Highlights of November 1, 2021 Council Meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Nov 04, 2021

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.
Read the full Council Meeting Highlights


  • 2021 Evacuation Route Planning Grant Application—As part of the City of Campbell River’s ongoing initiative on the risks of wildfires and evacuation plans, Council authorized staff to submit an application
    for the 2021 Community Emergency Preparedness Program grant to the Union of BC Municipalities,
    in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District. Strathcona Regional District would provide overall grant management on behalf of the City of Campbell River if the application is successful.

    This project would build on the City’s foundation emergency plan by developing a wildfire-specific evacuation route plan for high-risk areas within the city and neighbouring communities.

  • Downtown Safety Office lease renewed—Council directed that the Downtown Safety Office lease
    (1302 Shoppers Row) be extended until June 30, 2022, and advised staff to provide Council with a report analyzing the effectiveness of the Downtown Safety Office for Council discussion and a determination
    on next steps by Mar. 1, 2022.


  • Rotary Club of Campbell River’s Annual Rotary TV Auction—Council directed that the City make the Campbell River Community Centre available to the Rotary Club for their Annual Rotary TV Auction, with funding of up to $2,000 to come from the Community Partnership Reserve.


  • Correspondence from the Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness—Council received correspondence from Stefanie Hendrickson, coordinator, Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness, requesting that the City provide a staff liaison to work with the Coalition, and to provide a location and staff for an Extreme Weather Shelter for the 2021-2022 winter season.


2021-2030 Ten Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw—Council gave first, second and third readings to the 2021-2030 Ten Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw to include transfers and amendments authorized by Council throughout the year.

Read the full Council Meeting Highlights

Highlights of November 1, 2021 Council Meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Nov 04, 2021

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.
Read the full Council Meeting Highlights


  • 2021 Evacuation Route Planning Grant Application—As part of the City of Campbell River’s ongoing initiative on the risks of wildfires and evacuation plans, Council authorized staff to submit an application
    for the 2021 Community Emergency Preparedness Program grant to the Union of BC Municipalities,
    in collaboration with the Strathcona Regional District. Strathcona Regional District would provide overall grant management on behalf of the City of Campbell River if the application is successful.

    This project would build on the City’s foundation emergency plan by developing a wildfire-specific evacuation route plan for high-risk areas within the city and neighbouring communities.

  • Downtown Safety Office lease renewed—Council directed that the Downtown Safety Office lease
    (1302 Shoppers Row) be extended until June 30, 2022, and advised staff to provide Council with a report analyzing the effectiveness of the Downtown Safety Office for Council discussion and a determination
    on next steps by Mar. 1, 2022.


  • Rotary Club of Campbell River’s Annual Rotary TV Auction—Council directed that the City make the Campbell River Community Centre available to the Rotary Club for their Annual Rotary TV Auction, with funding of up to $2,000 to come from the Community Partnership Reserve.


  • Correspondence from the Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness—Council received correspondence from Stefanie Hendrickson, coordinator, Campbell River and District Coalition to End Homelessness, requesting that the City provide a staff liaison to work with the Coalition, and to provide a location and staff for an Extreme Weather Shelter for the 2021-2022 winter season.


2021-2030 Ten Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw—Council gave first, second and third readings to the 2021-2030 Ten Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw to include transfers and amendments authorized by Council throughout the year.

Read the full Council Meeting Highlights