by Alison Harrower | Jun 30, 2022

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

HIGHLIGHTS of JUNE 27 2022 COUNCIL MEETINGWe acknowledge we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Conservation Officer regarding Human-Wildlife Conflicts
Conservation Officer, Sergeant Mike Newton, presented to Council on the impacts of garbage on our bear population and recommended using bear-proof garbage bins and modifying the bylaw to prevent garbage from being left out the night before collection to address the problem. Council referred the bylaw update request to staff to report back on the process, feasibility and timing.

Driftwood Installation Request for Ken Forde Park
Dean Parsonage, Rotary Club member and Campbell River Association of Tour Operators member, requested permission to install a driftwood humpback whale sculpture, to be created by Driftwood Creations, at the Ken Forde Park Interactive Centre. Council referred the request to staff.

Ticketing for Temporary Shelters in Parks
Council adopted the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3871, which authorizes Bylaw Enforcement and RCMP to issue fines relating to where, when and how people can erect temporary shelters; particularly in Nunn’s Creek Park.

Fire Dispatch Centre Study Analysis
Council received the Fire Dispatch Centre Study Analysis from Smith Brownlee and Associates. The study identifies 40 recommendations to improve the operations, safety, and workflows, for dispatchers in the Fire Dispatch Centre. Council directed staff to work with the North Island 9-1-1 Corporation to identify opportunities in the report for future improvements to fire dispatch operations.

Overdose Prevention Site Impacts
Council received concerns from residents and businesses regarding impacts on properties adjacent to the Overdose Prevention Site downtown. Council is responding by asking Island Health to address the need for cleanliness and safety support on site. Council directed staff to report back on the costs associated with increasing bylaw officers or private security on evenings and weekends and for additional cleanup. Council approved a resolution for consideration by the Union of BC Municipalities to lobby the provincial and federal governments to provide a funding stream to cover Overdose Prevention site costs.

Voting by mail
Council adopted the Local Government Election Amendment Bylaw No. 3868, 2022, which allows any eligible elector to vote by mail. This is consistent with recent changes to the B.C. Local Government Act.

Airport Revitalization Tax Exemption Program
Council adopted the Airport Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 3865, 2022. This establishes a 5-year tax exemption program for A-1 and A-2 lands.

COVID-19 Restart Grand Funds
In November 2020, the Province issued local governments a grant to assist with the financial impacts of COVID-19. The City received $4,618,000 under the COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant program to support increased operating costs and lower revenue due to the pandemic. In total, $2.2 million remains uncommitted, and Council has held $2 million of these funds without further expenditure until discussions occur as part of the 2023-2032 Financial Planning deliberations.

741 Birch Street
This site-specific Zoning Amendment Bylaw to amend density provisions at 741 Birch Street was given third reading. This property is zoned as Residential Multiple Four (RM-4).

Proposed Development on Elk River Road South
First and second reading was given to Zoning Amendment Bylaw 3870, 2022. If adopted this would allow for a future low-to-medium density subdivision at 120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South. The development would include a mix of housing, including single-family dwellings with suites, duplexes and townhouses. Council requested that staff consider active transportation. A Public Hearing will be scheduled.

2675 Dolly Varden Road
A Zoning Amendment Bylaw to allow for a secondary residence at 2675 Dolly Varden Road was approved. The Public Hearing was waived in accordance with the Community Charter.

2021 Annual Report
The 2021 Annual Report was approved and the public provided the opportunity to comment and ask questions.

Community Beautification Grants
Council approved partnering agreements for community beautification by the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, Downtown Business Improvement Association, and the Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society. Staff will support implementation of approved beautification projects on public land as needed within departmental capacity.

Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness
Stefanie Hendrickson, Coordinator of the Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness, requested to meet with Council to discuss homelessness and housing insecurity. Council invited Ms. Hendrickson to a future Committee of the Whole meeting.

Nanwakolas Corporate Golf Challenge
Nanwakolas Corporate Golf Challenge requested event sponsorship, and Council agreed to up to $2000 from the Council Contingency Fund.

Island Rail Corridor
Council received a copy of correspondence from Town of View Royal Mayor David Screech, to BC Ministries regarding support for the Island Rail Corridor. Council will write a letter in support of the resolution and the extension of the rail line to Campbell River.

Wei Wai Kum’s Incremental Treaty Agreement
Heinz Dick, Chief Negotiator, Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation notified Council of Wei Wai Kum’s Incremental Treaty Agreement. Council will send a letter requesting a meeting to discuss the Incremental Treaty Agreement before it is signed.



by Alison Harrower | Jun 30, 2022

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

HIGHLIGHTS of JUNE 27 2022 COUNCIL MEETINGWe acknowledge we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Conservation Officer regarding Human-Wildlife Conflicts
Conservation Officer, Sergeant Mike Newton, presented to Council on the impacts of garbage on our bear population and recommended using bear-proof garbage bins and modifying the bylaw to prevent garbage from being left out the night before collection to address the problem. Council referred the bylaw update request to staff to report back on the process, feasibility and timing.

Driftwood Installation Request for Ken Forde Park
Dean Parsonage, Rotary Club member and Campbell River Association of Tour Operators member, requested permission to install a driftwood humpback whale sculpture, to be created by Driftwood Creations, at the Ken Forde Park Interactive Centre. Council referred the request to staff.

Ticketing for Temporary Shelters in Parks
Council adopted the Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3871, which authorizes Bylaw Enforcement and RCMP to issue fines relating to where, when and how people can erect temporary shelters; particularly in Nunn’s Creek Park.

Fire Dispatch Centre Study Analysis
Council received the Fire Dispatch Centre Study Analysis from Smith Brownlee and Associates. The study identifies 40 recommendations to improve the operations, safety, and workflows, for dispatchers in the Fire Dispatch Centre. Council directed staff to work with the North Island 9-1-1 Corporation to identify opportunities in the report for future improvements to fire dispatch operations.

Overdose Prevention Site Impacts
Council received concerns from residents and businesses regarding impacts on properties adjacent to the Overdose Prevention Site downtown. Council is responding by asking Island Health to address the need for cleanliness and safety support on site. Council directed staff to report back on the costs associated with increasing bylaw officers or private security on evenings and weekends and for additional cleanup. Council approved a resolution for consideration by the Union of BC Municipalities to lobby the provincial and federal governments to provide a funding stream to cover Overdose Prevention site costs.

Voting by mail
Council adopted the Local Government Election Amendment Bylaw No. 3868, 2022, which allows any eligible elector to vote by mail. This is consistent with recent changes to the B.C. Local Government Act.

Airport Revitalization Tax Exemption Program
Council adopted the Airport Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 3865, 2022. This establishes a 5-year tax exemption program for A-1 and A-2 lands.

COVID-19 Restart Grand Funds
In November 2020, the Province issued local governments a grant to assist with the financial impacts of COVID-19. The City received $4,618,000 under the COVID-19 Safe Restart Grant program to support increased operating costs and lower revenue due to the pandemic. In total, $2.2 million remains uncommitted, and Council has held $2 million of these funds without further expenditure until discussions occur as part of the 2023-2032 Financial Planning deliberations.

741 Birch Street
This site-specific Zoning Amendment Bylaw to amend density provisions at 741 Birch Street was given third reading. This property is zoned as Residential Multiple Four (RM-4).

Proposed Development on Elk River Road South
First and second reading was given to Zoning Amendment Bylaw 3870, 2022. If adopted this would allow for a future low-to-medium density subdivision at 120, 155 and 240 Elk River Road South. The development would include a mix of housing, including single-family dwellings with suites, duplexes and townhouses. Council requested that staff consider active transportation. A Public Hearing will be scheduled.

2675 Dolly Varden Road
A Zoning Amendment Bylaw to allow for a secondary residence at 2675 Dolly Varden Road was approved. The Public Hearing was waived in accordance with the Community Charter.

2021 Annual Report
The 2021 Annual Report was approved and the public provided the opportunity to comment and ask questions.

Community Beautification Grants
Council approved partnering agreements for community beautification by the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, Downtown Business Improvement Association, and the Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society. Staff will support implementation of approved beautification projects on public land as needed within departmental capacity.

Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness
Stefanie Hendrickson, Coordinator of the Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness, requested to meet with Council to discuss homelessness and housing insecurity. Council invited Ms. Hendrickson to a future Committee of the Whole meeting.

Nanwakolas Corporate Golf Challenge
Nanwakolas Corporate Golf Challenge requested event sponsorship, and Council agreed to up to $2000 from the Council Contingency Fund.

Island Rail Corridor
Council received a copy of correspondence from Town of View Royal Mayor David Screech, to BC Ministries regarding support for the Island Rail Corridor. Council will write a letter in support of the resolution and the extension of the rail line to Campbell River.

Wei Wai Kum’s Incremental Treaty Agreement
Heinz Dick, Chief Negotiator, Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation notified Council of Wei Wai Kum’s Incremental Treaty Agreement. Council will send a letter requesting a meeting to discuss the Incremental Treaty Agreement before it is signed.