by Alison Harrower | Jun 08, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Q1 2023 Financial Report
Council received the City’s Quarterly Financial Report for the first Quarter of 2023 and cancelled the following projects: Design/Construction for 325 Beech Street for $3,847,670; Dogwood Operations Centre Backflow/Meter for $125,000; and Watermain Renewal for $1,100,000.  Council directed staff to amend the 2023 – 2032 Financial Plan accordingly. The Quarterly Financial Report measures the City’s financial performance against the Financial Plan and explains the significant differences in revenue and expenses to assist Council in its strategic decision making. Total revenues for the first quarter of 2023 (Q1) are consistent with expectations as the significant revenue sources from taxes and user fees are not levied until the second quarter (Q2). Total expenses are also trending lower than budget as operating projects were on hold until the 2023-2032 Financial Plan approval in early March.

Updates to Building Bylaw
Council gave first, second and third readings to update the City’s Building Bylaw.  The updated comprehensive building bylaw was drafted utilizing the Municipal Insurance Association of BC (MIABC) format and focuses on three main areas:  clarity in wording to allow a better understanding for the building community and to better align with current department practices; adjustments to streamline the application and inspection processes; and updates that ensure alignment with legislative changes.

2105 Shetland Road
Council gave first and second reading to a zoning amendment bylaw to rezone the property at 2105 Shetland Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to allow duplexes with or without secondary suites in conjunction with a 17-lot fee-simple subdivision, conditional upon a restrictive covenant to secure the location, dedication and construction of proposed parkland and road right of ways.  The proposed development complies with the Neighbourhood policies outlined in the Official Community Plan (OCP), is located within a targeted infill development area within the Urban Containment Boundary, is surrounded by similar RM-2 zoned properties, diversifies the local housing stock, addresses the “missing middle” housing type in Campbell River, and will provide new park space and a new road network for the Quinsam Heights area. As recommended by staff at the May 11, 2023 Council meeting, Council approved not holding a Public Hearing as Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3904, 2023 is consistent with the OCP.

2023 Birch Street Cycling Project
Council authorized staff to proceed with the Birch Street neighbourhood bikeway, including design and public consultation, funded from the City’s annual cycling infrastructure budget.  The 2012 Master Transportation Plan (MTP) identifies 27 cycling capital improvements, one of which is the Birch Street neighbourhood bikeway. While the MTP is currently being updated, the Birch Street neighbourhood bikeway provides a safer north-south connection to key destinations, including Phoenix Middle School, downtown and the hospital.

Fees Waived for Youth at Centennial Pool
Council authorized staff to provide free drop-in admission for preschool, children, and youth at the Centennial Pool from June 5 to September 1, 2023. This incentive looks to make the use of Centennial Pool more financially accessible for families and increase participation. Staff will report back to Council in the fall to discuss participation statistics, and operational and budget impacts, with recommendations to potentially expand the initiative.

Sportsplex Acoustic Sound Baffles
Council approved additional funding of $32,400 from the Financial Stabilization Reserve, to install acoustic baffles in the Sportsplex gymnasium and program rooms 1, 2, and 3. Council directed the 2023-2032 Financial Plan to be amended accordingly. Upon re-opening the Sportsplex in October 2022, it became evident that the new roof has resulted in a poor acoustic environment, creating a negative experience for rental groups and programs that use the space. To address this issue, Council previously approved $56,000 to install sound attenuating baffles. All responses to the project tender released in March 2023 came back at more than the original cost estimates and so an additional $32,400 is required to complete the project.

BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement
Council endorsed the 2023/24 BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement, which is provided as part of BC Transit’s partnership with the City of Campbell River, formalizing the operation of the transit services for the City of Campbell River and Area D. Staff use this agreement to build the City’s operation budget for this service.  Over recent years the Province has increased funding to assist with running the services, and in addition to extra funding, new services have been added that include free rides for those 12 and under and, most recently, NextRide. BC Transit, in consultation with City staff, continues to look for ways to improve local services and amenities in the provision of both the conventional and HandyDART transit services for the community, in partnership with the local operating company, Pacific Western Transit.

2023 Emergency Operation Centre UBCM Grant Application
Council approved an application for financial assistance under the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund 2023 Emergency Operations Grant to be submitted to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District (SRD).  If funded, the SRD will manage the grant and be the recipient of all funding.

Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills regarding the Stronger BC Future Ready Action Plan
Council received correspondence from the Honourable Selina Robinson, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, regarding the Province's Stronger BC Future Ready Action Plan.




by Alison Harrower | Jun 08, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Q1 2023 Financial Report
Council received the City’s Quarterly Financial Report for the first Quarter of 2023 and cancelled the following projects: Design/Construction for 325 Beech Street for $3,847,670; Dogwood Operations Centre Backflow/Meter for $125,000; and Watermain Renewal for $1,100,000.  Council directed staff to amend the 2023 – 2032 Financial Plan accordingly. The Quarterly Financial Report measures the City’s financial performance against the Financial Plan and explains the significant differences in revenue and expenses to assist Council in its strategic decision making. Total revenues for the first quarter of 2023 (Q1) are consistent with expectations as the significant revenue sources from taxes and user fees are not levied until the second quarter (Q2). Total expenses are also trending lower than budget as operating projects were on hold until the 2023-2032 Financial Plan approval in early March.

Updates to Building Bylaw
Council gave first, second and third readings to update the City’s Building Bylaw.  The updated comprehensive building bylaw was drafted utilizing the Municipal Insurance Association of BC (MIABC) format and focuses on three main areas:  clarity in wording to allow a better understanding for the building community and to better align with current department practices; adjustments to streamline the application and inspection processes; and updates that ensure alignment with legislative changes.

2105 Shetland Road
Council gave first and second reading to a zoning amendment bylaw to rezone the property at 2105 Shetland Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to allow duplexes with or without secondary suites in conjunction with a 17-lot fee-simple subdivision, conditional upon a restrictive covenant to secure the location, dedication and construction of proposed parkland and road right of ways.  The proposed development complies with the Neighbourhood policies outlined in the Official Community Plan (OCP), is located within a targeted infill development area within the Urban Containment Boundary, is surrounded by similar RM-2 zoned properties, diversifies the local housing stock, addresses the “missing middle” housing type in Campbell River, and will provide new park space and a new road network for the Quinsam Heights area. As recommended by staff at the May 11, 2023 Council meeting, Council approved not holding a Public Hearing as Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3904, 2023 is consistent with the OCP.

2023 Birch Street Cycling Project
Council authorized staff to proceed with the Birch Street neighbourhood bikeway, including design and public consultation, funded from the City’s annual cycling infrastructure budget.  The 2012 Master Transportation Plan (MTP) identifies 27 cycling capital improvements, one of which is the Birch Street neighbourhood bikeway. While the MTP is currently being updated, the Birch Street neighbourhood bikeway provides a safer north-south connection to key destinations, including Phoenix Middle School, downtown and the hospital.

Fees Waived for Youth at Centennial Pool
Council authorized staff to provide free drop-in admission for preschool, children, and youth at the Centennial Pool from June 5 to September 1, 2023. This incentive looks to make the use of Centennial Pool more financially accessible for families and increase participation. Staff will report back to Council in the fall to discuss participation statistics, and operational and budget impacts, with recommendations to potentially expand the initiative.

Sportsplex Acoustic Sound Baffles
Council approved additional funding of $32,400 from the Financial Stabilization Reserve, to install acoustic baffles in the Sportsplex gymnasium and program rooms 1, 2, and 3. Council directed the 2023-2032 Financial Plan to be amended accordingly. Upon re-opening the Sportsplex in October 2022, it became evident that the new roof has resulted in a poor acoustic environment, creating a negative experience for rental groups and programs that use the space. To address this issue, Council previously approved $56,000 to install sound attenuating baffles. All responses to the project tender released in March 2023 came back at more than the original cost estimates and so an additional $32,400 is required to complete the project.

BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement
Council endorsed the 2023/24 BC Transit Annual Operating Agreement, which is provided as part of BC Transit’s partnership with the City of Campbell River, formalizing the operation of the transit services for the City of Campbell River and Area D. Staff use this agreement to build the City’s operation budget for this service.  Over recent years the Province has increased funding to assist with running the services, and in addition to extra funding, new services have been added that include free rides for those 12 and under and, most recently, NextRide. BC Transit, in consultation with City staff, continues to look for ways to improve local services and amenities in the provision of both the conventional and HandyDART transit services for the community, in partnership with the local operating company, Pacific Western Transit.

2023 Emergency Operation Centre UBCM Grant Application
Council approved an application for financial assistance under the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund 2023 Emergency Operations Grant to be submitted to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District (SRD).  If funded, the SRD will manage the grant and be the recipient of all funding.

Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills regarding the Stronger BC Future Ready Action Plan
Council received correspondence from the Honourable Selina Robinson, Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills, regarding the Province's Stronger BC Future Ready Action Plan.


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