• Jun 03, 2022



    Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

    Campbell River Salmon Festival Society
    The Campbell River Salmon Festival Society presented to Council regarding hosting the event at Nunn’s Creek Park later this year. Presenters highlighted work that is needed to prepare the site for the festival and other events, and the tight timeline that exists. Staff provided a summary of the next steps for the clean-up efforts required to have the park event-ready.

    Downtown Safety Select Committee
    Council received a report from the Downtown Safety Select Committee outlining five recommendations to improve downtown safety. The report was discussed, adopted in principal, and referred to staff to report on the feasibility of each recommendation. This will be brought back for discussion later in June.

    Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3867
    Council adopted Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3867 at a Special Council meeting on June 2, 2022, bringing into effect camping restrictions to certain areas of Nunns Creek Park. Amendments to the Bylaw ensure a space for shelter is still available and the City is connecting with local service providers, Indigenous partners, and key community organizations to discuss ways to minimize stress and impacts on campers and the community during the transition.

    Remedial Action Notice
    Council approved a remedial action notice for the owner of 205 – 2740 South Island Highway to bring the unit into compliance with the BC Fire Code and the Fire Services Bylaw within 15 days of the notice.

    Reforming the Police Act
    The Police Services Department provided a report to Council regarding a recent publication from the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act. The publication provides 11 recommendations for policing and public safety and is available at www.leg.bc.ca/cmt/rpa.

    Airport Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 3865
    Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw No. 3865, which, if adopted, would establish a 5-year tax exemption program for A-1 and A-2 lands.

    Project Tenders
    Two tenders were approved. The first for the Norm Wood Environment Centre upgrades to Kinetic Construction Ltd. for $4,326,659, excluding GST. The second is for the Airport Capital Lighting, Visual Aids, and Taxiway Rehabilitation to Tristar Electric Inc. for $5,419,477.75. The budget for this project was increased to approximately $8M; Transport Canada will contribute over $7M.

    2900 Quinsam Road
    Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3860 to allow for a secondary dwelling, a side yard setback of 2.3m, and a special separation between residences of 3.59m.

    2675 Dolly Varden Road
    Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3864. If adopted, this would allow for the conversion of an existing ancillary building to a secondary residence on this property. The Public Hearing requirement was waived.

    240 Stratford Drive
    Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3863. If adopted, this would allow for a secondary suite and a secondary residence on this property. A Public Hearing will be scheduled. 

    790 Birch Street
    Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3858. If adopted, this would allow for a secondary suite in the existing residence. The Public Hearing requirement was waived.

    901 Dogwood Street
    Council approved a Development Variance Permit to reduce the front yard setback to 4.3m and the side yard setback to 3.0m, and reduce the number of required parking spaces.

    Official Community Plan Amendment
    Council gave first and second reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3796, which now includes Great Blue Herons in the revised Bald Eagle Nest Tree Development Permit Area.

    55+ BC Games
    Council directed staff to jointly apply for the 2024, 2025, or 2026 55+ BC Games with the Comox Valley Regional District and committed a financial contribution of $60,000 and in-kind support services if the bid is successful. 

    Skate Park
    Due to the temporary closure of the Sportsplex for repairs, the City is unable to provide skate park supervision this summer. Council expressed concern for safety in the area, and directed the City to explore private security options, using existing funding.

    Community Beautification Grants Program and Proposed Partnering Agreements
    Council approved in principal the proposed partnering agreements for community beautification by the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, the Downtown Business Improvement Association, and the Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society. The agreements will be brought back for final consideration once statutory notification requirements are complete.

    Funding Opportunity for a Campbell River/North Island Labour Market Study
    Council endorsed an application to WorkBC’s Community and Employer Partnerships Fund for a labour market partnership project.

    Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions
    Council received correspondence from the Honourable Sheila Malcolmson, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, responding to a letter from the City regarding the lack of detox facilities and supports on Northern Vancouver Island. Council requested that Lesley Howie, from Island Health, be invited to attend an upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss withdrawal management concerns, with invites extended to our First Nations neighbours, Minister Malcolmson, and MLA Babchuk.

    Island Good Days
    Council approved a request from Diana Jolly, Executive Assistant, Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) for the City to proclaim June 20 to 26, 2022, "Island Good Days." This initiative benefits Island goods, producers, and manufacturers by helping increase sales and market share.

    Access Awareness Day
    Council approved a request from Lorraine Copas, Executive Director, Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia to proclaim June 4, 2022, “Access Awareness Day.” This initiative brings awareness to creating accessible and inclusive communities.



by Alison Harrower | Jun 03, 2022

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

Campbell River Salmon Festival Society
The Campbell River Salmon Festival Society presented to Council regarding hosting the event at Nunn’s Creek Park later this year. Presenters highlighted work that is needed to prepare the site for the festival and other events, and the tight timeline that exists. Staff provided a summary of the next steps for the clean-up efforts required to have the park event-ready.

Downtown Safety Select Committee
Council received a report from the Downtown Safety Select Committee outlining five recommendations to improve downtown safety. The report was discussed, adopted in principal, and referred to staff to report on the feasibility of each recommendation. This will be brought back for discussion later in June.

Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3867
Council adopted Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3867 at a Special Council meeting on June 2, 2022, bringing into effect camping restrictions to certain areas of Nunns Creek Park. Amendments to the Bylaw ensure a space for shelter is still available and the City is connecting with local service providers, Indigenous partners, and key community organizations to discuss ways to minimize stress and impacts on campers and the community during the transition.

Remedial Action Notice
Council approved a remedial action notice for the owner of 205 – 2740 South Island Highway to bring the unit into compliance with the BC Fire Code and the Fire Services Bylaw within 15 days of the notice.

Reforming the Police Act
The Police Services Department provided a report to Council regarding a recent publication from the Special Committee on Reforming the Police Act. The publication provides 11 recommendations for policing and public safety and is available at www.leg.bc.ca/cmt/rpa.

Airport Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 3865
Council gave first and second reading to Bylaw No. 3865, which, if adopted, would establish a 5-year tax exemption program for A-1 and A-2 lands.

Project Tenders
Two tenders were approved. The first for the Norm Wood Environment Centre upgrades to Kinetic Construction Ltd. for $4,326,659, excluding GST. The second is for the Airport Capital Lighting, Visual Aids, and Taxiway Rehabilitation to Tristar Electric Inc. for $5,419,477.75. The budget for this project was increased to approximately $8M; Transport Canada will contribute over $7M.

2900 Quinsam Road
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3860 to allow for a secondary dwelling, a side yard setback of 2.3m, and a special separation between residences of 3.59m.

2675 Dolly Varden Road
Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3864. If adopted, this would allow for the conversion of an existing ancillary building to a secondary residence on this property. The Public Hearing requirement was waived.

240 Stratford Drive
Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3863. If adopted, this would allow for a secondary suite and a secondary residence on this property. A Public Hearing will be scheduled. 

790 Birch Street
Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3858. If adopted, this would allow for a secondary suite in the existing residence. The Public Hearing requirement was waived.

901 Dogwood Street
Council approved a Development Variance Permit to reduce the front yard setback to 4.3m and the side yard setback to 3.0m, and reduce the number of required parking spaces.

Official Community Plan Amendment
Council gave first and second reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3796, which now includes Great Blue Herons in the revised Bald Eagle Nest Tree Development Permit Area.

55+ BC Games
Council directed staff to jointly apply for the 2024, 2025, or 2026 55+ BC Games with the Comox Valley Regional District and committed a financial contribution of $60,000 and in-kind support services if the bid is successful. 

Skate Park
Due to the temporary closure of the Sportsplex for repairs, the City is unable to provide skate park supervision this summer. Council expressed concern for safety in the area, and directed the City to explore private security options, using existing funding.

Community Beautification Grants Program and Proposed Partnering Agreements
Council approved in principal the proposed partnering agreements for community beautification by the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, the Downtown Business Improvement Association, and the Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society. The agreements will be brought back for final consideration once statutory notification requirements are complete.

Funding Opportunity for a Campbell River/North Island Labour Market Study
Council endorsed an application to WorkBC’s Community and Employer Partnerships Fund for a labour market partnership project.

Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions
Council received correspondence from the Honourable Sheila Malcolmson, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, responding to a letter from the City regarding the lack of detox facilities and supports on Northern Vancouver Island. Council requested that Lesley Howie, from Island Health, be invited to attend an upcoming Committee of the Whole meeting to discuss withdrawal management concerns, with invites extended to our First Nations neighbours, Minister Malcolmson, and MLA Babchuk.

Island Good Days
Council approved a request from Diana Jolly, Executive Assistant, Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) for the City to proclaim June 20 to 26, 2022, "Island Good Days." This initiative benefits Island goods, producers, and manufacturers by helping increase sales and market share.

Access Awareness Day
Council approved a request from Lorraine Copas, Executive Director, Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia to proclaim June 4, 2022, “Access Awareness Day.” This initiative brings awareness to creating accessible and inclusive communities.

Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run