Highlights of the April 26, 2021 Council Meeting and Public Hearing

by Tanya Gunn | Apr 30, 2021

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, meetings use online video conferencing technology. Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

Mayor recognizes city manager for long service

Deborah SargentMayor Andy Adams noted the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators’ recognition of city manager Deborah Sargent for 15 years of municipal service as a chief administrative officer or reporting directly to a chief administrative officer. The long service awards of this national forum recognizes and celebrates the dedication to public service and municipal management. “Since Deborah has worked with the City, she has demonstrated her unfailing commitment to excellence,” the Mayor said. “The City and our citizens are very fortunate to have her leading our City team.”


Coastal flood mitigation and economic development initiative Bruce Bradley outlined a method of priming the shoreline with natural materials to create a sandy bank along the Highway 19A shoreline. Council referred the information to staff for consideration as part of City’s sea level rise mitigation efforts. 

Read the full Council Meeting Highlights


Highlights of the April 26, 2021 Council Meeting and Public Hearing

by Tanya Gunn | Apr 30, 2021

To help prevent the spread of COVID-19, meetings use online video conferencing technology. Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

Mayor recognizes city manager for long service

Deborah SargentMayor Andy Adams noted the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators’ recognition of city manager Deborah Sargent for 15 years of municipal service as a chief administrative officer or reporting directly to a chief administrative officer. The long service awards of this national forum recognizes and celebrates the dedication to public service and municipal management. “Since Deborah has worked with the City, she has demonstrated her unfailing commitment to excellence,” the Mayor said. “The City and our citizens are very fortunate to have her leading our City team.”


Coastal flood mitigation and economic development initiative Bruce Bradley outlined a method of priming the shoreline with natural materials to create a sandy bank along the Highway 19A shoreline. Council referred the information to staff for consideration as part of City’s sea level rise mitigation efforts. 

Read the full Council Meeting Highlights