by Alison Harrower | Apr 17, 2023
Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

4236 Glendinning Drive 

Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3896 to rezone 4236 Glendinning Drive from Residential Estate One (RE-1) Zone to Residential One (R-1) Zone to accommodate a future subdivision of the property into two lots. The bylaw received first and second reading at the March 16, 2023 meeting, when Council decided not to hold a public hearing as the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan. Written submissions regarding the application were received.

615 Rebecca Place
Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3895, which rezones the property at 615 Rebecca Place from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone to allow for a secondary residence in an existing ancillary building. The bylaw received first and second reading at the March 16, 2023 meeting, when Council decided not to hold a public hearing as the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan.

3882 Barclay Road 
Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3903, to rezone the property at 3882 Barclay Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) Zone to Residential Two (R-2) Zone to bring a previously constructed duplex back into zoning compliance and to facilitate a future two-lot, fee-simple subdivision. Council decided not to hold a Public Hearing as the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan.

2023-2032 Ten-Year Financial Plan 

Council adopted the 2023-2032 Ten-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 3901, 2023. Budget deliberations concluded on March 10, 2023, and adoption of this bylaw is required before May 15, 2023, in advance of the City’s tax rates bylaw, under the Community Charter.

Aircraft, Passenger and Callout User Fees

Council gave first, second and third reading to Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Amendment Bylaw No. 3902, 2023 regarding the Aircraft, Passenger, and Callout User Fee Review. The bylaw outlines updates to fees and the overall structure, including phasing in landing fees for piston-powered aircraft, the creation of fixed annual training fees for both on and off-airport operators, and changes to jet fuel storage and dispensing infrastructure. Changes to existing fees will begin in 2023, and new fees on currently fee-exempt activities are scheduled to be in place before January 1, 2024, and the Aircraft, Passenger, and Callout User Fees will be reviewed, at a minimum, every five years.

Willow Point Business Improvement Area Budget
Council gave the Willow Point Improvement Area Bylaw No. 3892, 2023, first, second and third readings and approved the Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society’s 2023-2027 budget. Following the bylaw adoption, a local service tax will be levied against the subject service area as follows:
• 2023      $29,069.00 
• 2024      $30,523.00
• 2025      $32,049.00 
• 2026      $33,651.00
• 2027      $35,334.00

Limits to Curbside Organics Collection

Council supported a resolution to reduce the allowable curbside organic waste collection volumes to a maximum of 360 litres, with no bag or container weighing more than 20kg. The changes will come into effect from May 15, 2023, and staff will explore an additional bag tag system, similar to the general garbage collection program, as directed by Council.
The City has provided unlimited weekly yard waste collection for over 11 years and the system is not financially sustainable. Beginning April 17, organics curbside collection includes food waste and yard waste material, and the City will pay a new tipping fee at the Regional Compost Facility. This change will increase the cost to deliver the service and will require changes in how the curbside services will be provided moving forward, however, the City expects this to be somewhat offset due to a forecasted 30% reduction in solid waste tipping fees.

Special Event Application for SoCal Restaurant and Lounge
Council supported a Patron Participation (Lounge or Special Event) application to the provincial government for an existing Food Primary License at #1-2231 Island Hwy S (SoCal Restaurant and Lounge) to hold regular trivia nights. 

Hazard Conditions (Steep Slopes) OCP Development Permit Area Amendments and Workshops
Council received the March 31, 2023 staff report summarizing the status of the Hazard Conditions (Steep Slopes) – Proposed Official Community Plan (OCP) Development Permit Area (DPA) amendments and authorized staff to proceed with public workshops, and to schedule a public hearing at a future date.
During the winter rainy season, there is the potential for landslides in Campbell River, especially on steep slopes are hazardous lands, which can cause property damage and possibly threaten human safety. The proposed amendments to the OCP Hazard Conditions (Steep Slope) DPA reduce the risk to property and life safety. 
The workshops look to:
• Listen to public concerns and identify new issues,
• Present the exemption forms for vegetation management,
• Clarify the process by having subject matter experts on-hand to answer questions,
• Identify any potential changes to the exemption forms (if necessary)

Repayment of RCMP Retroactive Pay 

Council received correspondence from Talal Dakalbab, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Safety Canada regarding payment of RCMP retroactive pay, advising they will offer all contract jurisdictions up to two years for payment of retroactive salary costs for the period covering 2017 – 2021.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities Statement on the 2023 Federal Budget
Council received the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) statement on the 2023 federal budget which highlights the Government of Canada’s decision to make municipalities responsible for all retroactive costs stemming from the first-ever RCMP collective bargaining agreement.  Council resolved to join the FCM in calling on the Federal Government to commit to ensuring that local governments are meaningfully consulted, fully informed, and at the table on issues related to policing costs given the municipal role in keeping our communities safe. Council will convey this support in writing to local Members of Parliament.


by Alison Harrower | Apr 17, 2023
Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

4236 Glendinning Drive 

Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3896 to rezone 4236 Glendinning Drive from Residential Estate One (RE-1) Zone to Residential One (R-1) Zone to accommodate a future subdivision of the property into two lots. The bylaw received first and second reading at the March 16, 2023 meeting, when Council decided not to hold a public hearing as the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan. Written submissions regarding the application were received.

615 Rebecca Place
Council gave third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3895, which rezones the property at 615 Rebecca Place from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone to allow for a secondary residence in an existing ancillary building. The bylaw received first and second reading at the March 16, 2023 meeting, when Council decided not to hold a public hearing as the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan.

3882 Barclay Road 
Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3903, to rezone the property at 3882 Barclay Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) Zone to Residential Two (R-2) Zone to bring a previously constructed duplex back into zoning compliance and to facilitate a future two-lot, fee-simple subdivision. Council decided not to hold a Public Hearing as the application is consistent with the Official Community Plan.

2023-2032 Ten-Year Financial Plan 

Council adopted the 2023-2032 Ten-Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 3901, 2023. Budget deliberations concluded on March 10, 2023, and adoption of this bylaw is required before May 15, 2023, in advance of the City’s tax rates bylaw, under the Community Charter.

Aircraft, Passenger and Callout User Fees

Council gave first, second and third reading to Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Amendment Bylaw No. 3902, 2023 regarding the Aircraft, Passenger, and Callout User Fee Review. The bylaw outlines updates to fees and the overall structure, including phasing in landing fees for piston-powered aircraft, the creation of fixed annual training fees for both on and off-airport operators, and changes to jet fuel storage and dispensing infrastructure. Changes to existing fees will begin in 2023, and new fees on currently fee-exempt activities are scheduled to be in place before January 1, 2024, and the Aircraft, Passenger, and Callout User Fees will be reviewed, at a minimum, every five years.

Willow Point Business Improvement Area Budget
Council gave the Willow Point Improvement Area Bylaw No. 3892, 2023, first, second and third readings and approved the Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society’s 2023-2027 budget. Following the bylaw adoption, a local service tax will be levied against the subject service area as follows:
• 2023      $29,069.00 
• 2024      $30,523.00
• 2025      $32,049.00 
• 2026      $33,651.00
• 2027      $35,334.00

Limits to Curbside Organics Collection

Council supported a resolution to reduce the allowable curbside organic waste collection volumes to a maximum of 360 litres, with no bag or container weighing more than 20kg. The changes will come into effect from May 15, 2023, and staff will explore an additional bag tag system, similar to the general garbage collection program, as directed by Council.
The City has provided unlimited weekly yard waste collection for over 11 years and the system is not financially sustainable. Beginning April 17, organics curbside collection includes food waste and yard waste material, and the City will pay a new tipping fee at the Regional Compost Facility. This change will increase the cost to deliver the service and will require changes in how the curbside services will be provided moving forward, however, the City expects this to be somewhat offset due to a forecasted 30% reduction in solid waste tipping fees.

Special Event Application for SoCal Restaurant and Lounge
Council supported a Patron Participation (Lounge or Special Event) application to the provincial government for an existing Food Primary License at #1-2231 Island Hwy S (SoCal Restaurant and Lounge) to hold regular trivia nights. 

Hazard Conditions (Steep Slopes) OCP Development Permit Area Amendments and Workshops
Council received the March 31, 2023 staff report summarizing the status of the Hazard Conditions (Steep Slopes) – Proposed Official Community Plan (OCP) Development Permit Area (DPA) amendments and authorized staff to proceed with public workshops, and to schedule a public hearing at a future date.
During the winter rainy season, there is the potential for landslides in Campbell River, especially on steep slopes are hazardous lands, which can cause property damage and possibly threaten human safety. The proposed amendments to the OCP Hazard Conditions (Steep Slope) DPA reduce the risk to property and life safety. 
The workshops look to:
• Listen to public concerns and identify new issues,
• Present the exemption forms for vegetation management,
• Clarify the process by having subject matter experts on-hand to answer questions,
• Identify any potential changes to the exemption forms (if necessary)

Repayment of RCMP Retroactive Pay 

Council received correspondence from Talal Dakalbab, Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Public Safety Canada regarding payment of RCMP retroactive pay, advising they will offer all contract jurisdictions up to two years for payment of retroactive salary costs for the period covering 2017 – 2021.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities Statement on the 2023 Federal Budget
Council received the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) statement on the 2023 federal budget which highlights the Government of Canada’s decision to make municipalities responsible for all retroactive costs stemming from the first-ever RCMP collective bargaining agreement.  Council resolved to join the FCM in calling on the Federal Government to commit to ensuring that local governments are meaningfully consulted, fully informed, and at the table on issues related to policing costs given the municipal role in keeping our communities safe. Council will convey this support in writing to local Members of Parliament.
Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run