Highlights of October 18, 2021 Council Meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Oct 21, 2021

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.


  • Funding for Campbell River Crime Stoppers—In response to correspondence from the Campbell River Crime Stoppers Board of Directors requesting one-time financial assistance to fund annual operating costs, Council approved a one-time donation of $4,000. The funds will come from Council’s contingency fund. Crime Stoppers works closely with RCMP, municipal police services, and other law-enforcement agencies by providing tips and information that could be used in criminal investigations.
  • Correspondence with the City of Ishikari, Japan, regarding exchange programs—In response to correspondence from the Mayor of the City of Ishikari regarding the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on exchange programs between Campbell River and Ishikari, Council will continue discussions with the City of Ishikari about how to proceed with these programs. The City of Campbell River has been twinned with Ishikari, in Hokkaido, Japan, since 1983.
  • Letter of support for Tree of Life Culture Society—Council approved a letter of support for Tree of Life Culture Society’s application for a federal transportation grant.

Highlights of October 18, 2021 Council Meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Oct 21, 2021

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.


  • Funding for Campbell River Crime Stoppers—In response to correspondence from the Campbell River Crime Stoppers Board of Directors requesting one-time financial assistance to fund annual operating costs, Council approved a one-time donation of $4,000. The funds will come from Council’s contingency fund. Crime Stoppers works closely with RCMP, municipal police services, and other law-enforcement agencies by providing tips and information that could be used in criminal investigations.
  • Correspondence with the City of Ishikari, Japan, regarding exchange programs—In response to correspondence from the Mayor of the City of Ishikari regarding the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on exchange programs between Campbell River and Ishikari, Council will continue discussions with the City of Ishikari about how to proceed with these programs. The City of Campbell River has been twinned with Ishikari, in Hokkaido, Japan, since 1983.
  • Letter of support for Tree of Life Culture Society—Council approved a letter of support for Tree of Life Culture Society’s application for a federal transportation grant.