by Alison Harrower | Mar 28, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3952, 2024 for Portion of Roadway Adjacent to 1890 19th Avenue

Council gave first, second and third reading to Bylaw No. 3952, 2024, for the closure and dedication removal of a portion of roadway adjacent to 1890 19th Avenue.

The Campbellton Neighbourhood Association presented their River Route Parks and Trail Completion Project to Council at the September 28, 2023, Council Meeting and requested Council support for this project, including closing the road right-of-way adjacent to 1890 19th Avenue. The City is required to adopt a bylaw to accommodate this request. A statutory right of way will be required for BC Hydro to protect existing infrastructure within this portion of roadway, and an easement will be needed for the adjacent property owner at 1900 19th Avenue to ensure driveway access to their property.

Public notification will be provided and any feedback received will be shared with Council at the April 25, 2024, Council meeting, when the Bylaw is considered for adoption.


Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption - Lease Area 24

Council authorized the City to enter into an Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement with Broadstreet Properties for the property at Lease Lot 24 at the Campbell River Airport (YBL). An Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption Certificate for the property for five years will be issued, starting after the issuance of building occupancy.

In 2022 Council adopted an Airport Lands Revitalization Bylaw to incentivize development at YBL. In 2024, two hangars are under construction on Airport Lease Area No. 24 which are eligible for a revitalization tax exemption under the bylaw. The exemption will result in the City foregoing an estimated $206,000 in property taxes over the 5-years. As the airport continues to develop, anticipated economic benefits for the City and the community include generating revenue from lease fees and increased fuel sales, and supporting job creation and retention.


BC Salmon Farmers Request for Support for World Ocean Day

For World Ocean Day, which helps raise awareness about the crucial role the ocean plays in people’s lives and the important ways people can help protect it, BC Salmon Farmers Association is working with local businesses and First Nations to organize a full-day beach cleanup along the Seawalk. The group reached out to the City for support to plan and fund the event and activities. Council provided a $500 grant from the 2024 Community Grants budget and will fund the Rotary Beach Park Rental Fee to a maximum of $300 from Council Contingency.


Support for City of Duncan 2024 AVICC Resolution

Council received correspondence from Mayor Michelle Staples, City of Duncan, regarding their 2024 AVICC Resolution on Fail to Appear Charges in Policing Statistics. Council directed staff to send a letter of support.

Support for Bill-34 and the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act

Council received correspondence from the District of Hudson's Hope to the Honourable David Eby, Premier of British Columbia, regarding support for Bill-34 and the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act. Council directed staff to send a letter of support.


The HEARTH Village Open House

Mayor Dahl shared an update on the HEARTH Village open house that took place on March 20, 2024. A total of 88 people attended the open house at the Campbell River Community Centre, including potential future residents and neighbours, local businesses, and other interested community members. Staff from the City and BC Housing were available to greet guests and respond to questions. Mayor Dahl and three members of council also attended along with Duncan Mayor Staples.

Key themes of feedback and questions were:

  • Overall, a positive, curious sentiment – genuine interest in learning and discussing.
  • Strong support for the project, and desire for more facilities to serve the broader range of needs (complex care, dry secure facilities, mental health supports).
  • Increased understanding (and support) for shelter as a gateway to housing, and how residents will be selected.
  • Interest in the future operator and desire to meet them and learn about the specifics of how they plan to operate and communicate with neighbours.
  • Appreciation for the “one person per unit/no guests” policy and 24/7 controlled access.
  • Interest in ensuring the needs of HEARTH residents are considered – such as allowing pets, space for shopping carts, etc.
  • Interest in integration and broader community involvement – a “how can we help” sentiment.




by Alison Harrower | Mar 28, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.


Road Closure and Dedication Removal Bylaw No. 3952, 2024 for Portion of Roadway Adjacent to 1890 19th Avenue

Council gave first, second and third reading to Bylaw No. 3952, 2024, for the closure and dedication removal of a portion of roadway adjacent to 1890 19th Avenue.

The Campbellton Neighbourhood Association presented their River Route Parks and Trail Completion Project to Council at the September 28, 2023, Council Meeting and requested Council support for this project, including closing the road right-of-way adjacent to 1890 19th Avenue. The City is required to adopt a bylaw to accommodate this request. A statutory right of way will be required for BC Hydro to protect existing infrastructure within this portion of roadway, and an easement will be needed for the adjacent property owner at 1900 19th Avenue to ensure driveway access to their property.

Public notification will be provided and any feedback received will be shared with Council at the April 25, 2024, Council meeting, when the Bylaw is considered for adoption.


Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption - Lease Area 24

Council authorized the City to enter into an Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption Agreement with Broadstreet Properties for the property at Lease Lot 24 at the Campbell River Airport (YBL). An Airport Lands Revitalization Tax Exemption Certificate for the property for five years will be issued, starting after the issuance of building occupancy.

In 2022 Council adopted an Airport Lands Revitalization Bylaw to incentivize development at YBL. In 2024, two hangars are under construction on Airport Lease Area No. 24 which are eligible for a revitalization tax exemption under the bylaw. The exemption will result in the City foregoing an estimated $206,000 in property taxes over the 5-years. As the airport continues to develop, anticipated economic benefits for the City and the community include generating revenue from lease fees and increased fuel sales, and supporting job creation and retention.


BC Salmon Farmers Request for Support for World Ocean Day

For World Ocean Day, which helps raise awareness about the crucial role the ocean plays in people’s lives and the important ways people can help protect it, BC Salmon Farmers Association is working with local businesses and First Nations to organize a full-day beach cleanup along the Seawalk. The group reached out to the City for support to plan and fund the event and activities. Council provided a $500 grant from the 2024 Community Grants budget and will fund the Rotary Beach Park Rental Fee to a maximum of $300 from Council Contingency.


Support for City of Duncan 2024 AVICC Resolution

Council received correspondence from Mayor Michelle Staples, City of Duncan, regarding their 2024 AVICC Resolution on Fail to Appear Charges in Policing Statistics. Council directed staff to send a letter of support.

Support for Bill-34 and the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act

Council received correspondence from the District of Hudson's Hope to the Honourable David Eby, Premier of British Columbia, regarding support for Bill-34 and the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act. Council directed staff to send a letter of support.


The HEARTH Village Open House

Mayor Dahl shared an update on the HEARTH Village open house that took place on March 20, 2024. A total of 88 people attended the open house at the Campbell River Community Centre, including potential future residents and neighbours, local businesses, and other interested community members. Staff from the City and BC Housing were available to greet guests and respond to questions. Mayor Dahl and three members of council also attended along with Duncan Mayor Staples.

Key themes of feedback and questions were:

  • Overall, a positive, curious sentiment – genuine interest in learning and discussing.
  • Strong support for the project, and desire for more facilities to serve the broader range of needs (complex care, dry secure facilities, mental health supports).
  • Increased understanding (and support) for shelter as a gateway to housing, and how residents will be selected.
  • Interest in the future operator and desire to meet them and learn about the specifics of how they plan to operate and communicate with neighbours.
  • Appreciation for the “one person per unit/no guests” policy and 24/7 controlled access.
  • Interest in ensuring the needs of HEARTH residents are considered – such as allowing pets, space for shopping carts, etc.
  • Interest in integration and broader community involvement – a “how can we help” sentiment.


Upcoming Events
Apr 19, 2025 BIA Easter Event
May 03, 2025 Colourful Run