by Rebecca Szulhan | Sep 06, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Update Regarding the Baikie Island/Raven Trail Project

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 3, 2024)

Council received an update from Graham Stewart, Assistant District Governor of Rotary Club of Campbell River, accompanied by Laurel Cronk and Ian Baikie, Rotary Club members, regarding progress on the Baikie Island/Raven Trail project, which was approved by Council earlier in 2024. The delegation acknowledged City staff for their work on the project; confirmed that neighbouring businesses have been consulted about a gate and security considerations; and provided an update on work to secure land to install public washrooms at Beaver Lodge Forest Lands.

Bylaw Updates to Support the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan
The City has received $10.4 million in funding from the federal government’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) to facilitate the development of more housing and address the community’s housing needs. This funding will be used to implement seven key initiatives to increase the supply of housing across the housing spectrum, address barriers to development and create more affordable housing.

Parking Regulation Changes
Parking Regulations are a key initiatives in the City’s HAF Action Plan. Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3966, which lowers parking regulations to incentivize the creation of higher density housing in the city, including mixed-use projects and future development downtown and along sections of the Dogwood Corridor. Parking reductions to create housing are supported by the City’s Official Community Plan and Housing Strategy and were informed by consultation with the development community and a review of parking demand at existing apartment developments. Moving forward, the City will monitor the effects of the changes for any impact on parking spilling onto city streets.

Accessory Dwelling Unit Implementation Strategy
The Accessory Dwelling Unit Implementation Strategy is another key initiative in the City’s HAF Action Plan. To incentivize legal suite creation, Council adopted Building Bylaw Amendment No. 3971, which permits a three-year exemption from building permit fees for owners looking to legalize an existing suite or build a new accessory dwelling unit. This is a temporary, three-year incentive program. HAF funds will be used to offset any associated revenue loss. Council also supported a 20% reduction in existing water and utility fees for legal suites and directed staff to not enforce BC Building Code requirements for sound attenuation, which is anticipated to result in significant cost savings.

Development Cost Charge Reductions for Affordable Rental Housing
Council gave first, second and third reading to Development Cost Charges Reduction Bylaw No. 3973, 2024, which proposes to reduce the Development Cost Charges (DCCs) for affordable rental housing by 50 per cent. The HAF grant will be used to offset revenue loss related to DCC reductions for affordable housing, which aligns with the City’s commitment to developing financial incentives to support housing creation, particularly affordable and supportive housing. DCC reductions for eligible developments will be available for a three-year period (until October 2027) or until program funding ($250,000) is exhausted.

Updated Zoning Amendment Bylaw and Building Amendment Bylaw are available on the City website www.campbellriver.ca/bylaw-search. For the latest HAF information, visit https://getinvolved.campbellriver.ca/haf.

Proposed Extension to the Tax Sale Redemption Period
Council received a report from staff regarding the tax sale redemption and gave first, second and third readings to Extension of Tax Sale Redemption Period Bylaw No. 3947, 2024.

Under the Community Charter, the City must recover any unpaid property taxes, including any interest and penalties owing on those taxes, by tax sale. The City sold two properties at the 2023 Annual Tax Sale and the City was declared as the purchaser of both properties. Ownership of properties does not transfer on the date of tax sale, as owners of properties sold at the tax sale have up to one year to redeem the property. Properties can be redeemed by paying all arrears and delinquent taxes plus any accrued interest and fees. Of the two properties that were sold at the annual tax sale, one property was redeemed early in 2024 while another property, located at 36 – 1120 Evergreen Road, has not yet been redeemed. This bylaw proposes extending the redemption period by one year to allow the City to continue to work with the taxpayer to recoup amounts owed to the City. Interest would still accrue on the price that the property was sold for at auction.

2025 Permissive Tax Exemption Recommendations
Council give first, second, and third readings to Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 3972, 2024. The City’s Permissive Tax Exemption (PTE) program assists local organizations with the operation of community arts, culture, recreation, social, emergency, and spiritual facilities and programs that enhance quality of life in the community. The City’s Community Partnership Committee reviews applications for inclusion in the bylaw. The current Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw is expiring at the end of 2024. The City is currently reviewing its PTE, grant and property policies. As few changes to the PTEs were required for 2025, and to improve efficiency, staff have prepared a one-year bylaw for 2025 based on the amounts that were awarded to organizations in 2024. Staff are recommending that Council approve $687,593 of permissive tax exemptions for the 2025 taxation year. PTE proposals for the 2025 taxation year include:

  • Exempting 100 per cent of property taxes for the Campbell River and District Public Art Gallery
  • Removing the 50 per cent PTE granted to Storey Creek Golf Course
  • Administrative changes to remove organizations no longer providing services to the community (Coast Animal Control Services of B.C. and Volunteer Campbell River)
  • Continuing a 100 per cent exemption for the Ballenas Housing Society (formerly operated by the Willow Point Supportive Living Society)

Airport Business Plan Engagement

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 3, 2024.)
Council received a report and a presentation regarding Airport Business Plan engagement. The Airport Business Plan was approved in its draft form in November 2023, and the City has retained engagement specialists, IPSOS, to conduct engagement sessions with Council, airport interest groups, tenants, First Nations and the public. The engagement sessions will be held on September 23 and October 3, 2024.The feedback received at these engagement sessions will inform changes to the plan, which will be brought forward for Council’s consideration.

Rezoning Application for 4405 Island Highway — Public Hearing Recommendation
Council decided not to hold a public hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3957, 2024. This bylaw proposes a text amendment to the current Industrial Two-zoned parcel at 4405 Island Highway to permit all uses permitted within the Industrial One Zone. It also proposes adding the following new uses: Indoor Agriculture, Plants; Renewable Energy and Fuel Facility and Data Centre. The subject property holds a land use designation from the Official Community Plan (OCP) as Business and Industrial Service. The proposed site-specific text amendment meets the purpose and intent of the OCP land use designation. Staff will provide the required statutory notifications prior to first reading. 

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3970, 2024
Council adopted Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3970, 2024, to improve language within Zoning Bylaw Amendment 3958, 2024. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 3958 was adopted in June 2024 and implemented the new housing legislation passed by the Province through Bill 44: Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44). The City was required to amend its Zoning Bylaw to permit increased densities on lots currently zoned for low-density housing to allow for residential infill.

Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Request Comment on Proposed Geographical Name Changes
Council received correspondence from Trent Thomas, Provincial Toponymist, BC Geographical Names Office, inviting comments on proposed changes to the official names of three geographical areas, as requested by the We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum and Kwiakah First Nations. A letter with details of the proposed changes is available on the September 5, 2024, Regular Council meeting agenda: https://campbellriver.civicweb.net/. Council directed staff to add this item to the October 8, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

Canadian Institute of Forestry Request for Proclamation 
Council proclaimed September 22 to 28, 2024, National Forest Week, following a request from Mark Pearson, Executive Director, Canadian Institute of Forestry.

Letter to Premier Eby regarding Urgent Request for Provincial Support in Addressing Homelessness in Campbell River 
Correspondence from Mayor Dahl, representing the City of Campbell River, to Premier David Eby, regarding an Urgent Request for Provincial Support in Addressing Homelessness in Campbell River was received by Council.

At the August 22, 2024, Council meeting, Council gave first, second and third readings to Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3965, 2024, with respect to overnight temporary shelter. If the bylaw is adopted, Council will closely monitor the locations and adapt the City’s response as needed and committed to continuing to explore alternatives with community partners and the Province. This letter, which requests that provincially regulated land be immediately made available for temporary overnight camping and that additional shelter resources be immediately made available to allow for expansion of the winter shelter program to reduce the demand for temporary overnight shelter, is one aspect of this commitment. Copies of the letter were sent to MLAs and other communities.




by Rebecca Szulhan | Sep 06, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Update Regarding the Baikie Island/Raven Trail Project

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 3, 2024)

Council received an update from Graham Stewart, Assistant District Governor of Rotary Club of Campbell River, accompanied by Laurel Cronk and Ian Baikie, Rotary Club members, regarding progress on the Baikie Island/Raven Trail project, which was approved by Council earlier in 2024. The delegation acknowledged City staff for their work on the project; confirmed that neighbouring businesses have been consulted about a gate and security considerations; and provided an update on work to secure land to install public washrooms at Beaver Lodge Forest Lands.

Bylaw Updates to Support the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plan
The City has received $10.4 million in funding from the federal government’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) to facilitate the development of more housing and address the community’s housing needs. This funding will be used to implement seven key initiatives to increase the supply of housing across the housing spectrum, address barriers to development and create more affordable housing.

Parking Regulation Changes
Parking Regulations are a key initiatives in the City’s HAF Action Plan. Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3966, which lowers parking regulations to incentivize the creation of higher density housing in the city, including mixed-use projects and future development downtown and along sections of the Dogwood Corridor. Parking reductions to create housing are supported by the City’s Official Community Plan and Housing Strategy and were informed by consultation with the development community and a review of parking demand at existing apartment developments. Moving forward, the City will monitor the effects of the changes for any impact on parking spilling onto city streets.

Accessory Dwelling Unit Implementation Strategy
The Accessory Dwelling Unit Implementation Strategy is another key initiative in the City’s HAF Action Plan. To incentivize legal suite creation, Council adopted Building Bylaw Amendment No. 3971, which permits a three-year exemption from building permit fees for owners looking to legalize an existing suite or build a new accessory dwelling unit. This is a temporary, three-year incentive program. HAF funds will be used to offset any associated revenue loss. Council also supported a 20% reduction in existing water and utility fees for legal suites and directed staff to not enforce BC Building Code requirements for sound attenuation, which is anticipated to result in significant cost savings.

Development Cost Charge Reductions for Affordable Rental Housing
Council gave first, second and third reading to Development Cost Charges Reduction Bylaw No. 3973, 2024, which proposes to reduce the Development Cost Charges (DCCs) for affordable rental housing by 50 per cent. The HAF grant will be used to offset revenue loss related to DCC reductions for affordable housing, which aligns with the City’s commitment to developing financial incentives to support housing creation, particularly affordable and supportive housing. DCC reductions for eligible developments will be available for a three-year period (until October 2027) or until program funding ($250,000) is exhausted.

Updated Zoning Amendment Bylaw and Building Amendment Bylaw are available on the City website www.campbellriver.ca/bylaw-search. For the latest HAF information, visit https://getinvolved.campbellriver.ca/haf.

Proposed Extension to the Tax Sale Redemption Period
Council received a report from staff regarding the tax sale redemption and gave first, second and third readings to Extension of Tax Sale Redemption Period Bylaw No. 3947, 2024.

Under the Community Charter, the City must recover any unpaid property taxes, including any interest and penalties owing on those taxes, by tax sale. The City sold two properties at the 2023 Annual Tax Sale and the City was declared as the purchaser of both properties. Ownership of properties does not transfer on the date of tax sale, as owners of properties sold at the tax sale have up to one year to redeem the property. Properties can be redeemed by paying all arrears and delinquent taxes plus any accrued interest and fees. Of the two properties that were sold at the annual tax sale, one property was redeemed early in 2024 while another property, located at 36 – 1120 Evergreen Road, has not yet been redeemed. This bylaw proposes extending the redemption period by one year to allow the City to continue to work with the taxpayer to recoup amounts owed to the City. Interest would still accrue on the price that the property was sold for at auction.

2025 Permissive Tax Exemption Recommendations
Council give first, second, and third readings to Permissive Exemption from Taxation Bylaw No. 3972, 2024. The City’s Permissive Tax Exemption (PTE) program assists local organizations with the operation of community arts, culture, recreation, social, emergency, and spiritual facilities and programs that enhance quality of life in the community. The City’s Community Partnership Committee reviews applications for inclusion in the bylaw. The current Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw is expiring at the end of 2024. The City is currently reviewing its PTE, grant and property policies. As few changes to the PTEs were required for 2025, and to improve efficiency, staff have prepared a one-year bylaw for 2025 based on the amounts that were awarded to organizations in 2024. Staff are recommending that Council approve $687,593 of permissive tax exemptions for the 2025 taxation year. PTE proposals for the 2025 taxation year include:

  • Exempting 100 per cent of property taxes for the Campbell River and District Public Art Gallery
  • Removing the 50 per cent PTE granted to Storey Creek Golf Course
  • Administrative changes to remove organizations no longer providing services to the community (Coast Animal Control Services of B.C. and Volunteer Campbell River)
  • Continuing a 100 per cent exemption for the Ballenas Housing Society (formerly operated by the Willow Point Supportive Living Society)

Airport Business Plan Engagement

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on September 3, 2024.)
Council received a report and a presentation regarding Airport Business Plan engagement. The Airport Business Plan was approved in its draft form in November 2023, and the City has retained engagement specialists, IPSOS, to conduct engagement sessions with Council, airport interest groups, tenants, First Nations and the public. The engagement sessions will be held on September 23 and October 3, 2024.The feedback received at these engagement sessions will inform changes to the plan, which will be brought forward for Council’s consideration.

Rezoning Application for 4405 Island Highway — Public Hearing Recommendation
Council decided not to hold a public hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3957, 2024. This bylaw proposes a text amendment to the current Industrial Two-zoned parcel at 4405 Island Highway to permit all uses permitted within the Industrial One Zone. It also proposes adding the following new uses: Indoor Agriculture, Plants; Renewable Energy and Fuel Facility and Data Centre. The subject property holds a land use designation from the Official Community Plan (OCP) as Business and Industrial Service. The proposed site-specific text amendment meets the purpose and intent of the OCP land use designation. Staff will provide the required statutory notifications prior to first reading. 

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3970, 2024
Council adopted Zoning Bylaw Amendment No. 3970, 2024, to improve language within Zoning Bylaw Amendment 3958, 2024. Zoning Bylaw Amendment 3958 was adopted in June 2024 and implemented the new housing legislation passed by the Province through Bill 44: Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act, 2023 (Bill 44). The City was required to amend its Zoning Bylaw to permit increased densities on lots currently zoned for low-density housing to allow for residential infill.

Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport Request Comment on Proposed Geographical Name Changes
Council received correspondence from Trent Thomas, Provincial Toponymist, BC Geographical Names Office, inviting comments on proposed changes to the official names of three geographical areas, as requested by the We Wai Kai, Wei Wai Kum and Kwiakah First Nations. A letter with details of the proposed changes is available on the September 5, 2024, Regular Council meeting agenda: https://campbellriver.civicweb.net/. Council directed staff to add this item to the October 8, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting.

Canadian Institute of Forestry Request for Proclamation 
Council proclaimed September 22 to 28, 2024, National Forest Week, following a request from Mark Pearson, Executive Director, Canadian Institute of Forestry.

Letter to Premier Eby regarding Urgent Request for Provincial Support in Addressing Homelessness in Campbell River 
Correspondence from Mayor Dahl, representing the City of Campbell River, to Premier David Eby, regarding an Urgent Request for Provincial Support in Addressing Homelessness in Campbell River was received by Council.

At the August 22, 2024, Council meeting, Council gave first, second and third readings to Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3965, 2024, with respect to overnight temporary shelter. If the bylaw is adopted, Council will closely monitor the locations and adapt the City’s response as needed and committed to continuing to explore alternatives with community partners and the Province. This letter, which requests that provincially regulated land be immediately made available for temporary overnight camping and that additional shelter resources be immediately made available to allow for expansion of the winter shelter program to reduce the demand for temporary overnight shelter, is one aspect of this commitment. Copies of the letter were sent to MLAs and other communities.


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