• Jun 14, 2022


    WATCH THE NEXSTREAM TECH COMPETITION FINAL PITCH SESSION ON JUNE 21 - JUNE 2022B.C. innovators vying for a share of up to $300,000 in total funding and services will pitch to judges on June 21, 2022.

    Join the City of Campbell River and the Campbell River Area Angel Group (CRAAG) to watch innovation in action at the final pitch session of this year’s NexStream Tech Competition (NexStream 3.0).

    Teams from across British Columbia brought their skills and creativity to tackle five challenges inspired by our coastal region: health and emergency preparedness, food security, sustainable resource management, creative industries and tourism, and a wildcard category. Nine teams advanced through the NexStream 3.0 competition and will make their final pitches to judges on Tuesday, June 21, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Use the Zoom meeting link to watch the livestream.

    We’ll hear pitches from:

    The stakes are high as this final pitch session will determine this year’s finalists. Each team will have seven minutes to pitch their products, projects or services to the judges, followed by five minutes for questions. Finalists will be selected after the pitch session to take part in demonstration sessions with CRAAG. Winners will be announced on June 30, 2022.

    At the public pitch session, we’ll share a sneak peek at what this year’s Community Stream challengers have been working on. Community Stream participants are competing for a $10,000 prize from RBC Royal Bank. Their projects will be showcased during an upcoming community tour. Watch for the details of that event, coming soon! In the meantime, here’s a peek at the teams you can look forward to seeing on the tour:

    We gratefully acknowledge the continued support of our partners and sponsors, who make this competition possible.

    Visit nexstream.is to learn more about the NexStream Tech Competition.


    Contact: Rose Klukas, Manager of Economic Development | 250-286-5738 | rose.klukas@campbellriver.ca

    Join the Zoom meeting:

    Meeting ID: 841 4349 2317

    Passcode: 542830

    One tap mobile

    +16475580588,,84143492317#,,,,*542830# Canada

    +17789072071,,84143492317#,,,,*542830# Canada

    Dial by your location

            +1 647 558 0588 Canada

            +1 778 907 2071 Canada

            +1 780 666 0144 Canada

            +1 204 272 7920 Canada

            +1 438 809 7799 Canada

            +1 587 328 1099 Canada

            +1 647 374 4685 Canada

    Meeting ID: 841 4349 2317

    Passcode: 542830

    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdMY9h76xz

    About the NexStream Tech Competition
    The NexStream Tech Competition was founded in 2019 by the City of Campbell River Economic Development and the Campbell River Area Angel Group. Based in Campbell River, B.C., this competition aims to cultivate creative solutions to challenges faced by the region’s industries, with a focus on clean, sustainable technology. Challenge categories vary each year. Past NexStream winners have gone on to cumulatively receive investment funding commitments with a combined value of more than $3 million.

    NexStream 3.0 Partners and Sponsors
    • Campbell River Area Angel Group: craag.ca
    • Salmon Capital Holdings: salmoncapitalholdings.ca
    • Study Build: study-build.com
    • RBC Royal Bank: rbc.com/community-social-impact/index.html
    • Spring: spring.is
    • Pacific Sands Resort: pacificsands.com
    • Innovate BC: innovatebc.ca
    • CR Lawyers: crlawyers.ca
    • Foresight: foresightcac.com
    • Moeller Matthews: moellermatthews.ca 



by Alison Harrower | Jun 14, 2022

WATCH THE NEXSTREAM TECH COMPETITION FINAL PITCH SESSION ON JUNE 21 - JUNE 2022B.C. innovators vying for a share of up to $300,000 in total funding and services will pitch to judges on June 21, 2022.

Join the City of Campbell River and the Campbell River Area Angel Group (CRAAG) to watch innovation in action at the final pitch session of this year’s NexStream Tech Competition (NexStream 3.0).

Teams from across British Columbia brought their skills and creativity to tackle five challenges inspired by our coastal region: health and emergency preparedness, food security, sustainable resource management, creative industries and tourism, and a wildcard category. Nine teams advanced through the NexStream 3.0 competition and will make their final pitches to judges on Tuesday, June 21, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Use the Zoom meeting link to watch the livestream.

We’ll hear pitches from:

The stakes are high as this final pitch session will determine this year’s finalists. Each team will have seven minutes to pitch their products, projects or services to the judges, followed by five minutes for questions. Finalists will be selected after the pitch session to take part in demonstration sessions with CRAAG. Winners will be announced on June 30, 2022.

At the public pitch session, we’ll share a sneak peek at what this year’s Community Stream challengers have been working on. Community Stream participants are competing for a $10,000 prize from RBC Royal Bank. Their projects will be showcased during an upcoming community tour. Watch for the details of that event, coming soon! In the meantime, here’s a peek at the teams you can look forward to seeing on the tour:

We gratefully acknowledge the continued support of our partners and sponsors, who make this competition possible.

Visit nexstream.is to learn more about the NexStream Tech Competition.


Contact: Rose Klukas, Manager of Economic Development | 250-286-5738 | rose.klukas@campbellriver.ca

Join the Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 841 4349 2317

Passcode: 542830

One tap mobile

+16475580588,,84143492317#,,,,*542830# Canada

+17789072071,,84143492317#,,,,*542830# Canada

Dial by your location

        +1 647 558 0588 Canada

        +1 778 907 2071 Canada

        +1 780 666 0144 Canada

        +1 204 272 7920 Canada

        +1 438 809 7799 Canada

        +1 587 328 1099 Canada

        +1 647 374 4685 Canada

Meeting ID: 841 4349 2317

Passcode: 542830

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdMY9h76xz

About the NexStream Tech Competition
The NexStream Tech Competition was founded in 2019 by the City of Campbell River Economic Development and the Campbell River Area Angel Group. Based in Campbell River, B.C., this competition aims to cultivate creative solutions to challenges faced by the region’s industries, with a focus on clean, sustainable technology. Challenge categories vary each year. Past NexStream winners have gone on to cumulatively receive investment funding commitments with a combined value of more than $3 million.

NexStream 3.0 Partners and Sponsors
• Campbell River Area Angel Group: craag.ca
• Salmon Capital Holdings: salmoncapitalholdings.ca
• Study Build: study-build.com
• RBC Royal Bank: rbc.com/community-social-impact/index.html
• Spring: spring.is
• Pacific Sands Resort: pacificsands.com
• Innovate BC: innovatebc.ca
• CR Lawyers: crlawyers.ca
• Foresight: foresightcac.com
• Moeller Matthews: moellermatthews.ca 

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Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run