by Rebecca Szulhan | Jul 29, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Tyee Club Celebrates 100th Anniversary
Council received a presentation from Tyee Club Director Robin Modesto about the club’s 100th anniversary this summer. Modesto spoke about the anniversary celebrations and the club’s historical significance to the community, and thanked the City for its long-standing support. The delegation presented Council with a 100 year anniversary pin and Tyee Club flag and Council approved flying the flag at Spirit Square during the Tyee Club’s annual fishing tournament, which runs until September 15, 2024.

Campbell River is known as the Salmon Capital of the World. Each summer, anglers visit Tyee Pool at Tyee Spit (ʔuxstalis) and strive to join the Tyee Club by catching a Chinook salmon weighing 30 pounds or more. They must do so from a non-motorized boat, using lightweight regulation tackle, for the catch to be eligible. The largest salmon ever registered during the club’s annual summer tournament weighed 71 pounds.  

Photo: Council receiving the Tyee Club flag from members of the Tyee Club. Back row, from left to right: Councillor Doug Chapman; Mr. Tyee; Councillor Ron Kerr; Robin Modesto, Tyee Club; Don Nicholas, Tyee Club; Darrell Knowles, Tyee Club; Mark Thulin, Tyee Club. Front row, from left to right: Councillor Tanille Johnston; Mayor Kermit Dahl; Councillor Susan Sinnott; Councillor Sean Smyth; Councillor Ben Lanyon.


Comox Strathcona Waste Management
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Council received a presentation from Sarah Willie, Solid Waste Planning and Policy Development Manager, and Vivian Schau, Senior Manager, Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM), regarding the renewal of the CSWM Solid Waste Management Plan. The presentation, which is available here and from the City website, acknowledged steps that have been taken toward provincially mandated diversion goals, including an organics facility and curbside collection. The delegation also discussed reduction goals for recyclable materials that are in the waste stream and asked the City to encourage diversion by considering ways to make recycling as easy as waste disposal when developing multi-family housing and development policy and strategies.

Development Applications Update
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Since the last report was provided to Council, 22 new development applications have been received and 17 have been completed. Currently, there are 75 active development files.

Development Applications Procedures and Delegation Bylaw 
Council adopted Development Applications Procedures and Delegations Bylaw No. 3955, 2024, which includes changes that clarify new fees, add a fee for property records requests, and delegate minor variances to staff.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3963
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3963, 2024, which rezones the property at 138 Dogwood Street from Residential Infill (R-I) to Commercial Two (C-2). The rezoning is proposed to support a future development permit for the construction of a four-story building with 15 two-bedroom residential units with ground-floor commercial space.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3937
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3937, 2023, which split-zones the northern portion of 470 Walworth Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) and Residential Multiple One (RM-1). This allows for the development of a seven-lot, fee simple subdivision with four townhouse units per lot (28 dwelling units total) on the RM-2 portion of land. The remaining portion of the property is zoned Residential Multiple One (RM-1). As a condition of adoption, Council required registration of a historical Statutory Right of Way (SRW) and a restrictive covenant to secure the location, dedication and construction of the proposed parkland and road right of ways. Both the SRW and restrictive covenant have been registered on title.

Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3926 
Council adopted Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3926, 2024, which expands the Urban Containment Boundary (UCB) to include 276 Finch Road and two properties at 0 Jubilee Parkway. Conservation covenants that are tied to the restoration of the Jubilee fen and to the existing environmental development permit have been registered on title. A Land Title Act Section 219 Restrictive Covenant has also been registered. The restrictive covenant outlines the development of a mix of housing forms that is consistent with the City’s Housing Needs Assessment and limits access to Finch Road to emergency vehicles only.

The OCP amendment is for the expansion of the UCB only and does not currently include any redesignation for residential development, rezoning or any development concept. Future OCP and zoning amendments will be required for development to occur on the subject lands.

Zoning Application for 2950 Dogwood Street South and 608 Beaver Creek Boulevard 
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3967, 2024, and Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3968, 2024, for 2950 Dogwood Street South and 608 Beaver Creek Boulevard. The combined application looks to increase commercial floor area in Jubilee Heights for future tenants, including the grocery store and adds “car wash” as a permitted use. Staff included proposed zoning housekeeping amendments to align the current sub-division proposal and remove the reference to Jubilee Heights in the C3 zone. A public hearing will be scheduled.

Proposed Telecommunications Tower at 9999 McIvor Lake Road 
Council supported a siting and design of a 54-metre telecommunications tower and associated equipment at 9999 McIvor Lake Road, by BC Hydro. BC Hydro is installing the new tower near the Ladore Dam to enhance communication between three of its hydroelectric facilities. The tower is required for BC Hydro’s operational needs and will not affect cellular communications for the general public.

Telecommunication providers are regulated by the Federal Government. The City may make recommendations about siting and design, but the installation and operation of towers fall under federal jurisdiction.

Bylaw No. 542: Strathcona Gardens Service Amendment 
Council supported Strathcona Regional District (SRD) adopting Strathcona Gardens Service Amendment Bylaw No. 542. The bylaw proposes amendments to the Strathcona Gardens service delivery, name of the service, cost recovery mechanism, and how the maximum annual requisition is set so that it complies with requirements in the Local Government Act. The SRD has given the bylaw its first three readings. Consent from the service participants—the City of Campbell River and Electoral Area D—is required for the bylaw to be considered for approval by the Inspector of Municipalities. The bylaw and an outline of the proposed changes are available on the July 25, 2024, Regular Council meeting agenda: https://campbellriver.civicweb.net.

Remedial Action at 365 Carolyn Road 
Council directed staff to require the owner of the property at 365 Carolyn Road to bring the property into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014 and authorized City contractors to enter onto the property to achieve compliance if required.

Reallocation of funds for Fire Master Plan 
Council approved reallocating $100,000 from the Fire Station Public Engagement Project to support hiring a consultant to produce a Fire Services Master Plan.

The Fire Services Master Plan will include information about the provision of emergency services, including an analysis of program capabilities, risks and fire service delivery. It will assist with developing a strategic framework for immediate, mid-term and long-range service provision, as well as set out a strategic plan for capital infrastructure and additional service needs. Consultation with staff, Council and community members will be a key aspect of the Plan. When complete, staff will present the Plan for Council’s consideration.

BC Transit's Transit Future Action Plan

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Council heard a presentation from Seth Wright, Government Relations Manager, BC Transit; Carl Purvis, Manager of Planning, BC Transit; and Jacob Burnley, Transit Planner, BC Transit, about BC Transit’s Transit Future Action Plan.

BC Transit, in partnership with the City, is developing a Transit Future Action Plan (TFAP) for Campbell River. This plan will identify transit service improvements and infrastructure improvements over the next five years. The current TFAP was completed in 2011 and is considered outdated. BC Transit has undertaken a robust public engagement program, including a driver survey, rider survey, and a stakeholder meeting. BC Transit staff were also present at the City’s Master Transportation Plan open house in April 2024 to receive feedback from the public. BC Transit staff presented their preliminary findings, what they heard from the public, and reviewed next steps. The conversation with Council included discussion of routes, schedules and service areas. Council also received a report from City staff about the plan.

HAF Initiative for Multi-Family Housing and Transit-Oriented Development
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Council heard a presentation and received a report for information about the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund Initiative for Multi-Family Housing and Transit-Oriented Development. Earlier in 2024, the City was awarded $10.4 million from the Government of Canada’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), and the City committed to implementing seven key initiatives to rapidly increase housing supply, address barriers to development, and create more affordable housing stock. One of these initiatives is establishing as-of-right zoning along an area of the Dogwood Corridor, to encourage more high-density housing. The area, stretching from Merecroft Road to 9th Avenue, has been selected given its frequent transit service and high ridership. Council authorized staff to prepare a zoning amendment bylaw that would pre-zone properties along the Dogwood Corridor. Updated zoning along this section of Dogwood Street will permit increased densities and building heights, reduce parking requirements and encourage the development of different housing types, in these areas. For more information about the City’s HAF action plan, visit getinvolved.campbellriver.ca/haf.

Q1 2024 Financial Report
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Council received the City’s Quarterly Financial Report for the first quarter (Q1) of 2024. The report measures the City’s financial performance against the Financial Plan and explains the significant differences in revenue and expenses to assist Council in its strategic decision making. Total revenues for Q1 2024 are consistent with expectations as the significant revenue sources from taxes and user fees are not levied until the second quarter (Q2). Total operational expenses for Q1 2024 are trending on budget and are comparable to the total expenses for Q1 2023, with the exception of the Fire Protection Services costs, which are trending higher for Q1.

Budget Increase for Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Update 2024 Award Recommendation
Council increased the project budget for the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Update 2024 Award Recommendation from $350,000 to $550,000. The increase in the project budget is fully funded from a combination of grants received, including the Housing Accelerator Fund ($25,000), Age Friendly Grant ($25,000) and Complete Communities Grant ($150,000). Completion of this project is anticipated for December 2025.

Campbell River Shoreline Arts Society Community Grant Funding
Council approved a recommendation to award a one-time Community Grant of $5,000 to the Campbell River Shoreline Arts Society (CRSAS) for Transformations on the Shore. In February 2024, Council awarded $714,600 in Community Grants to several local non-profit organizations, as recommended by the Community Partnership Committee. While the CRSAS and Transformations on the Shore was not recommended for a grant in February, Council highlighted the benefits that the event brings to the city and an increasing degree of community and volunteer support when awarding this one-time Community Grant. The total 2024 budget for Community grants is $720,000.

A full-scale review of the Grants, Permissive Taxation and Lease Policy will be undertaken in 2024.

Royal Canadian Legion Request for Remembrance Day Flyby 
Council received correspondence from Alain Chatigny, President and Service Officer, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 137, and supported a request for the Canadian Air Force Display Unit to perform a flyby over downtown Campbell River on Remembrance Day, November 11, 2024.



by Rebecca Szulhan | Jul 29, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Tyee Club Celebrates 100th Anniversary
Council received a presentation from Tyee Club Director Robin Modesto about the club’s 100th anniversary this summer. Modesto spoke about the anniversary celebrations and the club’s historical significance to the community, and thanked the City for its long-standing support. The delegation presented Council with a 100 year anniversary pin and Tyee Club flag and Council approved flying the flag at Spirit Square during the Tyee Club’s annual fishing tournament, which runs until September 15, 2024.

Campbell River is known as the Salmon Capital of the World. Each summer, anglers visit Tyee Pool at Tyee Spit (ʔuxstalis) and strive to join the Tyee Club by catching a Chinook salmon weighing 30 pounds or more. They must do so from a non-motorized boat, using lightweight regulation tackle, for the catch to be eligible. The largest salmon ever registered during the club’s annual summer tournament weighed 71 pounds.  

Photo: Council receiving the Tyee Club flag from members of the Tyee Club. Back row, from left to right: Councillor Doug Chapman; Mr. Tyee; Councillor Ron Kerr; Robin Modesto, Tyee Club; Don Nicholas, Tyee Club; Darrell Knowles, Tyee Club; Mark Thulin, Tyee Club. Front row, from left to right: Councillor Tanille Johnston; Mayor Kermit Dahl; Councillor Susan Sinnott; Councillor Sean Smyth; Councillor Ben Lanyon.


Comox Strathcona Waste Management
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Council received a presentation from Sarah Willie, Solid Waste Planning and Policy Development Manager, and Vivian Schau, Senior Manager, Comox Strathcona Waste Management (CSWM), regarding the renewal of the CSWM Solid Waste Management Plan. The presentation, which is available here and from the City website, acknowledged steps that have been taken toward provincially mandated diversion goals, including an organics facility and curbside collection. The delegation also discussed reduction goals for recyclable materials that are in the waste stream and asked the City to encourage diversion by considering ways to make recycling as easy as waste disposal when developing multi-family housing and development policy and strategies.

Development Applications Update
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Since the last report was provided to Council, 22 new development applications have been received and 17 have been completed. Currently, there are 75 active development files.

Development Applications Procedures and Delegation Bylaw 
Council adopted Development Applications Procedures and Delegations Bylaw No. 3955, 2024, which includes changes that clarify new fees, add a fee for property records requests, and delegate minor variances to staff.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3963
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3963, 2024, which rezones the property at 138 Dogwood Street from Residential Infill (R-I) to Commercial Two (C-2). The rezoning is proposed to support a future development permit for the construction of a four-story building with 15 two-bedroom residential units with ground-floor commercial space.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3937
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3937, 2023, which split-zones the northern portion of 470 Walworth Road from Residential Estate One (RE-1) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) and Residential Multiple One (RM-1). This allows for the development of a seven-lot, fee simple subdivision with four townhouse units per lot (28 dwelling units total) on the RM-2 portion of land. The remaining portion of the property is zoned Residential Multiple One (RM-1). As a condition of adoption, Council required registration of a historical Statutory Right of Way (SRW) and a restrictive covenant to secure the location, dedication and construction of the proposed parkland and road right of ways. Both the SRW and restrictive covenant have been registered on title.

Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3926 
Council adopted Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3926, 2024, which expands the Urban Containment Boundary (UCB) to include 276 Finch Road and two properties at 0 Jubilee Parkway. Conservation covenants that are tied to the restoration of the Jubilee fen and to the existing environmental development permit have been registered on title. A Land Title Act Section 219 Restrictive Covenant has also been registered. The restrictive covenant outlines the development of a mix of housing forms that is consistent with the City’s Housing Needs Assessment and limits access to Finch Road to emergency vehicles only.

The OCP amendment is for the expansion of the UCB only and does not currently include any redesignation for residential development, rezoning or any development concept. Future OCP and zoning amendments will be required for development to occur on the subject lands.

Zoning Application for 2950 Dogwood Street South and 608 Beaver Creek Boulevard 
Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3967, 2024, and Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3968, 2024, for 2950 Dogwood Street South and 608 Beaver Creek Boulevard. The combined application looks to increase commercial floor area in Jubilee Heights for future tenants, including the grocery store and adds “car wash” as a permitted use. Staff included proposed zoning housekeeping amendments to align the current sub-division proposal and remove the reference to Jubilee Heights in the C3 zone. A public hearing will be scheduled.

Proposed Telecommunications Tower at 9999 McIvor Lake Road 
Council supported a siting and design of a 54-metre telecommunications tower and associated equipment at 9999 McIvor Lake Road, by BC Hydro. BC Hydro is installing the new tower near the Ladore Dam to enhance communication between three of its hydroelectric facilities. The tower is required for BC Hydro’s operational needs and will not affect cellular communications for the general public.

Telecommunication providers are regulated by the Federal Government. The City may make recommendations about siting and design, but the installation and operation of towers fall under federal jurisdiction.

Bylaw No. 542: Strathcona Gardens Service Amendment 
Council supported Strathcona Regional District (SRD) adopting Strathcona Gardens Service Amendment Bylaw No. 542. The bylaw proposes amendments to the Strathcona Gardens service delivery, name of the service, cost recovery mechanism, and how the maximum annual requisition is set so that it complies with requirements in the Local Government Act. The SRD has given the bylaw its first three readings. Consent from the service participants—the City of Campbell River and Electoral Area D—is required for the bylaw to be considered for approval by the Inspector of Municipalities. The bylaw and an outline of the proposed changes are available on the July 25, 2024, Regular Council meeting agenda: https://campbellriver.civicweb.net.

Remedial Action at 365 Carolyn Road 
Council directed staff to require the owner of the property at 365 Carolyn Road to bring the property into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014 and authorized City contractors to enter onto the property to achieve compliance if required.

Reallocation of funds for Fire Master Plan 
Council approved reallocating $100,000 from the Fire Station Public Engagement Project to support hiring a consultant to produce a Fire Services Master Plan.

The Fire Services Master Plan will include information about the provision of emergency services, including an analysis of program capabilities, risks and fire service delivery. It will assist with developing a strategic framework for immediate, mid-term and long-range service provision, as well as set out a strategic plan for capital infrastructure and additional service needs. Consultation with staff, Council and community members will be a key aspect of the Plan. When complete, staff will present the Plan for Council’s consideration.

BC Transit's Transit Future Action Plan

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Council heard a presentation from Seth Wright, Government Relations Manager, BC Transit; Carl Purvis, Manager of Planning, BC Transit; and Jacob Burnley, Transit Planner, BC Transit, about BC Transit’s Transit Future Action Plan.

BC Transit, in partnership with the City, is developing a Transit Future Action Plan (TFAP) for Campbell River. This plan will identify transit service improvements and infrastructure improvements over the next five years. The current TFAP was completed in 2011 and is considered outdated. BC Transit has undertaken a robust public engagement program, including a driver survey, rider survey, and a stakeholder meeting. BC Transit staff were also present at the City’s Master Transportation Plan open house in April 2024 to receive feedback from the public. BC Transit staff presented their preliminary findings, what they heard from the public, and reviewed next steps. The conversation with Council included discussion of routes, schedules and service areas. Council also received a report from City staff about the plan.

HAF Initiative for Multi-Family Housing and Transit-Oriented Development
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Council heard a presentation and received a report for information about the City’s Housing Accelerator Fund Initiative for Multi-Family Housing and Transit-Oriented Development. Earlier in 2024, the City was awarded $10.4 million from the Government of Canada’s Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF), and the City committed to implementing seven key initiatives to rapidly increase housing supply, address barriers to development, and create more affordable housing stock. One of these initiatives is establishing as-of-right zoning along an area of the Dogwood Corridor, to encourage more high-density housing. The area, stretching from Merecroft Road to 9th Avenue, has been selected given its frequent transit service and high ridership. Council authorized staff to prepare a zoning amendment bylaw that would pre-zone properties along the Dogwood Corridor. Updated zoning along this section of Dogwood Street will permit increased densities and building heights, reduce parking requirements and encourage the development of different housing types, in these areas. For more information about the City’s HAF action plan, visit getinvolved.campbellriver.ca/haf.

Q1 2024 Financial Report
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on July 23, 2024.)
Council received the City’s Quarterly Financial Report for the first quarter (Q1) of 2024. The report measures the City’s financial performance against the Financial Plan and explains the significant differences in revenue and expenses to assist Council in its strategic decision making. Total revenues for Q1 2024 are consistent with expectations as the significant revenue sources from taxes and user fees are not levied until the second quarter (Q2). Total operational expenses for Q1 2024 are trending on budget and are comparable to the total expenses for Q1 2023, with the exception of the Fire Protection Services costs, which are trending higher for Q1.

Budget Increase for Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Update 2024 Award Recommendation
Council increased the project budget for the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw Update 2024 Award Recommendation from $350,000 to $550,000. The increase in the project budget is fully funded from a combination of grants received, including the Housing Accelerator Fund ($25,000), Age Friendly Grant ($25,000) and Complete Communities Grant ($150,000). Completion of this project is anticipated for December 2025.

Campbell River Shoreline Arts Society Community Grant Funding
Council approved a recommendation to award a one-time Community Grant of $5,000 to the Campbell River Shoreline Arts Society (CRSAS) for Transformations on the Shore. In February 2024, Council awarded $714,600 in Community Grants to several local non-profit organizations, as recommended by the Community Partnership Committee. While the CRSAS and Transformations on the Shore was not recommended for a grant in February, Council highlighted the benefits that the event brings to the city and an increasing degree of community and volunteer support when awarding this one-time Community Grant. The total 2024 budget for Community grants is $720,000.

A full-scale review of the Grants, Permissive Taxation and Lease Policy will be undertaken in 2024.

Royal Canadian Legion Request for Remembrance Day Flyby 
Council received correspondence from Alain Chatigny, President and Service Officer, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 137, and supported a request for the Canadian Air Force Display Unit to perform a flyby over downtown Campbell River on Remembrance Day, November 11, 2024.

Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run