Highlights of Nov. 2, 2020 Council Meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Nov 05, 2020
New safety requirements for Council meetings help prevent spreading the coronavirus. 

Presentations to Council by City staff and community members use online video conferencing technology. Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca. 


Funding available to support design changes to downtown buildings this year  
Council allocated $25,000 for 2020 to help downtown property owners make building design changes that enhance public spaces and deter negative behavior and unwanted activity. 
Applicants will be eligible for: 

  • up to 50 per cent of the cost of crime prevention design assessments to a maximum of $5,000
  • up to 50 per cent for costs of building changes to a maximum of $10,000
In partnership with the Downtown Business Improvement Association, this program will help fund changes that align with the City’s Official Community Plan and Refresh Downtown principles to enhance the experience of community members and businesses in the downtown core. Read more...

Highlights of Nov. 2, 2020 Council Meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Nov 05, 2020
New safety requirements for Council meetings help prevent spreading the coronavirus. 

Presentations to Council by City staff and community members use online video conferencing technology. Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca. 


Funding available to support design changes to downtown buildings this year  
Council allocated $25,000 for 2020 to help downtown property owners make building design changes that enhance public spaces and deter negative behavior and unwanted activity. 
Applicants will be eligible for: 

  • up to 50 per cent of the cost of crime prevention design assessments to a maximum of $5,000
  • up to 50 per cent for costs of building changes to a maximum of $10,000
In partnership with the Downtown Business Improvement Association, this program will help fund changes that align with the City’s Official Community Plan and Refresh Downtown principles to enhance the experience of community members and businesses in the downtown core. Read more...