by Alison Harrower | May 03, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Willow Creek Road Connection Opposition Presentation
Campbell River resident, Jen Fyfe, presented a petition to Council in opposition to the Willow Creek Road connection between Nebraska Drive and Twillingate Road and acknowledged a second petition from Jason Marchand. Fyfe requested a review and report on traffic calming measures and associated costs.

Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw (Consumption of Controlled Substances)
Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3898, 2023 (consumption of controlled substances) was given first and second readings. Consideration of third reading was postponed to the first Council Meeting in June.

Council recognized the proposed bylaw as an important step in promoting the use and enjoyment of public spaces by the entire community and moving the dial on downtown revitalization efforts. Feedback from residents, businesses, and visitors stating that the consumption of controlled substances in certain public locations can result in disruptive behaviours and avoidance of said spaces was acknowledged.

While the City maintains that the proposed bylaw does not address public health, calls for thoughtful consideration, from Island Health, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and others were heard. Council supported a request from Dr. Reka Gustafson, Chief Medical Health Officer for Island Health to present to Council. The City will also meet with the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions in May and was pleased that the Minister instructed ministry and health-authority staff to collaborate with the City on safe and effective approaches to address harms associated with substance use.

The City supports efforts to increase access to health services and has lobbied the Provincial government for many years to invest in health-authority-delivered mental health and substance use services, treatment and recovery services and supportive and transitional housing to address homelessness. Council has contributed land and financial support for these efforts and recently passed a resolution to respond to the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions requesting expanded access to harm reduction services at the Campbell River Overdose Prevention Site. Council also asked for funding for security and cleanup to minimize negative impacts on the surrounding neighbourhood.

The City is hopeful that this bylaw and subsequent motions will be the start of many fruitful discussions with the Province to address these complex issues.

Remedial Action for 681 Homewood Road
Council authorized staff to require the owners of 681 Homewood Road to bring the property into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014. City contractors may enter the property to complete the work if required.

Indigenous Procurement
Council adopted a set-aside clause within the Purchasing Policy focused on Indigenous Procurement that allows the City to solicit bids, make direct awards, and conduct procurements in a way that increases the participation of Indigenous people and businesses.

Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3906
Council gave first, second and third readings to the Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3906. The City is required under Section 197 of the Community Charter to adopt a Tax Rates Bylaw following the adoption of the Financial Plan Bylaw and before May 15. Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3906, 2023 enacts the approved tax increase to support the City’s 2023- 2032 Financial Plan. The 2023 tax rate supports the base operating budget, investment in capital infrastructure and incremental enhancements to the City services.

Aircraft, Passenger and Callout User Fees
Council adopted Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Amendment

Bylaw No. 3902, 2023 regarding the Aircraft, Passenger, and Callout User Fee Review. The bylaw outlines updates to fees and the overall structure, including phasing in landing fees for piston-powered aircraft, the creation of fixed annual training fees for both on and off-airport operators, and changes to jet fuel storage and dispensing infrastructure. Changes to existing fees will begin in 2023, and new fees on currently fee-exempt activities are scheduled to be in place before January 1, 2024, and the Aircraft, Passenger, and Callout User Fees will be reviewed, at a minimum, every five years.

Utility User Fees for 2023-2024
Council gave User Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3890, 2023 and Storm Water Management Parcel Tax Amendment Bylaw No. 3889, 2023 first, second and third readings. The proposed bylaw includes a combined residential utility flat rate increase of 5.0% annually for 2023 and 2024, including solid waste, with respective increases to commercial and other rates in the bylaw. Increases are within the 3.5 to 5.0% range mandated by Council in the Financial Stability & Resiliency Policy and help ensure ongoing service delivery. A two-year rate structure will allow Utilities to align funding with strategy in the future.

Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment to Expand Credit Card Payment Services
Council gave Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3905, 2023, first, second and third reading. The City is expanding its credit card payment services to enable the public to pay by credit card for a variety of fees, including but not limited to work orders, Freedom of Information searches, permits, and other miscellaneous billings. The bylaw will also reinstate the 2% monthly interest rate on accounts receivables in arrears and correct the percentage for the credit card recovery fees on credit card payments, which were incorrect when user fees and charges were reinstated following COVID-19 relief measures.

Council Finance Policy Updates Regarding Long Term Debt
Council approved amendments to Section 2.1 of the Council Finance Policy (Long Term Debt).

1905 Wood Road
Council approved Development Variance Permit Application No. P2300025 at 1905 Wood Road to reduce the required setback from the opening of the garage from 6.0 to 5.37 metres.

497 Rockland Road
Council gave third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3883, 2023, to rezone the property at 497 Rockland Road from Commercial Eight (C-8) to Residential Multiple Three (RM-3) with a site-specific text amendment to allow townhouses with secondary suites or an apartment (totalling 24 dwelling units) with a maximum building height of 15 metres, if conditions are met. Council will consider adoption following the registration of a restrictive covenant that will require the construction of a portion of sidewalk to provide connectivity along the south side of Rockland Road.

3882 Barclay Road
Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3903, 2023 to rezone the property at 3882 Barclay Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) Zone to Residential Two (R-2) Zone to bring a previously constructed duplex back into zoning compliance and to facilitate a future two-lot, fee-simple subdivision. Council decided not to hold a Public Hearing as the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan.

Implementation of Accessible British Columbia Act Requirements
Council received a staff report on implementation requirements in the Accessible British Columbia Act and directed staff to collaborate with the Strathcona Regional District to establish a joint accessibility committee, and develop an accessibility plan by September 1, 2023, as required by legislation.

Willow Point Business Improvement Area Budget
Council adopted Willow Point Business Improvement Area Bylaw No. 3892, 2023, following approval of the Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society’s 2023-2027 budget in the April 13 Council Meeting.

Heart of the City Business Improvement Area Expansion to Include Properties along Pier Street
Council gave first, second and third readings to Heart of the City Business Improvement Area Amendment Bylaw No. 3893 and approved the Heart of the City Business Improvement Area society’s revised budget.

If adopted, Bylaw No. 3893, 2023 will expand the business improvement area to include the properties located on Pier Street that were previously part of the Pier Street Association and would levy a local service tax against the additional service area properties to increase the budget to $82,793 in 2023 and $85,277 in 2024.

Increased Seasonal Patio Seating at Riptide Marine Pub Bar and Grill
Council supported a new outdoor patio licence following an application from the Riptide Marine Pub Bar and Grill to increase the seasonal patio service area to 40 seats by relocating seating capacity from within the building to the patios from April to October annually.

Destination Campbell River's 2022 Annual Performance Report
Council approved Destination Campbell River to file its 2022 Annual Performance Report with the Province.




by Alison Harrower | May 03, 2023

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Willow Creek Road Connection Opposition Presentation
Campbell River resident, Jen Fyfe, presented a petition to Council in opposition to the Willow Creek Road connection between Nebraska Drive and Twillingate Road and acknowledged a second petition from Jason Marchand. Fyfe requested a review and report on traffic calming measures and associated costs.

Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw (Consumption of Controlled Substances)
Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3898, 2023 (consumption of controlled substances) was given first and second readings. Consideration of third reading was postponed to the first Council Meeting in June.

Council recognized the proposed bylaw as an important step in promoting the use and enjoyment of public spaces by the entire community and moving the dial on downtown revitalization efforts. Feedback from residents, businesses, and visitors stating that the consumption of controlled substances in certain public locations can result in disruptive behaviours and avoidance of said spaces was acknowledged.

While the City maintains that the proposed bylaw does not address public health, calls for thoughtful consideration, from Island Health, the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions and others were heard. Council supported a request from Dr. Reka Gustafson, Chief Medical Health Officer for Island Health to present to Council. The City will also meet with the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions in May and was pleased that the Minister instructed ministry and health-authority staff to collaborate with the City on safe and effective approaches to address harms associated with substance use.

The City supports efforts to increase access to health services and has lobbied the Provincial government for many years to invest in health-authority-delivered mental health and substance use services, treatment and recovery services and supportive and transitional housing to address homelessness. Council has contributed land and financial support for these efforts and recently passed a resolution to respond to the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions requesting expanded access to harm reduction services at the Campbell River Overdose Prevention Site. Council also asked for funding for security and cleanup to minimize negative impacts on the surrounding neighbourhood.

The City is hopeful that this bylaw and subsequent motions will be the start of many fruitful discussions with the Province to address these complex issues.

Remedial Action for 681 Homewood Road
Council authorized staff to require the owners of 681 Homewood Road to bring the property into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014. City contractors may enter the property to complete the work if required.

Indigenous Procurement
Council adopted a set-aside clause within the Purchasing Policy focused on Indigenous Procurement that allows the City to solicit bids, make direct awards, and conduct procurements in a way that increases the participation of Indigenous people and businesses.

Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3906
Council gave first, second and third readings to the Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3906. The City is required under Section 197 of the Community Charter to adopt a Tax Rates Bylaw following the adoption of the Financial Plan Bylaw and before May 15. Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3906, 2023 enacts the approved tax increase to support the City’s 2023- 2032 Financial Plan. The 2023 tax rate supports the base operating budget, investment in capital infrastructure and incremental enhancements to the City services.

Aircraft, Passenger and Callout User Fees
Council adopted Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Amendment

Bylaw No. 3902, 2023 regarding the Aircraft, Passenger, and Callout User Fee Review. The bylaw outlines updates to fees and the overall structure, including phasing in landing fees for piston-powered aircraft, the creation of fixed annual training fees for both on and off-airport operators, and changes to jet fuel storage and dispensing infrastructure. Changes to existing fees will begin in 2023, and new fees on currently fee-exempt activities are scheduled to be in place before January 1, 2024, and the Aircraft, Passenger, and Callout User Fees will be reviewed, at a minimum, every five years.

Utility User Fees for 2023-2024
Council gave User Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3890, 2023 and Storm Water Management Parcel Tax Amendment Bylaw No. 3889, 2023 first, second and third readings. The proposed bylaw includes a combined residential utility flat rate increase of 5.0% annually for 2023 and 2024, including solid waste, with respective increases to commercial and other rates in the bylaw. Increases are within the 3.5 to 5.0% range mandated by Council in the Financial Stability & Resiliency Policy and help ensure ongoing service delivery. A two-year rate structure will allow Utilities to align funding with strategy in the future.

Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment to Expand Credit Card Payment Services
Council gave Miscellaneous Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw No. 3905, 2023, first, second and third reading. The City is expanding its credit card payment services to enable the public to pay by credit card for a variety of fees, including but not limited to work orders, Freedom of Information searches, permits, and other miscellaneous billings. The bylaw will also reinstate the 2% monthly interest rate on accounts receivables in arrears and correct the percentage for the credit card recovery fees on credit card payments, which were incorrect when user fees and charges were reinstated following COVID-19 relief measures.

Council Finance Policy Updates Regarding Long Term Debt
Council approved amendments to Section 2.1 of the Council Finance Policy (Long Term Debt).

1905 Wood Road
Council approved Development Variance Permit Application No. P2300025 at 1905 Wood Road to reduce the required setback from the opening of the garage from 6.0 to 5.37 metres.

497 Rockland Road
Council gave third reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3883, 2023, to rezone the property at 497 Rockland Road from Commercial Eight (C-8) to Residential Multiple Three (RM-3) with a site-specific text amendment to allow townhouses with secondary suites or an apartment (totalling 24 dwelling units) with a maximum building height of 15 metres, if conditions are met. Council will consider adoption following the registration of a restrictive covenant that will require the construction of a portion of sidewalk to provide connectivity along the south side of Rockland Road.

3882 Barclay Road
Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3903, 2023 to rezone the property at 3882 Barclay Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) Zone to Residential Two (R-2) Zone to bring a previously constructed duplex back into zoning compliance and to facilitate a future two-lot, fee-simple subdivision. Council decided not to hold a Public Hearing as the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan.

Implementation of Accessible British Columbia Act Requirements
Council received a staff report on implementation requirements in the Accessible British Columbia Act and directed staff to collaborate with the Strathcona Regional District to establish a joint accessibility committee, and develop an accessibility plan by September 1, 2023, as required by legislation.

Willow Point Business Improvement Area Budget
Council adopted Willow Point Business Improvement Area Bylaw No. 3892, 2023, following approval of the Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society’s 2023-2027 budget in the April 13 Council Meeting.

Heart of the City Business Improvement Area Expansion to Include Properties along Pier Street
Council gave first, second and third readings to Heart of the City Business Improvement Area Amendment Bylaw No. 3893 and approved the Heart of the City Business Improvement Area society’s revised budget.

If adopted, Bylaw No. 3893, 2023 will expand the business improvement area to include the properties located on Pier Street that were previously part of the Pier Street Association and would levy a local service tax against the additional service area properties to increase the budget to $82,793 in 2023 and $85,277 in 2024.

Increased Seasonal Patio Seating at Riptide Marine Pub Bar and Grill
Council supported a new outdoor patio licence following an application from the Riptide Marine Pub Bar and Grill to increase the seasonal patio service area to 40 seats by relocating seating capacity from within the building to the patios from April to October annually.

Destination Campbell River's 2022 Annual Performance Report
Council approved Destination Campbell River to file its 2022 Annual Performance Report with the Province.


Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run