• Nov 19, 2020

    Help make downtown safer and more inviting

    Downtown Campbell RiverApply to the City’s Downtown Safety Select Committee 

    City Council is seeking volunteers to provide recommendations for improving safety and creating a more inviting downtown core.  

    Help Council determine how best to allocate the $225,000 budgeted for downtown safety initiatives in 2021. 

    Council will appoint a maximum of seven members to the Select Committee for up to four months, starting in December 2020. They’re seeking volunteers who are directly affected by downtown safety issues. 

    Please see the fillable application form link below:

    Application for Appointment to Council's Downtown Safety Select Committee

    Note: The fillable application form can be submitted electronically, but is only compatible with Internet Explorer. Those using browsers such as Google Chrome or Safari, will have to remit the form by regular means.

    Apply today! Deadline is noon, Friday, Nov. 27, 2020.

    Questions? Please contact Elle Brovold, Corporate Officer at 250-286-5709 or email elle.brovold@campbellriver.ca.


Help make downtown safer and more inviting

by Tanya Gunn | Nov 19, 2020

Downtown Campbell RiverApply to the City’s Downtown Safety Select Committee 

City Council is seeking volunteers to provide recommendations for improving safety and creating a more inviting downtown core.  

Help Council determine how best to allocate the $225,000 budgeted for downtown safety initiatives in 2021. 

Council will appoint a maximum of seven members to the Select Committee for up to four months, starting in December 2020. They’re seeking volunteers who are directly affected by downtown safety issues. 

Please see the fillable application form link below:

Application for Appointment to Council's Downtown Safety Select Committee

Note: The fillable application form can be submitted electronically, but is only compatible with Internet Explorer. Those using browsers such as Google Chrome or Safari, will have to remit the form by regular means.

Apply today! Deadline is noon, Friday, Nov. 27, 2020.

Questions? Please contact Elle Brovold, Corporate Officer at 250-286-5709 or email elle.brovold@campbellriver.ca.

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