by Rebecca Szulhan | Jul 26, 2023


Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw (Consumption of Controlled Substances at Certain Public Spaces) 
Council adopted Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3898, 2023 (Consumption of Controlled Substances), which prohibits the consumption of controlled substances in specific City-owned public spaces where children and families carry out recreational or leisure activities. Enforcement of the bylaw will be managed through education and re-direction for six months, with staff to report back. Individuals will be directed to the Overdose Prevention Site at 1330 Dogwood Street, when necessary, as a harm reduction measure. This bylaw is an important step in promoting the use and enjoyment of public spaces by the entire community and moving the dial on downtown revitalization efforts. The City is actively working with law enforcement, other levels of government and community partners on a range of initiatives that work towards Council’s Strategic Priority: Healthy and Safe Community.

Council received correspondence from Lisa Perrault, Campbell River citizen, regarding concerns about illicit drug use in public spaces and acknowledged the relevance of this bylaw. Council went on to highlight resources available to residents at gov.bc.ca/gov/content/overdose/decriminalization with information on decriminalization.

Remedial Action for 660 Island Highway
Council authorized staff to require that the property at 660 Island Highway (Dick’s Fish and Chips) be brought into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014, by implementing measures to address odour emanating from its exhaust vent. The restaurant owner has been advised in writing about this matter being brought to Council for resolution and of the measures that must be implemented.

Council adopted odour regulations in 2017 when Dick’s Fish and Chips restaurant moved to 660 Island Highway and odour issues were reported. An odour emanates from the exhaust system, affecting nearby residential properties. The Bylaw Enforcement Department has been called upon on numerous occasions over the years to assess the odour and fines have been issued when the odour was deemed as Level 2 or greater, under Public Nuisance Bylaw 3043, 2014. Authorizing staff to require the property to implement measures to address the odour is hoped to eliminate long-standing issues for residents and allow the business to operate successfully moving forward.  

Council also gave Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3907, 2023 (Commercial or Industrial Operations Nuisance Odour), and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3908, 2023 (Commercial or Industrial Operations Nuisance Odour), third readings. If adopted, the amendment bylaws look to align complaint requirements regarding nuisance odour with Council administrative policy and to include an offence specifically relating to commercial or industrial odour, with a corresponding fine in the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw. 

Fire Department Levels of Service
(Received by Council during the July 18, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting)
Council endorsed a formal recommendation for levels of service from the Campbell River Fire Department, after previously considering proposed levels of service at the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 27. Factors such as Campbell River’s risk profile, the level and type of services the Fire Department currently provides, required training standards associated with service levels, and the department’s capability to provide services were considered when determining recommended levels of service.


Townhouses or Apartment Units Permitted at 497 Rockland Road
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3883, 2023, to rezone the property at 497 Rockland Road from Commercial Eight (C-8) to Residential Multiple Three (RM-3) with a site-specific text amendment to allow townhouses with secondary suites or an apartment (totalling 24 dwelling units) with a maximum building height of 15 metres, if conditions are met. Council adopted the bylaw following the registration of a restrictive covenant that requires the construction of a portion of sidewalk to provide connectivity along the south side of Rockland Road.

Rezoning Application for 1856 Detweiller Road
Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3909, 2023, to rezone the property at 1856 Detweiller Road from Residential Multiple One (RM-1) Zone to Industrial One (I-1) Zone. The applicant also owns industrial property at 2590 Quinsam Road, and has accessed that property through 1856 Detweiller Road for more than 20 years. The applicant also currently has an active application to subdivide the industrial property at 2590 Quinsam Road. The proposed rezoning of 1856 Detweiller Road from a residential to an industrial property would make its zoning consistent with 2590 Quinsam Road and enable the existing access route to be maintained if 2590 Quinsam Road is subdivided. The proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment generally aligns with the Official Community Plan (OCP). Staff are in the process of scheduling a public hearing.

Development Variance Permit Application Approved for 798 Dogwood Street
Council approved a Development Variance Permit application (P2300009) for 798 Dogwood Street to bring the property into compliance with Zoning Bylaw No. 3250, 2006. Variances to the side-yard of the existing detached dwelling and side-yard and rear-yard setbacks of the existing converted detached dwelling will address non-compliance on the property without changing existing uses of the units, removing the units, or creating additional impacts to neighbouring properties.

Rezoning of 660 8th Avenue
Council received a report on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3913, 2023, which would rezone 660 8th Avenue from Residential Two (R-2) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to allow for two triplexes. Updated legislation requires local governments to notify the public that a public hearing is not being held prior to first reading. Council decided not to hold a public hearing as it is consistent with the OCP and directed staff to provide the required statutory notifications. Council will consider the bylaw amendment for first, second, and third reading on August 17, 2023.

Rezoning of 2325, 2415 and 2475 Penfield Road
Council received a report on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3912, 2023, which would rezone 2325, 2415 and 2475 Penfield Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One A (R-1A) to allow for single detached dwellings, with or without secondary suites, in conjunction with an anticipated 11-lot, fee-simple subdivision. Council decided not to hold a public hearing as it is consistent with the OCP and directed staff to provide the required statutory notifications prior to first reading. Council will consider the bylaw amendment for first, second, and third reading on August 17, 2023.

Rezoning of 2500 Penfield Road
Council received a report on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3910, 2023, which would rezone 2500 Penfield Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential Two (R-2) for development of two-family residential (duplex) dwellings. Council decided not to hold a public hearing as the proposal is consistent with the OCP and directed staff to provide the required statutory notifications prior to first reading. Council will consider the bylaw amendment for first and second reading on August 17, 2023.

Liquor Primary Licence for 926 Island Highway
Council supported a change from Food Primary Liquor Licence to Liquor Primary Licence at 926 Island Highway. This change is not anticipated to impact public and patron safety or increase noise or nuisance.


Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption - Lease Area 22
Council authorized the City to enter into an Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement with Blue Sky BC, LLC, for Lease Lot 22 at the Campbell River Airport (YBL), and to issue an Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption Certificate for the lot to Blue Sky BC for a period of five years, starting when a building occupancy permit is issued. Two hangars built on Lease Lot 22 in 2023 are eligible for a revitalization tax exemption under the Airport Lands Revitalization Bylaw. The City will forego an estimated $101,700 in property taxes during the five-year exemption period. As the airport continues to develop, anticipated economic benefits for the City and the community include generating revenue from lease fees and increased fuel sales, and supporting job creation and retention.


2023 Age-Friendly Communities Grant Application
Council approved submitting an Age-Friendly Communities (AFC) grant application to BC Healthy Communities. The AFC program delivers age-friendly community grants, and is administered by BC Healthy Communities in partnership with the Ministry of Health. The application seeks funding for a seniors-specific consultation process and to develop an age-friendly assessment and implementation plan; outcomes and feedback would inform objectives and policies incorporated into the OCP.

Downtown Small Initiatives Program Update
Council received an update on the City’s Downtown Small Initiatives Program, which was introduced in 2016 to animate and revitalize public spaces through a series of annual projects within the four downtown districts. Operating under the umbrella of the City’s Refresh Downtown strategy, the program is an essential part of the City’s continued downtown revitalization efforts. Projects may include signage, public art, public seating, programming, pedestrian amenities, landscaping, lighting, and general maintenance.

Housing Accelerator Fund Application and Housing Strategy
(Considered by Council during the July 18, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting)
Council directed staff to apply for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), and endorsed the City’s Housing Strategy. If the application is successful, HAF funds will be used to support initiatives that promote housing diversity and affordability as well as streamlining the development application approval process. The Housing Strategy is the implementation plan for the Housing Needs Assessment the City completed in 2020, with actions derived from previous developer and community partner consultation.

Support for Nanwakolas Corporate Golf Challenge
Council received correspondence from Dallas Smith, President, Nanwakolas Council, regarding sponsorship opportunities for the Nanwakolas Corporate Golf Challenge. Council will support the challenge at the Whale level ($2,000), from the Council contingency fund. The challenge is raising funds for bursaries and charities.


(Received by Council during the July 18, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting)

Since the last report was provided to Council on May 30, there have been:

  • 11 new applications received
  • 15 applications completed

Currently, there are 97 active files. Of those files:

  • 62 require action from the applicant
  • 32 require action from the City
  • 3 require action from the Province

Of the 97 active files, there are:

  • 38 fee simple subdivisions
  • 10 bare land strata subdivisions
  • 1 phased building strata development
  • 1 temporary use permit
  • 14 Zoning Bylaw amendments
  • 0 combined OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments
  • 2 Liquor Licence applications
  • 6 Major Development permits
  • 2 Major development permit amendments
  • 1 Major Development with Variance permit
  • 17 Minor Development permits
  • 2 Minor Development permit amendments
  • 3 Development Variance permits
  • 0 Board of Variance permits



by Rebecca Szulhan | Jul 26, 2023


Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw (Consumption of Controlled Substances at Certain Public Spaces) 
Council adopted Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3898, 2023 (Consumption of Controlled Substances), which prohibits the consumption of controlled substances in specific City-owned public spaces where children and families carry out recreational or leisure activities. Enforcement of the bylaw will be managed through education and re-direction for six months, with staff to report back. Individuals will be directed to the Overdose Prevention Site at 1330 Dogwood Street, when necessary, as a harm reduction measure. This bylaw is an important step in promoting the use and enjoyment of public spaces by the entire community and moving the dial on downtown revitalization efforts. The City is actively working with law enforcement, other levels of government and community partners on a range of initiatives that work towards Council’s Strategic Priority: Healthy and Safe Community.

Council received correspondence from Lisa Perrault, Campbell River citizen, regarding concerns about illicit drug use in public spaces and acknowledged the relevance of this bylaw. Council went on to highlight resources available to residents at gov.bc.ca/gov/content/overdose/decriminalization with information on decriminalization.

Remedial Action for 660 Island Highway
Council authorized staff to require that the property at 660 Island Highway (Dick’s Fish and Chips) be brought into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014, by implementing measures to address odour emanating from its exhaust vent. The restaurant owner has been advised in writing about this matter being brought to Council for resolution and of the measures that must be implemented.

Council adopted odour regulations in 2017 when Dick’s Fish and Chips restaurant moved to 660 Island Highway and odour issues were reported. An odour emanates from the exhaust system, affecting nearby residential properties. The Bylaw Enforcement Department has been called upon on numerous occasions over the years to assess the odour and fines have been issued when the odour was deemed as Level 2 or greater, under Public Nuisance Bylaw 3043, 2014. Authorizing staff to require the property to implement measures to address the odour is hoped to eliminate long-standing issues for residents and allow the business to operate successfully moving forward.  

Council also gave Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3907, 2023 (Commercial or Industrial Operations Nuisance Odour), and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3908, 2023 (Commercial or Industrial Operations Nuisance Odour), third readings. If adopted, the amendment bylaws look to align complaint requirements regarding nuisance odour with Council administrative policy and to include an offence specifically relating to commercial or industrial odour, with a corresponding fine in the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw. 

Fire Department Levels of Service
(Received by Council during the July 18, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting)
Council endorsed a formal recommendation for levels of service from the Campbell River Fire Department, after previously considering proposed levels of service at the Committee of the Whole meeting on June 27. Factors such as Campbell River’s risk profile, the level and type of services the Fire Department currently provides, required training standards associated with service levels, and the department’s capability to provide services were considered when determining recommended levels of service.


Townhouses or Apartment Units Permitted at 497 Rockland Road
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3883, 2023, to rezone the property at 497 Rockland Road from Commercial Eight (C-8) to Residential Multiple Three (RM-3) with a site-specific text amendment to allow townhouses with secondary suites or an apartment (totalling 24 dwelling units) with a maximum building height of 15 metres, if conditions are met. Council adopted the bylaw following the registration of a restrictive covenant that requires the construction of a portion of sidewalk to provide connectivity along the south side of Rockland Road.

Rezoning Application for 1856 Detweiller Road
Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3909, 2023, to rezone the property at 1856 Detweiller Road from Residential Multiple One (RM-1) Zone to Industrial One (I-1) Zone. The applicant also owns industrial property at 2590 Quinsam Road, and has accessed that property through 1856 Detweiller Road for more than 20 years. The applicant also currently has an active application to subdivide the industrial property at 2590 Quinsam Road. The proposed rezoning of 1856 Detweiller Road from a residential to an industrial property would make its zoning consistent with 2590 Quinsam Road and enable the existing access route to be maintained if 2590 Quinsam Road is subdivided. The proposed Zoning Bylaw Amendment generally aligns with the Official Community Plan (OCP). Staff are in the process of scheduling a public hearing.

Development Variance Permit Application Approved for 798 Dogwood Street
Council approved a Development Variance Permit application (P2300009) for 798 Dogwood Street to bring the property into compliance with Zoning Bylaw No. 3250, 2006. Variances to the side-yard of the existing detached dwelling and side-yard and rear-yard setbacks of the existing converted detached dwelling will address non-compliance on the property without changing existing uses of the units, removing the units, or creating additional impacts to neighbouring properties.

Rezoning of 660 8th Avenue
Council received a report on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3913, 2023, which would rezone 660 8th Avenue from Residential Two (R-2) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to allow for two triplexes. Updated legislation requires local governments to notify the public that a public hearing is not being held prior to first reading. Council decided not to hold a public hearing as it is consistent with the OCP and directed staff to provide the required statutory notifications. Council will consider the bylaw amendment for first, second, and third reading on August 17, 2023.

Rezoning of 2325, 2415 and 2475 Penfield Road
Council received a report on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3912, 2023, which would rezone 2325, 2415 and 2475 Penfield Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One A (R-1A) to allow for single detached dwellings, with or without secondary suites, in conjunction with an anticipated 11-lot, fee-simple subdivision. Council decided not to hold a public hearing as it is consistent with the OCP and directed staff to provide the required statutory notifications prior to first reading. Council will consider the bylaw amendment for first, second, and third reading on August 17, 2023.

Rezoning of 2500 Penfield Road
Council received a report on Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3910, 2023, which would rezone 2500 Penfield Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential Two (R-2) for development of two-family residential (duplex) dwellings. Council decided not to hold a public hearing as the proposal is consistent with the OCP and directed staff to provide the required statutory notifications prior to first reading. Council will consider the bylaw amendment for first and second reading on August 17, 2023.

Liquor Primary Licence for 926 Island Highway
Council supported a change from Food Primary Liquor Licence to Liquor Primary Licence at 926 Island Highway. This change is not anticipated to impact public and patron safety or increase noise or nuisance.


Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption - Lease Area 22
Council authorized the City to enter into an Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement with Blue Sky BC, LLC, for Lease Lot 22 at the Campbell River Airport (YBL), and to issue an Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption Certificate for the lot to Blue Sky BC for a period of five years, starting when a building occupancy permit is issued. Two hangars built on Lease Lot 22 in 2023 are eligible for a revitalization tax exemption under the Airport Lands Revitalization Bylaw. The City will forego an estimated $101,700 in property taxes during the five-year exemption period. As the airport continues to develop, anticipated economic benefits for the City and the community include generating revenue from lease fees and increased fuel sales, and supporting job creation and retention.


2023 Age-Friendly Communities Grant Application
Council approved submitting an Age-Friendly Communities (AFC) grant application to BC Healthy Communities. The AFC program delivers age-friendly community grants, and is administered by BC Healthy Communities in partnership with the Ministry of Health. The application seeks funding for a seniors-specific consultation process and to develop an age-friendly assessment and implementation plan; outcomes and feedback would inform objectives and policies incorporated into the OCP.

Downtown Small Initiatives Program Update
Council received an update on the City’s Downtown Small Initiatives Program, which was introduced in 2016 to animate and revitalize public spaces through a series of annual projects within the four downtown districts. Operating under the umbrella of the City’s Refresh Downtown strategy, the program is an essential part of the City’s continued downtown revitalization efforts. Projects may include signage, public art, public seating, programming, pedestrian amenities, landscaping, lighting, and general maintenance.

Housing Accelerator Fund Application and Housing Strategy
(Considered by Council during the July 18, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting)
Council directed staff to apply for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), and endorsed the City’s Housing Strategy. If the application is successful, HAF funds will be used to support initiatives that promote housing diversity and affordability as well as streamlining the development application approval process. The Housing Strategy is the implementation plan for the Housing Needs Assessment the City completed in 2020, with actions derived from previous developer and community partner consultation.

Support for Nanwakolas Corporate Golf Challenge
Council received correspondence from Dallas Smith, President, Nanwakolas Council, regarding sponsorship opportunities for the Nanwakolas Corporate Golf Challenge. Council will support the challenge at the Whale level ($2,000), from the Council contingency fund. The challenge is raising funds for bursaries and charities.


(Received by Council during the July 18, 2023, Committee of the Whole meeting)

Since the last report was provided to Council on May 30, there have been:

  • 11 new applications received
  • 15 applications completed

Currently, there are 97 active files. Of those files:

  • 62 require action from the applicant
  • 32 require action from the City
  • 3 require action from the Province

Of the 97 active files, there are:

  • 38 fee simple subdivisions
  • 10 bare land strata subdivisions
  • 1 phased building strata development
  • 1 temporary use permit
  • 14 Zoning Bylaw amendments
  • 0 combined OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments
  • 2 Liquor Licence applications
  • 6 Major Development permits
  • 2 Major development permit amendments
  • 1 Major Development with Variance permit
  • 17 Minor Development permits
  • 2 Minor Development permit amendments
  • 3 Development Variance permits
  • 0 Board of Variance permits

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