Highlights of Sept. 14, 2020 Council Meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Sep 16, 2020

New safety requirements for Council meetings help prevent spreading the coronavirus. Presentations to Council by City staff and community members use online video conferencing technology. Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca.

MAYOR’S OPENING REMARKS Mayor Andy Adams emphasized that the continuing increase of COVID-19 case numbers is very concerning for Campbell River and British Columbia. He reminded people that schools re-opening will create closer connections and urged everyone to continue to follow precautions to avoid a spike in infections that could lead to greater restrictions on activities, and even more hardship for businesses. He added that the City continues to take precautions when delivering City services, and that everyone must do their part to keep the community healthy as the pandemic “is not going to end any time soon.”  Read more...


Highlights of Sept. 14, 2020 Council Meeting

by Tanya Gunn | Sep 16, 2020

New safety requirements for Council meetings help prevent spreading the coronavirus. Presentations to Council by City staff and community members use online video conferencing technology. Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at campbellriver.ca.

MAYOR’S OPENING REMARKS Mayor Andy Adams emphasized that the continuing increase of COVID-19 case numbers is very concerning for Campbell River and British Columbia. He reminded people that schools re-opening will create closer connections and urged everyone to continue to follow precautions to avoid a spike in infections that could lead to greater restrictions on activities, and even more hardship for businesses. He added that the City continues to take precautions when delivering City services, and that everyone must do their part to keep the community healthy as the pandemic “is not going to end any time soon.”  Read more...