graciously provided by Thrifty Foods. 

The City of Campbell River is grateful to Grieg Seafood and MOWI Canada West for their contributions towards Specialized Recreation programs, like Summerside Friends Club. These companies provided important and appreciated support, that covered supplies or running costs for recreation programs in 2022 that were geared toward individuals living with a disability.

“We are thrilled to be able to support the City of Campbell River’s Specialized Recreation programs,” says Grieg Seafood BC Managing Director Jennifer Woodland. “These programs provide the perfect example of how we can help strengthen both individuals and communities through diversity, inclusion and social connection.”  

“At Mowi Canada West, our passion is healthy people through active support of the communities where we live.”  Says Mia Parker, Director Environmental Performance and Certification. “Specialized Recreation is an excellent example of programs that support emotional and physical health.”

“The city is committed to creating and maintaining diverse programs in our community,” says Robin Mitchell, Recreation and Culture Manager for the City of Campbell River. “Recreation’s motto, ‘All ages, stages, and abilities,’ is put into action through programs like Summerside Friends Club and I would like to share a heartfelt thank-you to the community organizations that support Specialized Recreation. I encourage everyone to take a look at the latest recreation guide and sign up for one of the winter/spring programs.”

Check out the Winter/Spring 2023 Recreation Guide at campbellriver.ca/recreation-guide. Program registration is now open and can be completed online at campbellriver.ca/registration, in person at the Community Centre, or by calling 250-286-1161. Keep up to date on all City programming by following our Facebook page facebook.com/Campbellriverrec.

Contact: Robin Mitchell, Recreation & Culture Manager | 250-286-5700 | robin.mitchell@campbellriver.ca
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