Highlights of January 10, 2022 Council Meeting - NEWS RELEASE

by Tanya Gunn | Jan 13, 2022

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.


Council gave first, second and third reading to the Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw, which would provide the flexibility for as many as all members of Council to attend meetings electronically, in a proactive response to the Omicron variant of COVID-19. The amendment would allow Council business to be conducted virtually, if required. In accordance with Section 94 of the Community Charter, notice of the bylaw will be provided prior to the adoption reading.


2022-2031 Ten Year Financial Plan Bylaw adopted—Council adopted the 2022-2031 Ten Year Financial Plan. The 2022 budget includes a 3.13 per cent tax increase. This equates to approximately $37 on a Campbell River home of average value (estimated at $622,000).

Significant community growth and inflationary pressures continue to add pressure to existing City budgets and service provision to residents. This pressure was partially relieved by additional building permit revenues of $300,000 and non-market change (tax revenues from new construction) of $549,000. The 2022 budget includes funding for renewal and replacement of aging infrastructure and provision of services that meet community needs and expectations. The budget also includes significant investment in recreation facilities and services, and focuses on downtown revitalization and transportation, with up to $200,000 of funding for cycling infrastructure, funding for the rehabilitation of the Sportsplex and $100,000 of funding for enhanced CR Live Streets programming.

The City anticipates another challenging year in 2022. The proposed budget focuses on strengthening the stability and resiliency of the 10-year plan, as the City works to ensure Campbell River is in a position to adjust.


The Economic Development Department presented Council with a year-end report with information about the department’s 2021 activities and statistics. Highlights included:

  • Completing a five-year strategic plan
  • Holding the second annual NexStream Tech Competition, in partnership with the Campbell River Area Angel Group (CRAAG)
  • Launching CR Grant Assist
  • Launching CR Impact Investor Challenge, in partnership with Spring and CRAAG
  • Implementing shop-local initiatives
  • Integrating the Campbell River Airport (YBL) into the department
  • Receiving two national marketing awards from the Economic Developers Association of Canada, for programs offered in 2020
  • Receiving $31,136 in grant funding to develop and implement Modern Entrepreneur Innovation Series, the next phase of the City’s successful Modern Entrepreneur Series, in 2022


Council approves a secondary suite at 132 McCarthy Street South—Council gave third reading and adopted the bylaw to permit a secondary suite at 132 McCarthy Street South. This application received first and second reading at the Dec. 13, 2021, meeting. The Public Hearing for this bylaw was waived in accordance with the Community Charter.

Rezoning application for a four-unit townhome complex at 179 Hilchey Road—Council gave first and second readings to an application to rezone 179 Hilchey Road from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone to permit a four-unit townhome complex (considered an apartment within the City’s Zoning Bylaw). The proposal meets the intent, objectives and policies of the Neighbourhood designation in the City’s Sustainable Official Community Plan. The requirement for a Public Hearing has been waived.

Full Council Meeting Highlights


Highlights of January 10, 2022 Council Meeting - NEWS RELEASE

by Tanya Gunn | Jan 13, 2022

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.


Council gave first, second and third reading to the Council Procedure Amendment Bylaw, which would provide the flexibility for as many as all members of Council to attend meetings electronically, in a proactive response to the Omicron variant of COVID-19. The amendment would allow Council business to be conducted virtually, if required. In accordance with Section 94 of the Community Charter, notice of the bylaw will be provided prior to the adoption reading.


2022-2031 Ten Year Financial Plan Bylaw adopted—Council adopted the 2022-2031 Ten Year Financial Plan. The 2022 budget includes a 3.13 per cent tax increase. This equates to approximately $37 on a Campbell River home of average value (estimated at $622,000).

Significant community growth and inflationary pressures continue to add pressure to existing City budgets and service provision to residents. This pressure was partially relieved by additional building permit revenues of $300,000 and non-market change (tax revenues from new construction) of $549,000. The 2022 budget includes funding for renewal and replacement of aging infrastructure and provision of services that meet community needs and expectations. The budget also includes significant investment in recreation facilities and services, and focuses on downtown revitalization and transportation, with up to $200,000 of funding for cycling infrastructure, funding for the rehabilitation of the Sportsplex and $100,000 of funding for enhanced CR Live Streets programming.

The City anticipates another challenging year in 2022. The proposed budget focuses on strengthening the stability and resiliency of the 10-year plan, as the City works to ensure Campbell River is in a position to adjust.


The Economic Development Department presented Council with a year-end report with information about the department’s 2021 activities and statistics. Highlights included:

  • Completing a five-year strategic plan
  • Holding the second annual NexStream Tech Competition, in partnership with the Campbell River Area Angel Group (CRAAG)
  • Launching CR Grant Assist
  • Launching CR Impact Investor Challenge, in partnership with Spring and CRAAG
  • Implementing shop-local initiatives
  • Integrating the Campbell River Airport (YBL) into the department
  • Receiving two national marketing awards from the Economic Developers Association of Canada, for programs offered in 2020
  • Receiving $31,136 in grant funding to develop and implement Modern Entrepreneur Innovation Series, the next phase of the City’s successful Modern Entrepreneur Series, in 2022


Council approves a secondary suite at 132 McCarthy Street South—Council gave third reading and adopted the bylaw to permit a secondary suite at 132 McCarthy Street South. This application received first and second reading at the Dec. 13, 2021, meeting. The Public Hearing for this bylaw was waived in accordance with the Community Charter.

Rezoning application for a four-unit townhome complex at 179 Hilchey Road—Council gave first and second readings to an application to rezone 179 Hilchey Road from Residential One (R-1) Zone to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) Zone to permit a four-unit townhome complex (considered an apartment within the City’s Zoning Bylaw). The proposal meets the intent, objectives and policies of the Neighbourhood designation in the City’s Sustainable Official Community Plan. The requirement for a Public Hearing has been waived.

Full Council Meeting Highlights