by Alison Harrower | Nov 09, 2022

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

4260 Discovery Drive
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.3878. This bylaw rezones 4260 Discovery Drive from Residential Estate One Zone (RE-1) to Residential One B Zone (R-1B) to allow for a secondary residence.

1874 Carlyle Crescent
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.3874. This bylaw rezones 1874 Carlyle Crescent from Residential One Zone (R-1) to Residential One B Zone (R-1B) to allow for a secondary residence.

480 4th Avenue
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3879, 2022, received first and second reading. This bylaw rezones the property at 480 4th Avenue from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone to allow for a secondary residence. The Public Hearing requirement was waived.

3923 Painter Road
A development Variance Permit application at 3923 Painter Road received first and second reading. The application requests an enlargement to a single ancillary building over 80 square metres.

2022 General Local Election Results
October 15, 2022, General Local Election results were received by Council. A total of 10,359 ballots were cast, and voter turnout was approximately 35.6 percent. In 2018, voter turnout was approximately 25 percent.

Council Appointments to Standing, External and Internal Committees
Council endorsed the Council appointments to Council’s Standing Committees, Internal Committees and External Boards & Committees. View the Council Appointments on the City website at Council Appointments (campbellriver.ca).

Campbell River Community Foundation Funding Request
Council received correspondence from Michaela Arruda, Executive Director, Campbell River Community Foundation, requesting funding for their Vital Conversation on Housing Security event. Council committed to contributing $3,000 to the event.

Ownership Transfer of the Beaver Floatplane
Council approved a request from Laurel Cronk and Morgan Ostler, Campbellton Neighbourhood Association (CNA), to transfer the ownership of the Campbellton Beaver floatplane to the City. Council will partner with CNA to purchase a plaque honouring those involved in the floatplane project and participate in a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Indigenous Resource Opportunities Conference Sponsorship Request
Council approved a request from Melissa McRitchie, Event Manager, Indigenous Resource Opportunities Conference, inviting Council to renew attendance sponsorship for the 2023 event. Council will contribute $2,200 to the event.



by Alison Harrower | Nov 09, 2022

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

4260 Discovery Drive
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.3878. This bylaw rezones 4260 Discovery Drive from Residential Estate One Zone (RE-1) to Residential One B Zone (R-1B) to allow for a secondary residence.

1874 Carlyle Crescent
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No.3874. This bylaw rezones 1874 Carlyle Crescent from Residential One Zone (R-1) to Residential One B Zone (R-1B) to allow for a secondary residence.

480 4th Avenue
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3879, 2022, received first and second reading. This bylaw rezones the property at 480 4th Avenue from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential One B (R-1B) Zone to allow for a secondary residence. The Public Hearing requirement was waived.

3923 Painter Road
A development Variance Permit application at 3923 Painter Road received first and second reading. The application requests an enlargement to a single ancillary building over 80 square metres.

2022 General Local Election Results
October 15, 2022, General Local Election results were received by Council. A total of 10,359 ballots were cast, and voter turnout was approximately 35.6 percent. In 2018, voter turnout was approximately 25 percent.

Council Appointments to Standing, External and Internal Committees
Council endorsed the Council appointments to Council’s Standing Committees, Internal Committees and External Boards & Committees. View the Council Appointments on the City website at Council Appointments (campbellriver.ca).

Campbell River Community Foundation Funding Request
Council received correspondence from Michaela Arruda, Executive Director, Campbell River Community Foundation, requesting funding for their Vital Conversation on Housing Security event. Council committed to contributing $3,000 to the event.

Ownership Transfer of the Beaver Floatplane
Council approved a request from Laurel Cronk and Morgan Ostler, Campbellton Neighbourhood Association (CNA), to transfer the ownership of the Campbellton Beaver floatplane to the City. Council will partner with CNA to purchase a plaque honouring those involved in the floatplane project and participate in a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Indigenous Resource Opportunities Conference Sponsorship Request
Council approved a request from Melissa McRitchie, Event Manager, Indigenous Resource Opportunities Conference, inviting Council to renew attendance sponsorship for the 2023 event. Council will contribute $2,200 to the event.

Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run