• Sep 03, 2020

    Back-to-school road safety reminder

    It’s been a longer break than usual for kids heading back to school, but they’ll soon be making their way along sidewalks and in crosswalks again – and they might not be thinking about road safety.

    The City of Campbell River is reminding drivers, cyclists and parents to watch out for students travelling to school by foot, bicycle, bus or car.

    “We all need to slow down and stay focused on travelling safely in school zones,” says Drew Hadfield, the City’s director of operations. “There’s a lot going on when kids head back to school, and this year there’s the added element of COVID-19. Whatever is on their mind, kids are more likely to be excited and distracted.” Read more...


Back-to-school road safety reminder

by Tanya Gunn | Sep 03, 2020

It’s been a longer break than usual for kids heading back to school, but they’ll soon be making their way along sidewalks and in crosswalks again – and they might not be thinking about road safety.

The City of Campbell River is reminding drivers, cyclists and parents to watch out for students travelling to school by foot, bicycle, bus or car.

“We all need to slow down and stay focused on travelling safely in school zones,” says Drew Hadfield, the City’s director of operations. “There’s a lot going on when kids head back to school, and this year there’s the added element of COVID-19. Whatever is on their mind, kids are more likely to be excited and distracted.” Read more...

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