by Tanya Gunn | Jul 05, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


2022 Annual Report Adopted

Council approved the City of Campbell River 2022 Annual report following an opportunity for public input. The report offers an overview of City activities, a year-in-review piece covering highlights and changes, departmental reviews, responsibilities and service offerings, and a financial statements section that dives deeper into the City’s workings. The 2022 Annual Report is available at campbellriver.ca/annual-report and in person at City Hall.


Building Bylaw No. 3899, 2023

Building Bylaw No. 3899, 2023, was adopted. The new bylaw aligns the City with the Municipal Insurance Association of BC’s model building bylaw and current City practices. 

120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South

Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3870, 2022, which allows for future growth through a low-to-medium density subdivision at 120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South. The bylaw received first and second reading on June 27, 2022, a public hearing took place on September 19, 2022, and the bylaw received third reading on January 12, 2023. As a condition of future development, the applicant will construct a new left turn lane from Evergreen Road to Elk River Road after 100 units are constructed. Additionally, the applicant will construct a multi-use path in phases along the property frontages as subdivision progresses.

Ripple Rock Development Water Agreement and Alternative Approval Process

Council endorsed the waterworks agreement of the Ripple Rock Estates Provision of Water Services Franchise Agreement Bylaw No. 3911, 2023 and gave it first, second and third reading. The City will send a letter to the Water Authorizations Division of the Ministry of Forests agreement to be a co-applicant for the Ripple Rock Estates Water Licence.

As required under the Community Charter, an alternative approval process to obtain the approval of the electors for Ripple Rock Estates Provision of Water Services Franchise Agreement Approval Bylaw No. 3911, 2023, will now take place. Information on the alternative approval process is available at www.campbellriver.ca/noticetoelectors

The deadline for receiving elector response forms is 4:30 p.m. on August 14, 2023. Staff will report the results of the alternative approval process to Council on August 17, 2023.

465 Petersen Road

Council approved Development Variance Permit No. P2300032 to reduce the rear yard setback at 465 Petersen Road from 7.5 metres to 3.05 metres and to reduce the visitor parking requirement from two parking stalls to one parking stall for phase one of the proposed two phase, building strata, townhouse development.  

The purpose of the proposed variances is to accommodate the phased construction of a 24-unit building/strata townhouse development and to ensure that phase one of the two phase development is zoning compliant as required by the Strata Property Act. Following the completion of phase two, the development will once again meet zoning requirements.

1890 16th Avenue Major Development Permit Amendment Application

Council amended Development Permit No. P1900063, backdating it to February 8, 2023, and allowing the development to progress. Current legislation notes that if the holder of a land use permit does not start construction within two years from when the permit is issued, the permit lapses. The applicant requested to extend the permit expiry date on May 10, 2023.


Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw (Consumption of Controlled Substances at Certain Public Spaces)

Council amended Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3898, 2023 (Consumption of Controlled Substances) to further focus on locations where children and families carry out recreational or leisure activities. Amendments also looked to make enforcement of the provisions of the Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw be managed through education and re-direction for six months with staff to report back.

Public Nuisance and Ticketing For Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw for Commercial or Industrial Odour Offence

Council gave Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3907, 2023 and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3908, 2023, first and second reading. The amendment bylaws look to align complaint requirements regarding nuisance odour with Council administrative policy and to include an offence specifically relating to commercial or industrial odour, with a corresponding fine in the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw.

Firearms Regulation Amendment Bylaw Regarding Bow Use within the Municipality

Council gave Firearms Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, 2023 and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3915, 2023 first and second readings and directed staff to reach out to user groups to solicit feedback and seek written submissions from the public for consideration before third reading.


Community Beautification Grants Program Applications and Proposed Partnering Agreements

Council approved in principle the proposed 2023 partnering agreements for community beautification with:

·  Campbellton Neighbourhood Association

·  Downtown Business Improvement Association

·  Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society

Staff will issue a Statutory Notification for the proposed partnering agreements as required by the Community Charter before bringing them back for final consideration by Council.

School District 72 Request to Waive Fees

Council received correspondence from Dr. Jeremy Morrow, Superintendent and CEO of School District 72, requesting that the City waive the development and building permit fees associated with constructing childcare centres at school sites. Council moved to waive the building and development permit fees associated with constructing childcare centres at various school sites in support of Council’s objective to support daycare facilities in the community.

Campbell River and District Adult Care Society Request Donation

Council received correspondence from Pam Mann, Nurse Administrator, Campbell River and District Adult Care Society, requesting a $5,000 donation to help pay property taxes. Council moved to provide the donation through Council Contingency. Council directed staff to reach out to the group to highlight the criteria for waiving property taxes in future years.



by Tanya Gunn | Jul 05, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


2022 Annual Report Adopted

Council approved the City of Campbell River 2022 Annual report following an opportunity for public input. The report offers an overview of City activities, a year-in-review piece covering highlights and changes, departmental reviews, responsibilities and service offerings, and a financial statements section that dives deeper into the City’s workings. The 2022 Annual Report is available at campbellriver.ca/annual-report and in person at City Hall.


Building Bylaw No. 3899, 2023

Building Bylaw No. 3899, 2023, was adopted. The new bylaw aligns the City with the Municipal Insurance Association of BC’s model building bylaw and current City practices. 

120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South

Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3870, 2022, which allows for future growth through a low-to-medium density subdivision at 120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South. The bylaw received first and second reading on June 27, 2022, a public hearing took place on September 19, 2022, and the bylaw received third reading on January 12, 2023. As a condition of future development, the applicant will construct a new left turn lane from Evergreen Road to Elk River Road after 100 units are constructed. Additionally, the applicant will construct a multi-use path in phases along the property frontages as subdivision progresses.

Ripple Rock Development Water Agreement and Alternative Approval Process

Council endorsed the waterworks agreement of the Ripple Rock Estates Provision of Water Services Franchise Agreement Bylaw No. 3911, 2023 and gave it first, second and third reading. The City will send a letter to the Water Authorizations Division of the Ministry of Forests agreement to be a co-applicant for the Ripple Rock Estates Water Licence.

As required under the Community Charter, an alternative approval process to obtain the approval of the electors for Ripple Rock Estates Provision of Water Services Franchise Agreement Approval Bylaw No. 3911, 2023, will now take place. Information on the alternative approval process is available at www.campbellriver.ca/noticetoelectors

The deadline for receiving elector response forms is 4:30 p.m. on August 14, 2023. Staff will report the results of the alternative approval process to Council on August 17, 2023.

465 Petersen Road

Council approved Development Variance Permit No. P2300032 to reduce the rear yard setback at 465 Petersen Road from 7.5 metres to 3.05 metres and to reduce the visitor parking requirement from two parking stalls to one parking stall for phase one of the proposed two phase, building strata, townhouse development.  

The purpose of the proposed variances is to accommodate the phased construction of a 24-unit building/strata townhouse development and to ensure that phase one of the two phase development is zoning compliant as required by the Strata Property Act. Following the completion of phase two, the development will once again meet zoning requirements.

1890 16th Avenue Major Development Permit Amendment Application

Council amended Development Permit No. P1900063, backdating it to February 8, 2023, and allowing the development to progress. Current legislation notes that if the holder of a land use permit does not start construction within two years from when the permit is issued, the permit lapses. The applicant requested to extend the permit expiry date on May 10, 2023.


Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw (Consumption of Controlled Substances at Certain Public Spaces)

Council amended Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3898, 2023 (Consumption of Controlled Substances) to further focus on locations where children and families carry out recreational or leisure activities. Amendments also looked to make enforcement of the provisions of the Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw be managed through education and re-direction for six months with staff to report back.

Public Nuisance and Ticketing For Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw for Commercial or Industrial Odour Offence

Council gave Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3907, 2023 and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3908, 2023, first and second reading. The amendment bylaws look to align complaint requirements regarding nuisance odour with Council administrative policy and to include an offence specifically relating to commercial or industrial odour, with a corresponding fine in the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Bylaw.

Firearms Regulation Amendment Bylaw Regarding Bow Use within the Municipality

Council gave Firearms Regulation Amendment Bylaw No. 3914, 2023 and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3915, 2023 first and second readings and directed staff to reach out to user groups to solicit feedback and seek written submissions from the public for consideration before third reading.


Community Beautification Grants Program Applications and Proposed Partnering Agreements

Council approved in principle the proposed 2023 partnering agreements for community beautification with:

·  Campbellton Neighbourhood Association

·  Downtown Business Improvement Association

·  Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society

Staff will issue a Statutory Notification for the proposed partnering agreements as required by the Community Charter before bringing them back for final consideration by Council.

School District 72 Request to Waive Fees

Council received correspondence from Dr. Jeremy Morrow, Superintendent and CEO of School District 72, requesting that the City waive the development and building permit fees associated with constructing childcare centres at school sites. Council moved to waive the building and development permit fees associated with constructing childcare centres at various school sites in support of Council’s objective to support daycare facilities in the community.

Campbell River and District Adult Care Society Request Donation

Council received correspondence from Pam Mann, Nurse Administrator, Campbell River and District Adult Care Society, requesting a $5,000 donation to help pay property taxes. Council moved to provide the donation through Council Contingency. Council directed staff to reach out to the group to highlight the criteria for waiving property taxes in future years.

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