by Rebecca Szulhan | Jan 10, 2025

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Nuisance Lighting Regulations
Council gave first and second readings to Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3964, 2024, and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3979, 2024, which look to regulate nuisance lighting. 

The proposed regulations are intended to prevent floodlighting, spotlighting and directional lighting from shining beyond the properties they protect onto residential areas; they also limit the allowable intensity of lantern style lights to reasonable levels. The changes proposed in the bylaw are informed by research into suitable levels for incandescent bulbs and LED lighting, and are not intended to inhibit the effectiveness of security lighting.

Council directed staff to prepare an amendment to the City’s Public Nuisance Bylaw to address nuisance lighting in February 2024 following a presentation from a resident and subsequent complaints. 

New Restrictive Covenant for 303 Hilchey Road
Council approved replacing restrictive covenant CA6700942 at 303 Hilchey Road with a new restrictive covenant that limits building height to 10 metres or three storeys, whichever is less. The property was rezoned from Residential One (R-1) to Residential Multiple-Two (RM-2) in 2018. The RM-2 Zone permits buildings up to 15 metres tall. The change was prompted by community concerns presented at a public hearing when the property was rezoned to RM-2. The new covenant aligns the allowable building height for the property with that of other residential properties in the area. 

Financial Incentive for Secondary Suites
Council directed staff to establish a Secondary Suite Grant Program to provide eligible homeowners with $5,000 grants to support constructing new, or legalizing existing, secondary suites. The program builds on previous Accessory Dwelling Unit incentives supported by Council. 

The total budget for the program will be capped at $250,000 or 50 grants. The City will apply a portion of the federal Housing Accelerator Fund grant it received from Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation to fund the program and the 2025-2034 Financial Plan will be amended accordingly. 

Council will report back to review program uptake prior to 2026 financial planning. 

Letter of Support for Loaves and Fishes Food Recovery Distribution Centre
Council approved a motion brought forward by Councillor Johnston to send a letter of support for Loaves and Fishes to the Honourable Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities; the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food; and the Prime Minister’s Office. The letter will express Council’s support for Loaves and Fishes’ application to the federal government for $7.2 million in funding to establish a Food Recovery and Distribution Centre in Nanaimo. The centre would serve communities across Vancouver Island. Council also received correspondence from Keph Senett regarding the letter of support.



by Rebecca Szulhan | Jan 10, 2025

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Nuisance Lighting Regulations
Council gave first and second readings to Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3964, 2024, and Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3979, 2024, which look to regulate nuisance lighting. 

The proposed regulations are intended to prevent floodlighting, spotlighting and directional lighting from shining beyond the properties they protect onto residential areas; they also limit the allowable intensity of lantern style lights to reasonable levels. The changes proposed in the bylaw are informed by research into suitable levels for incandescent bulbs and LED lighting, and are not intended to inhibit the effectiveness of security lighting.

Council directed staff to prepare an amendment to the City’s Public Nuisance Bylaw to address nuisance lighting in February 2024 following a presentation from a resident and subsequent complaints. 

New Restrictive Covenant for 303 Hilchey Road
Council approved replacing restrictive covenant CA6700942 at 303 Hilchey Road with a new restrictive covenant that limits building height to 10 metres or three storeys, whichever is less. The property was rezoned from Residential One (R-1) to Residential Multiple-Two (RM-2) in 2018. The RM-2 Zone permits buildings up to 15 metres tall. The change was prompted by community concerns presented at a public hearing when the property was rezoned to RM-2. The new covenant aligns the allowable building height for the property with that of other residential properties in the area. 

Financial Incentive for Secondary Suites
Council directed staff to establish a Secondary Suite Grant Program to provide eligible homeowners with $5,000 grants to support constructing new, or legalizing existing, secondary suites. The program builds on previous Accessory Dwelling Unit incentives supported by Council. 

The total budget for the program will be capped at $250,000 or 50 grants. The City will apply a portion of the federal Housing Accelerator Fund grant it received from Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation to fund the program and the 2025-2034 Financial Plan will be amended accordingly. 

Council will report back to review program uptake prior to 2026 financial planning. 

Letter of Support for Loaves and Fishes Food Recovery Distribution Centre
Council approved a motion brought forward by Councillor Johnston to send a letter of support for Loaves and Fishes to the Honourable Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities; the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food; and the Prime Minister’s Office. The letter will express Council’s support for Loaves and Fishes’ application to the federal government for $7.2 million in funding to establish a Food Recovery and Distribution Centre in Nanaimo. The centre would serve communities across Vancouver Island. Council also received correspondence from Keph Senett regarding the letter of support.

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