by Rebecca Szulhan | Apr 26, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Amendment Bylaw

Council gave first, second and third readings to amendments proposed in the Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Amendment Bylaw No. 3953, 2024. The amendment bylaw includes various updates to administrative and operational tasks and fees for the City of Campbell River Airport (YBL). In a previous report to Council, the bylaw proposed landing fees for piston-powered aircraft, however, this amendment was removed following correspondence received on and discussion around the item.

YBL provides the necessary infrastructure to facilitate services such as medical and wildfire air support, connects Campbell River to countless other communities across BC and further afield, and is an economic driver here in Campbell River. The City is committed to working collaboratively with the general and commercial aviation sectors to support innovation and resilience at YBL. The proposed bylaw looks to balance City support for the general and commercial aviation industry in Campbell River while aligning service delivery with costs and reducing taxpayer costs associated with maintaining airport infrastructure and facilitating air service in the region.

Development Applications Update
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 23, 2024.)
Since the last report was provided to Council on January 23, 2024, 18 new development applications have been received and 18 have been completed. Currently, there are 77 active files.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3951
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3951, 2024, which rezones the property at 1820 McDonald Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to allow the construction of a duplex with secondary suites. The rezoning application is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the required statutory notifications were provided.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3945
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3945, 2024, which rezones 783 Thulin Street from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One B (R1-B) to allow for a secondary residence. The existing home will remain. The application is consistent with the OCP and the required statutory notifications were provided.

Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw
Council adopted Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3946, 2024. The bylaw proposes amendments to the bylaw schedules to align them with the offences, section numbers and penalties of recently adopted Building Bylaw No. 3899, 2023.

Proposed Rogers Telecommunications Tower at 2135 Shetland Road
Council gave concurrence to the siting and design of a 43-metre telecommunication tower and associated equipment at 2135 Shetland Road, by Rogers Communications. The company has preliminary agreements in place with the property owners and has completed the required consultation process of notifying residents, stakeholders and landowners about the proposed tower. Freedom Mobile owns an existing telecommunication tower on the property, which Council gave concurrence to in 2019.

Telecommunication providers are regulated by the Federal Government. The City may make recommendations about siting and design, while the installation and operation of towers fall under federal jurisdiction. The City does not currently have a siting policy or bylaw related to telecommunications towers but one is anticipated to be brought to Council for consideration in 2024.

Tax Rates Bylaw 

Council gave first, second and third readings to Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3954, 2024. Now that the Financial Plan Bylaw has been adopted, the City is required under Section 197 of the Community Charter to adopt a Tax Rates Bylaw before May 15, 2024. The Tax Rates Bylaw enacts the tax increase that was approved to support the City’s 2024-2033 Financial Plan. The 2024 tax increase supports the base operating budget, investment in capital infrastructure as well as incremental enhancements to the services the City provides to its residents.

The City’s Property Taxation Policy requires the City to review its tax rates by property class on a three-year basis. Staff will complete a review in advance of financial planning 2025 to ensure that tax rates are reasonable given assessed values in Campbell River and comparable to other communities. Findings will be provided to Council in the fall of 2024.

Fourth-Quarter 2023 Financial Report
Council received the City’s Quarterly Financial Report for the fourth quarter of 2023, which was first presented to Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 9, 2024. The Report measures the City’s financial performance against the Financial Plan and explains the significant differences in revenue and expenses to assist Council in its strategic decision making. Total revenues for the fourth quarter of 2023 are trending higher than budgeted due to increased interest revenues from investments, recreation program fees, building permits and business licenses. This was partly offset by decreased sales of jet fuel. Total expenses are trending lower than budgeted, largely due to a delay in operating projects, labour vacancies, and lower fuel purchasing costs associated with the lower fuel sales at YBL.

Additional funding was approved for projects that have exceeded their budgets by more than $10,000. There are three operating projects and four capital projects that have exceeded the budget by $10,000 and the details of these are listed in the Report to Council. The Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policy project has been cancelled for now and will be completed when the City reviews and updates its Official Community Plan in 2024 and 2025.

40th Anniversary of the Twinning of Campbell River and Ishikari

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 23, 2024.)
Council resolved that Mayor Kermit Dahl and up to three council members and three City staff will participate in a delegation to Ishikari, in Hokkaido, Japan, in October 2024. Representatives from the We Wai Kai Nation and the Wei Wai Kum First Nation and School District 72 will also be invited to attend.

Campbell River has been twinned with Ishikari since 1983 and is celebrating the 40th anniversary with the sister city. Close bonds of friendship have been built and nourished through cultural and student exchanges. In 2008, Ishikari gifted 25 cherry trees to Campbell River, which many people enjoy today, particularly when in full bloom. An updated twinning agreement was signed in 2023 when eight dignitaries from the City of Ishikari were welcomed to Campbell River, and the City looks forward to building on the relationship when a delegation from the City heads to Japan. Costs associated with the delegation will be funded through the Ishikari Twinning Reserve Fund.

Day of Mourning
The Mayor acknowledged April 28, 2024, as the National Day of Mourning and Council issued a proclamation. Staff gathered at Fire Hall #1 on April 25 to remember and honour workers who have been killed, inured, or suffered illness because of work-related incidents, and Flags at City facilities were lowered and will remain at half-mast through April 28.

2024 AVICC AGM and Convention
Mayor Dahl, members of Council and City Manager Brovold were in Victoria for the 2024 Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Convention, from April 12 to 14. The AGM and Convention bring together local leaders to learn, network, and advocate for their communities. This year important issues facing BC communities were covered, including housing and community safety and well-being, both of which have been identified as strategic priorities of Council. During the convention, the Mayor and City Manager met with Island Health's Board Chair and senior staff to discuss challenges and priorities specific to the health services in Campbell River. Councillor Johnston was elected to the AVICC Executive during the convention. 






by Rebecca Szulhan | Apr 26, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Amendment Bylaw

Council gave first, second and third readings to amendments proposed in the Airport Operation, Maintenance and Management Amendment Bylaw No. 3953, 2024. The amendment bylaw includes various updates to administrative and operational tasks and fees for the City of Campbell River Airport (YBL). In a previous report to Council, the bylaw proposed landing fees for piston-powered aircraft, however, this amendment was removed following correspondence received on and discussion around the item.

YBL provides the necessary infrastructure to facilitate services such as medical and wildfire air support, connects Campbell River to countless other communities across BC and further afield, and is an economic driver here in Campbell River. The City is committed to working collaboratively with the general and commercial aviation sectors to support innovation and resilience at YBL. The proposed bylaw looks to balance City support for the general and commercial aviation industry in Campbell River while aligning service delivery with costs and reducing taxpayer costs associated with maintaining airport infrastructure and facilitating air service in the region.

Development Applications Update
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 23, 2024.)
Since the last report was provided to Council on January 23, 2024, 18 new development applications have been received and 18 have been completed. Currently, there are 77 active files.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3951
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3951, 2024, which rezones the property at 1820 McDonald Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to allow the construction of a duplex with secondary suites. The rezoning application is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the required statutory notifications were provided.

Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3945
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3945, 2024, which rezones 783 Thulin Street from Residential One (R-1) to Residential One B (R1-B) to allow for a secondary residence. The existing home will remain. The application is consistent with the OCP and the required statutory notifications were provided.

Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw
Council adopted Ticketing for Bylaw Offences Amendment Bylaw No. 3946, 2024. The bylaw proposes amendments to the bylaw schedules to align them with the offences, section numbers and penalties of recently adopted Building Bylaw No. 3899, 2023.

Proposed Rogers Telecommunications Tower at 2135 Shetland Road
Council gave concurrence to the siting and design of a 43-metre telecommunication tower and associated equipment at 2135 Shetland Road, by Rogers Communications. The company has preliminary agreements in place with the property owners and has completed the required consultation process of notifying residents, stakeholders and landowners about the proposed tower. Freedom Mobile owns an existing telecommunication tower on the property, which Council gave concurrence to in 2019.

Telecommunication providers are regulated by the Federal Government. The City may make recommendations about siting and design, while the installation and operation of towers fall under federal jurisdiction. The City does not currently have a siting policy or bylaw related to telecommunications towers but one is anticipated to be brought to Council for consideration in 2024.

Tax Rates Bylaw 

Council gave first, second and third readings to Tax Rates Bylaw No. 3954, 2024. Now that the Financial Plan Bylaw has been adopted, the City is required under Section 197 of the Community Charter to adopt a Tax Rates Bylaw before May 15, 2024. The Tax Rates Bylaw enacts the tax increase that was approved to support the City’s 2024-2033 Financial Plan. The 2024 tax increase supports the base operating budget, investment in capital infrastructure as well as incremental enhancements to the services the City provides to its residents.

The City’s Property Taxation Policy requires the City to review its tax rates by property class on a three-year basis. Staff will complete a review in advance of financial planning 2025 to ensure that tax rates are reasonable given assessed values in Campbell River and comparable to other communities. Findings will be provided to Council in the fall of 2024.

Fourth-Quarter 2023 Financial Report
Council received the City’s Quarterly Financial Report for the fourth quarter of 2023, which was first presented to Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 9, 2024. The Report measures the City’s financial performance against the Financial Plan and explains the significant differences in revenue and expenses to assist Council in its strategic decision making. Total revenues for the fourth quarter of 2023 are trending higher than budgeted due to increased interest revenues from investments, recreation program fees, building permits and business licenses. This was partly offset by decreased sales of jet fuel. Total expenses are trending lower than budgeted, largely due to a delay in operating projects, labour vacancies, and lower fuel purchasing costs associated with the lower fuel sales at YBL.

Additional funding was approved for projects that have exceeded their budgets by more than $10,000. There are three operating projects and four capital projects that have exceeded the budget by $10,000 and the details of these are listed in the Report to Council. The Environmentally Sensitive Areas Policy project has been cancelled for now and will be completed when the City reviews and updates its Official Community Plan in 2024 and 2025.

40th Anniversary of the Twinning of Campbell River and Ishikari

(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on April 23, 2024.)
Council resolved that Mayor Kermit Dahl and up to three council members and three City staff will participate in a delegation to Ishikari, in Hokkaido, Japan, in October 2024. Representatives from the We Wai Kai Nation and the Wei Wai Kum First Nation and School District 72 will also be invited to attend.

Campbell River has been twinned with Ishikari since 1983 and is celebrating the 40th anniversary with the sister city. Close bonds of friendship have been built and nourished through cultural and student exchanges. In 2008, Ishikari gifted 25 cherry trees to Campbell River, which many people enjoy today, particularly when in full bloom. An updated twinning agreement was signed in 2023 when eight dignitaries from the City of Ishikari were welcomed to Campbell River, and the City looks forward to building on the relationship when a delegation from the City heads to Japan. Costs associated with the delegation will be funded through the Ishikari Twinning Reserve Fund.

Day of Mourning
The Mayor acknowledged April 28, 2024, as the National Day of Mourning and Council issued a proclamation. Staff gathered at Fire Hall #1 on April 25 to remember and honour workers who have been killed, inured, or suffered illness because of work-related incidents, and Flags at City facilities were lowered and will remain at half-mast through April 28.

2024 AVICC AGM and Convention
Mayor Dahl, members of Council and City Manager Brovold were in Victoria for the 2024 Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (AVICC) Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Convention, from April 12 to 14. The AGM and Convention bring together local leaders to learn, network, and advocate for their communities. This year important issues facing BC communities were covered, including housing and community safety and well-being, both of which have been identified as strategic priorities of Council. During the convention, the Mayor and City Manager met with Island Health's Board Chair and senior staff to discuss challenges and priorities specific to the health services in Campbell River. Councillor Johnston was elected to the AVICC Executive during the convention. 




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