• Oct 12, 2022


    SRD and City 2022 Shakeout Evacuation Exercise - News Release
    Downtown Evacuation Map

    A major earthquake could happen on Vancouver Island at any moment. The City of Campbell River is located downstream of three hydroelectric dams owned and operated by BC Hydro. BC Hydro regularly conducts risk assessments of these dams as part of its Dam Safety Program. The dams are safe; however, an earthquake event could cause water to release from the dams, flooding parts of the city.

    During an earthquake, the heavily populated downtown area is especially at risk.  After the shaking stops everyone should immediately get safe by moving out of the area. Whether you live, work or recreate in the downtown area, it is strongly encouraged to participate in this community emergency exercise.

    The purpose of this exercise is to:

    • Time how long it takes you to get outside of the post-earthquake inundation (flooding) zone following a major earthquake. Can you get outside the inundation zone after the shaking stops within 30 to 60 minutes (depending on your location)?
    • Allow you to practice the real evacuation actions that you should take
    • Create awareness about the geographic area of the post-earthquake inundation zone
    • Create awareness about all possible evacuation routes

    10:20 a.m. – Drop, Cover and Hold On for 5 minutes. After the “shaking” stops, count to 60 and then begin your evacuation.

    10:26 a.m. – Evacuate to your closest exercise checkpoint on foot or bicycle (it is unlikely regular vehicles could navigate the roads after an earthquake due to extensive damage).

    When you reach your exercise checkpoint – find out how long it took you to evacuate your area and then register to be entered to win one of several household emergency preparedness prizes, with a grand prize of a Household Wildfire Sprinkler Protection Kit!

    When you finish registering – return to your original location.

    There will be four checkpoints set up. All checkpoints will be outside under a tent. Please do not go into the buildings.

    1. The Maritime Heritage Centre Parking Lot (back parking lot by the Aquarium) - 621 Island Hwy
    2. Volunteer Campbell River Parking Lot - 900 Alder St
    3. École-Phoenix Middle School (back gate entrance adjacent to Dogwood St.) -  400 7th Ave
    4. Intersection Woodburn Road & Spring Road

    11:45 a.m. – Checkpoints are closed.

    These checkpoints will not be set up following an actual earthquake. In the event of a real earthquake, please follow your household emergency plan.

    The 4 checkpoints are only for this exercise and were chosen due to:

    • Their proximity to the perimeter of the inundation zone
    • Their spaciousness (ability to accommodate a tent and table)
    • Safe from traffic

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    Media Contact: Shaun Koopman – SRD Protective Services Coordinator   250-830-6702 | skoopman@srd.ca



by Tanya Gunn | Oct 12, 2022

SRD and City 2022 Shakeout Evacuation Exercise - News Release
Downtown Evacuation Map

A major earthquake could happen on Vancouver Island at any moment. The City of Campbell River is located downstream of three hydroelectric dams owned and operated by BC Hydro. BC Hydro regularly conducts risk assessments of these dams as part of its Dam Safety Program. The dams are safe; however, an earthquake event could cause water to release from the dams, flooding parts of the city.

During an earthquake, the heavily populated downtown area is especially at risk.  After the shaking stops everyone should immediately get safe by moving out of the area. Whether you live, work or recreate in the downtown area, it is strongly encouraged to participate in this community emergency exercise.

The purpose of this exercise is to:

  • Time how long it takes you to get outside of the post-earthquake inundation (flooding) zone following a major earthquake. Can you get outside the inundation zone after the shaking stops within 30 to 60 minutes (depending on your location)?
  • Allow you to practice the real evacuation actions that you should take
  • Create awareness about the geographic area of the post-earthquake inundation zone
  • Create awareness about all possible evacuation routes

10:20 a.m. – Drop, Cover and Hold On for 5 minutes. After the “shaking” stops, count to 60 and then begin your evacuation.

10:26 a.m. – Evacuate to your closest exercise checkpoint on foot or bicycle (it is unlikely regular vehicles could navigate the roads after an earthquake due to extensive damage).

When you reach your exercise checkpoint – find out how long it took you to evacuate your area and then register to be entered to win one of several household emergency preparedness prizes, with a grand prize of a Household Wildfire Sprinkler Protection Kit!

When you finish registering – return to your original location.

There will be four checkpoints set up. All checkpoints will be outside under a tent. Please do not go into the buildings.

  1. The Maritime Heritage Centre Parking Lot (back parking lot by the Aquarium) - 621 Island Hwy
  2. Volunteer Campbell River Parking Lot - 900 Alder St
  3. École-Phoenix Middle School (back gate entrance adjacent to Dogwood St.) -  400 7th Ave
  4. Intersection Woodburn Road & Spring Road

11:45 a.m. – Checkpoints are closed.

These checkpoints will not be set up following an actual earthquake. In the event of a real earthquake, please follow your household emergency plan.

The 4 checkpoints are only for this exercise and were chosen due to:

  • Their proximity to the perimeter of the inundation zone
  • Their spaciousness (ability to accommodate a tent and table)
  • Safe from traffic

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Media Contact: Shaun Koopman – SRD Protective Services Coordinator   250-830-6702 | skoopman@srd.ca

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