by Rebecca Szulhan | Aug 21, 2023


Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Firearms Regulation Amendment Bylaw and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw
Council rescinded first and second readings of Firearms Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, 2023, and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3915, 2023 and chose not to proceed with either bylaw amendment. Council acknowledged and thanked Joanne Saunders, Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Association President, for the delegation’s presentation to Council regarding the bylaws.

Remedial Action for 378 Cedar Street and 179 Hilchey Road
Council authorized staff to require the owners of 378 Cedar Street and 179 Hilchey Road to bring the properties into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014. City contractors may enter the property to complete the work if required.

Public Nuisance and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaws (Commercial or Industrial Odour)
Council adopted Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3907, 2023, and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3908, 2023. These amendment bylaws look to align complaint requirements regarding nuisance odour with Council administrative policy and to include an offence specifically relating to commercial or industrial odour, with a corresponding fine in the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw.

Fire Department Levels of Service Endorsed
Council endorsed the Campbell River Fire Department’s recommended levels of service to meet legislated requirements, after considering proposed levels of service at Committee of the Whole meetings on June 27 and July 20, 2023. Staff made Council aware of current risks to the City relating to the services provided by the Fire Department to ensure service alignment, and made recommendations to minimize the risk and liability to the City.

Flex Firefighter Position
Council directed staff to immediately hire one full-time permanent flex firefighter to address current staffing shortfalls due to unplanned leaves. The additional position will also help to ensure that contractual minimum staffing requirements are met, and tackle health and safety concerns associated with excessive overtime worked. City Firefighters worked 4,300 hours of overtime in 2022; they consistently work on days off and long shifts of up to 24 hours. Excessive overtime is leading to fatigue, injury, and illness. The new position will be funded from the Financial Stabilization Reserve in 2023 and the future funding source will be finalized during 2024 financial planning. Council directed staff to amend the 2023-2032 Financial Plan accordingly.

Stormwater Utility Consultant Request for Quotes
Council approved a $100,000 Stormwater Utility Consultant Request for Quotes (RFQ), with funding from the Financial Stabilization Reserve, and directed staff to amend the 2023-2032 Financial Plan accordingly. The RFQ is the first step in developing a dedicated cost-recovery and equitable funding model for the stormwater utility, and will help to solidify levels of service, identify and plan for infrastructure renewal, and increase flexibility in responding to community needs and climate change.

Rezoning Application for 2325, 2415 and 2475 Penfield Road
Council gave first, second and third readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3912, 2023, which would rezone 2325, 2415 and 2475 Penfield Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One A (R-1A) to allow for secondary suites in conjunction with an 11-lot, fee-simple subdivision. The City did not hold a public hearing as this application is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP). The required statutory notifications were provided ahead of first reading, in line with updated legislation.

Certification of Results for Ripple Rock Water Services Alternative Approval Process
Council received the Certification of Results for Alternative Approval Process and adopted Ripple Rock Estates Provision of Water Services Franchise Agreement Approval Bylaw No. 3911, 2023. The intent of the bylaw and associated agreement is for the City to be the licence holder for a well that will supply water to a 188 lot bare land strata subdivision; the licence will be transferred to the strata after 51 per cent of the lots are owned by someone other than the developer.

Council endorsed the waterworks agreement of the bylaw at the Council meeting on June 29, 2023, and directed staff to undertake an alternative approval process to obtain the approval of the electors, as required under the Community Charter. The number of electors to which the approval process applies is 29,632. During the 30-day response period, the City received 19 responses opposing the bylaw; this was within the threshold to allow Council to proceed with adopting the bylaw.

Rezoning Application to Allow Triplexes at 660 8th Avenue
Council gave first, second and third readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3913, 2023, which would rezone 660 8th Avenue from Residential Two (R-2) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to permit six dwelling units (two triplexes). The City did not hold a public hearing as this application is consistent with the OCP. The required statutory notifications were provided ahead of first reading, in line with updated legislation.

Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Review Process
(Received by Council at the August 15, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
Council endorsed a proposed review process for the City’s OCP and Zoning Bylaw. An OCP is a statement of objectives and policies that guide planning and land-use management. The Zoning Bylaw serves as a means of implementing the land-use planning vision outlined in the OCP, and supports community goals such as encouraging a diversified housing supply, regulating land uses in certain areas, and acquiring amenities.

A comprehensive review of the OCP was last conducted in 2012, with minor updates occurring in 2015. Adopted in 2006, the Zoning Bylaw has been amended over the years, but updates are required to align it with the OCP and recently adopted City plans and strategies. During the review, staff will work with an advisory team comprised of community partners, and will request public input into key land-use and policy decisions. The City will also engage directly with neighbouring First Nations to identify how they wish to be involved in the process moving forward.

The City will issue a Request for Proposals, to hire a qualified urban planning consultant to work with the City to deliver the updated OCP and Zoning Bylaw, by early 2025.

Community Beautification Grants Program Partnering Agreements
Council approved the proposed partnering agreements for community beautification with Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, Downtown Business Improvement Association and Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society. These partnering agreements enable the City to provide funding to participating organizations in the City’s 2023 Community Beautification Grants Program.

Strathcona Regional District Request for Fees to Be Waived
The July 5, 2023 correspondence from David Leitch, Chief Administrative Officer, Strathcona Regional District, requesting that the City waive the building permit and development permit fees for the REC-REATE Project at Strathcona Gardens, was received and referred to staff to report back on by the Council meeting on September 7, 2023.

Pioneer Home Hardware Building Centre Regarding the Overdose Prevention Site
The July 18, 2023, correspondence from Theresa Handel and Allison Kilby, owners of Pioneer Home Hardware Building Centre, requesting that the Overdose Prevention Site located at 1330 Dogwood Street be considered a nuisance property, was received. Council directed staff to promptly review and report back on the request.

Union of BC Municipalities Regarding 2023 Next Generation 911 Program Grant Approval
The August 3, 2023, correspondence from Danyta Welch, Local Government Program Services Manager, Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), regarding approval for a grant from the 2023 Next Generation 911 funding program, was received. This funding program is administered by UBCM, with funding support from the Ministry of Citizens’ Services.

The City will receive a $45,000 grant to prepare for the implementation of Next Generation 911 as part of the Province’s upgrades to the 911 emergency communications system. The enhanced provincial 911 system will have features to improve accessibility, connectivity, and emergency responses. More information about the Province’s upgrades to the 911 network is available at bit.ly/3E73SIW.




by Rebecca Szulhan | Aug 21, 2023


Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Firearms Regulation Amendment Bylaw and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw
Council rescinded first and second readings of Firearms Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, 2023, and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3915, 2023 and chose not to proceed with either bylaw amendment. Council acknowledged and thanked Joanne Saunders, Campbell River Fish and Wildlife Association President, for the delegation’s presentation to Council regarding the bylaws.

Remedial Action for 378 Cedar Street and 179 Hilchey Road
Council authorized staff to require the owners of 378 Cedar Street and 179 Hilchey Road to bring the properties into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014. City contractors may enter the property to complete the work if required.

Public Nuisance and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaws (Commercial or Industrial Odour)
Council adopted Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3907, 2023, and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3908, 2023. These amendment bylaws look to align complaint requirements regarding nuisance odour with Council administrative policy and to include an offence specifically relating to commercial or industrial odour, with a corresponding fine in the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw.

Fire Department Levels of Service Endorsed
Council endorsed the Campbell River Fire Department’s recommended levels of service to meet legislated requirements, after considering proposed levels of service at Committee of the Whole meetings on June 27 and July 20, 2023. Staff made Council aware of current risks to the City relating to the services provided by the Fire Department to ensure service alignment, and made recommendations to minimize the risk and liability to the City.

Flex Firefighter Position
Council directed staff to immediately hire one full-time permanent flex firefighter to address current staffing shortfalls due to unplanned leaves. The additional position will also help to ensure that contractual minimum staffing requirements are met, and tackle health and safety concerns associated with excessive overtime worked. City Firefighters worked 4,300 hours of overtime in 2022; they consistently work on days off and long shifts of up to 24 hours. Excessive overtime is leading to fatigue, injury, and illness. The new position will be funded from the Financial Stabilization Reserve in 2023 and the future funding source will be finalized during 2024 financial planning. Council directed staff to amend the 2023-2032 Financial Plan accordingly.

Stormwater Utility Consultant Request for Quotes
Council approved a $100,000 Stormwater Utility Consultant Request for Quotes (RFQ), with funding from the Financial Stabilization Reserve, and directed staff to amend the 2023-2032 Financial Plan accordingly. The RFQ is the first step in developing a dedicated cost-recovery and equitable funding model for the stormwater utility, and will help to solidify levels of service, identify and plan for infrastructure renewal, and increase flexibility in responding to community needs and climate change.

Rezoning Application for 2325, 2415 and 2475 Penfield Road
Council gave first, second and third readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3912, 2023, which would rezone 2325, 2415 and 2475 Penfield Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One A (R-1A) to allow for secondary suites in conjunction with an 11-lot, fee-simple subdivision. The City did not hold a public hearing as this application is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP). The required statutory notifications were provided ahead of first reading, in line with updated legislation.

Certification of Results for Ripple Rock Water Services Alternative Approval Process
Council received the Certification of Results for Alternative Approval Process and adopted Ripple Rock Estates Provision of Water Services Franchise Agreement Approval Bylaw No. 3911, 2023. The intent of the bylaw and associated agreement is for the City to be the licence holder for a well that will supply water to a 188 lot bare land strata subdivision; the licence will be transferred to the strata after 51 per cent of the lots are owned by someone other than the developer.

Council endorsed the waterworks agreement of the bylaw at the Council meeting on June 29, 2023, and directed staff to undertake an alternative approval process to obtain the approval of the electors, as required under the Community Charter. The number of electors to which the approval process applies is 29,632. During the 30-day response period, the City received 19 responses opposing the bylaw; this was within the threshold to allow Council to proceed with adopting the bylaw.

Rezoning Application to Allow Triplexes at 660 8th Avenue
Council gave first, second and third readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3913, 2023, which would rezone 660 8th Avenue from Residential Two (R-2) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to permit six dwelling units (two triplexes). The City did not hold a public hearing as this application is consistent with the OCP. The required statutory notifications were provided ahead of first reading, in line with updated legislation.

Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Review Process
(Received by Council at the August 15, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting.)
Council endorsed a proposed review process for the City’s OCP and Zoning Bylaw. An OCP is a statement of objectives and policies that guide planning and land-use management. The Zoning Bylaw serves as a means of implementing the land-use planning vision outlined in the OCP, and supports community goals such as encouraging a diversified housing supply, regulating land uses in certain areas, and acquiring amenities.

A comprehensive review of the OCP was last conducted in 2012, with minor updates occurring in 2015. Adopted in 2006, the Zoning Bylaw has been amended over the years, but updates are required to align it with the OCP and recently adopted City plans and strategies. During the review, staff will work with an advisory team comprised of community partners, and will request public input into key land-use and policy decisions. The City will also engage directly with neighbouring First Nations to identify how they wish to be involved in the process moving forward.

The City will issue a Request for Proposals, to hire a qualified urban planning consultant to work with the City to deliver the updated OCP and Zoning Bylaw, by early 2025.

Community Beautification Grants Program Partnering Agreements
Council approved the proposed partnering agreements for community beautification with Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, Downtown Business Improvement Association and Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society. These partnering agreements enable the City to provide funding to participating organizations in the City’s 2023 Community Beautification Grants Program.

Strathcona Regional District Request for Fees to Be Waived
The July 5, 2023 correspondence from David Leitch, Chief Administrative Officer, Strathcona Regional District, requesting that the City waive the building permit and development permit fees for the REC-REATE Project at Strathcona Gardens, was received and referred to staff to report back on by the Council meeting on September 7, 2023.

Pioneer Home Hardware Building Centre Regarding the Overdose Prevention Site
The July 18, 2023, correspondence from Theresa Handel and Allison Kilby, owners of Pioneer Home Hardware Building Centre, requesting that the Overdose Prevention Site located at 1330 Dogwood Street be considered a nuisance property, was received. Council directed staff to promptly review and report back on the request.

Union of BC Municipalities Regarding 2023 Next Generation 911 Program Grant Approval
The August 3, 2023, correspondence from Danyta Welch, Local Government Program Services Manager, Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), regarding approval for a grant from the 2023 Next Generation 911 funding program, was received. This funding program is administered by UBCM, with funding support from the Ministry of Citizens’ Services.

The City will receive a $45,000 grant to prepare for the implementation of Next Generation 911 as part of the Province’s upgrades to the 911 emergency communications system. The enhanced provincial 911 system will have features to improve accessibility, connectivity, and emergency responses. More information about the Province’s upgrades to the 911 network is available at bit.ly/3E73SIW.


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