by Rebecca Szulhan | Mar 15, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Community Medical Detox Facility on Nicholls Road
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 12, 2024)
Council received a presentation from Island Health staff, including Lesley Howie, Director, North Island Mental Health and Substance Use (NIMHSU), and Shelley Garneau and Dr. Marcus Greatheart, also with NIMHSU, about a new community medical detox facility that Island Health will be opening in the fall at 731 Nicholls Road. They shared a presentation with information about how the six-bed facility would operate and answered questions from Council.

Council also received a series of letters from the neighbourhood with concerns related to the facility and have shared this correspondence with Island Health. Council acknowledged the concerns shared by neighbours and is committed to working and facilitating discussions with Island Health to help address the concerns raised. While the location of this medical detox facility is governed by the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and is outside the City’s jurisdiction, Council has directed staff to explore options within the City’s control to address neighbourhood concerns.

The presentation was recorded as part of the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 12, 2024. To view the recording, visit campbellriver.ca/webcasts. For more information about the facility, site and service, visit https://bit.ly/3v8oT5f.

Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan Update
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 12, 2024)
Council received a report and presentation with a project update about the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan (PRCMP). The City is updating the plan to guide how the City develops, manages, improves and invests in parks, recreation and cultural services over the next 10 years.

Engaging with residents is an important part of this project. Engagement and research activities to date have included resident and youth surveys, interactive boards, community meetings, facility usage data, benchmarking, and more. The engagement report will be published in the coming weeks.

Engagement with the ball-field user groups, including Campbell River Minor Baseball Association, Campbell River Slo-Pitch League and Campbell River Masters Slo-Pitch also occurred. The engagement activities with these three groups helped to develop the Ball Diamond Infrastructure Options Summary Report, which was presented to Council on March 12, 2024. Council authorized staff to conduct engagement with ball-field user groups about the results of the Summary Report, and Mayor Kermit Dahl will designate a member of Council to attend the engagement with ball-field user groups. Staff will reach out directly to user groups.

For more information, visit getinvolved.campbellriver.ca or watch a recording of the presentation at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

Draft Master Transportation Plan
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 12, 2024)
Council received a draft Master Transportation Plan (MTP) and provided feedback to staff. The City is in the process of updating its MTP to review and address the future transportation needs of the community. This draft plan is part of the final phase of the MTP process. In previous stages, feedback was collected through engagement with the public, community partners, the project advisory team, City staff and Council.

Council authorized staff to proceed with public engagement for the latest draft of the MTP. Next steps will include incorporating Council’s feedback and holding an open house to share the draft MTP with the public. Details on upcoming engagement opportunities will be shared at getinvolved.campbellriver.ca.

Application to Expand the Urban Containment Boundary
Council gave first and second reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3926, 2024, which proposes to expand the Urban Containment Boundary (UCB) to include 276 Finch Road and two properties at 0 Jubilee Parkway, and authorized staff to schedule a public hearing at a future date.

Following the public hearing, if the UCB-expansion application passes third reading and adoption, the applicant will be required to apply for rezoning and land-use redesignation, and prepare a master plan showing subdivision layout, residential housing forms, densities and infrastructure servicing plan prior to development.

Information on the public hearing will be made available in the coming weeks on the City website, campbellriver.ca.

Extended Hours for Golf Course Maintenance
Council adopted Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3944, 2024. The bylaw allows extended hours for golf course care and maintenance (from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., April through September, and 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., October through March). It follows a request from Brad Sinclair, Superintendent, Naturally Pacific Resort. City staff notified residents in the vicinity of golf courses in Campbell River of the proposed amendments, and the public was invited to submit written feedback prior to third reading. All written responses received were considered by Council.

Remedial Action at 825 Evergreen Road
Council directed staff to require the owner of the property at 825 Evergreen Road to bring the property into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014. City contractors are authorized to enter onto the property to perform the necessary work to achieve compliance if required.

Rezoning Application for 345 Dogwood Street
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3949, 2024, to permit two new units in the existing apartment building at 345 Dogwood Street. The property is zoned RM-4, with an allowable density limit of 24 units. The building currently has 25 units and is considered pre-existing non-conforming use as the building was built in the 1970s. The two additional units would bring the total number of units on the property to 27. This application is consistent with the OCP and the required statutory notifications were provided.

Rezoning Application for 2320 Campbell River Road
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3925, 2023, to rezone 2320 Campbell River Road from Commercial Six (C-6) to Comprehensive Development Eight (CD8). This brings the current dwelling units, on five strata lots and common property, into zoning compliance and creates new zoning regulations for future residential development. As a condition of rezoning, before signing the bylaw, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) required the owner to obtain a Controlled Access Permit. The applicant has provided the City with a copy of the approved permit issued by MOTI, and MOTI has signed the bylaw. The Controlled Access Permit requires the owners to widen, re-align and pave their driveway access onto Highway 28 by July 20, 2024.

Rezoning Application for 1820 McDonald Road
Council gave first, second and third readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3951, 2024, which proposes to rezone the property at 1820 McDonald Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to allow construction of a duplex with secondary suites. This application is consistent with the OCP and the required statutory notifications were provided. Council considered the feedback received.

Minor Development Permit and Development Variance Permit Applications for 1960 Island Highway South
Council approved Minor Development Permit (P2300020) and Development Variance Permit (P2300031) to vary Zoning Bylaw No. 3250, 2006, Section 5.33.6, at 1960 Island Highway South. The Minor Development Permit is for a nine-unit townhouse development and the Development Variance Permit is to reduce the minimum dimensions required for front yards from 7.5 metres to 5.97 metres. Council directed that landscape security in the amount of $69,700, representing 125 per cent of the cost estimate, will need to be received by the City before a building permit is issued.

perating Project Grants
Council approved $162,000 in Operating Grants. The total 2024 budget for Operating Grants is $217,000. The unallocated amount can be provided to other organizations if there are additional applications during 2024. Operating Grants support local organizations with operations that fall outside the scope of Community Grants and the Community Partnership Committee, which provide grants to the city’s arts and culture sector. The grant recipients are:

  • Greenways Land Trust — Parks Maintenance and Beautification Grants for Baikie Island maintenance and invasive plant control
  • INFilm and Creative Industries — Economic Development Grants
  • Business improvement areas, including the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, Downtown Campbell River Business Improvement Association and Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society—Beautification Grants
  • Seniors Info Hub

BC Salmon Farmers Association’s Request for Support for World Oceans Day
Council received correspondence from Michelle Franze, Manager of Communications, Partnerships and Community, BC Salmon Farmers Association, requesting City support for planning and promoting a beach cleanup event that the association is organizing for World Oceans Day. World Oceans Day is on June 8, 2024. Council referred this item to staff for further review.

Correspondence from Tyee Chevrolet Buick GMC Regarding the Overdose Prevention Site
Council received correspondence from Troy Roblee, Managing Partner, Tyee Chevrolet Buick GMC, expressing concern about downtown safety and the Overdose Prevention Site located at 1330 Dogwood Street. Council directed staff to forward a copy of the letter, along with a letter from the Mayor, to Vancouver Island Mental Health Society, BC Housing and Island Health. Council noted that they have previously received other similar letters of concern. Staff will report back to Council about options for addressing these concerns at a later date, as previously directed by Council.

Council affirmed their concern for the safety and security of Campbell River residents and businesses. The City is actively investing in solutions and working with law enforcement, other levels of government and community partners on initiatives that work towards Council’s Strategic Priority: Healthy and Safe Community.  To learn more about what the City is doing, visit campbellriver.ca/downtown-safety.




by Rebecca Szulhan | Mar 15, 2024

Watch City Council meetings live or view recordings at www.campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

The City of Campbell River acknowledges that we are on the territory of the Laich-Kwil-Tach people of the Wei Wai Kum and We Wai Kai First Nations.

Community Medical Detox Facility on Nicholls Road
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 12, 2024)
Council received a presentation from Island Health staff, including Lesley Howie, Director, North Island Mental Health and Substance Use (NIMHSU), and Shelley Garneau and Dr. Marcus Greatheart, also with NIMHSU, about a new community medical detox facility that Island Health will be opening in the fall at 731 Nicholls Road. They shared a presentation with information about how the six-bed facility would operate and answered questions from Council.

Council also received a series of letters from the neighbourhood with concerns related to the facility and have shared this correspondence with Island Health. Council acknowledged the concerns shared by neighbours and is committed to working and facilitating discussions with Island Health to help address the concerns raised. While the location of this medical detox facility is governed by the Community Care and Assisted Living Act and is outside the City’s jurisdiction, Council has directed staff to explore options within the City’s control to address neighbourhood concerns.

The presentation was recorded as part of the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 12, 2024. To view the recording, visit campbellriver.ca/webcasts. For more information about the facility, site and service, visit https://bit.ly/3v8oT5f.

Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan Update
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 12, 2024)
Council received a report and presentation with a project update about the Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan (PRCMP). The City is updating the plan to guide how the City develops, manages, improves and invests in parks, recreation and cultural services over the next 10 years.

Engaging with residents is an important part of this project. Engagement and research activities to date have included resident and youth surveys, interactive boards, community meetings, facility usage data, benchmarking, and more. The engagement report will be published in the coming weeks.

Engagement with the ball-field user groups, including Campbell River Minor Baseball Association, Campbell River Slo-Pitch League and Campbell River Masters Slo-Pitch also occurred. The engagement activities with these three groups helped to develop the Ball Diamond Infrastructure Options Summary Report, which was presented to Council on March 12, 2024. Council authorized staff to conduct engagement with ball-field user groups about the results of the Summary Report, and Mayor Kermit Dahl will designate a member of Council to attend the engagement with ball-field user groups. Staff will reach out directly to user groups.

For more information, visit getinvolved.campbellriver.ca or watch a recording of the presentation at campbellriver.ca/webcasts.

Draft Master Transportation Plan
(Presented during the Committee of the Whole meeting on March 12, 2024)
Council received a draft Master Transportation Plan (MTP) and provided feedback to staff. The City is in the process of updating its MTP to review and address the future transportation needs of the community. This draft plan is part of the final phase of the MTP process. In previous stages, feedback was collected through engagement with the public, community partners, the project advisory team, City staff and Council.

Council authorized staff to proceed with public engagement for the latest draft of the MTP. Next steps will include incorporating Council’s feedback and holding an open house to share the draft MTP with the public. Details on upcoming engagement opportunities will be shared at getinvolved.campbellriver.ca.

Application to Expand the Urban Containment Boundary
Council gave first and second reading to Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 3926, 2024, which proposes to expand the Urban Containment Boundary (UCB) to include 276 Finch Road and two properties at 0 Jubilee Parkway, and authorized staff to schedule a public hearing at a future date.

Following the public hearing, if the UCB-expansion application passes third reading and adoption, the applicant will be required to apply for rezoning and land-use redesignation, and prepare a master plan showing subdivision layout, residential housing forms, densities and infrastructure servicing plan prior to development.

Information on the public hearing will be made available in the coming weeks on the City website, campbellriver.ca.

Extended Hours for Golf Course Maintenance
Council adopted Public Nuisance Amendment Bylaw No. 3944, 2024. The bylaw allows extended hours for golf course care and maintenance (from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., April through September, and 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., October through March). It follows a request from Brad Sinclair, Superintendent, Naturally Pacific Resort. City staff notified residents in the vicinity of golf courses in Campbell River of the proposed amendments, and the public was invited to submit written feedback prior to third reading. All written responses received were considered by Council.

Remedial Action at 825 Evergreen Road
Council directed staff to require the owner of the property at 825 Evergreen Road to bring the property into compliance with Public Nuisance Bylaw No. 3543, 2014. City contractors are authorized to enter onto the property to perform the necessary work to achieve compliance if required.

Rezoning Application for 345 Dogwood Street
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3949, 2024, to permit two new units in the existing apartment building at 345 Dogwood Street. The property is zoned RM-4, with an allowable density limit of 24 units. The building currently has 25 units and is considered pre-existing non-conforming use as the building was built in the 1970s. The two additional units would bring the total number of units on the property to 27. This application is consistent with the OCP and the required statutory notifications were provided.

Rezoning Application for 2320 Campbell River Road
Council adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3925, 2023, to rezone 2320 Campbell River Road from Commercial Six (C-6) to Comprehensive Development Eight (CD8). This brings the current dwelling units, on five strata lots and common property, into zoning compliance and creates new zoning regulations for future residential development. As a condition of rezoning, before signing the bylaw, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) required the owner to obtain a Controlled Access Permit. The applicant has provided the City with a copy of the approved permit issued by MOTI, and MOTI has signed the bylaw. The Controlled Access Permit requires the owners to widen, re-align and pave their driveway access onto Highway 28 by July 20, 2024.

Rezoning Application for 1820 McDonald Road
Council gave first, second and third readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 3951, 2024, which proposes to rezone the property at 1820 McDonald Road from Residential One (R-1) to Residential Multiple Two (RM-2) to allow construction of a duplex with secondary suites. This application is consistent with the OCP and the required statutory notifications were provided. Council considered the feedback received.

Minor Development Permit and Development Variance Permit Applications for 1960 Island Highway South
Council approved Minor Development Permit (P2300020) and Development Variance Permit (P2300031) to vary Zoning Bylaw No. 3250, 2006, Section 5.33.6, at 1960 Island Highway South. The Minor Development Permit is for a nine-unit townhouse development and the Development Variance Permit is to reduce the minimum dimensions required for front yards from 7.5 metres to 5.97 metres. Council directed that landscape security in the amount of $69,700, representing 125 per cent of the cost estimate, will need to be received by the City before a building permit is issued.

perating Project Grants
Council approved $162,000 in Operating Grants. The total 2024 budget for Operating Grants is $217,000. The unallocated amount can be provided to other organizations if there are additional applications during 2024. Operating Grants support local organizations with operations that fall outside the scope of Community Grants and the Community Partnership Committee, which provide grants to the city’s arts and culture sector. The grant recipients are:

  • Greenways Land Trust — Parks Maintenance and Beautification Grants for Baikie Island maintenance and invasive plant control
  • INFilm and Creative Industries — Economic Development Grants
  • Business improvement areas, including the Campbellton Neighbourhood Association, Downtown Campbell River Business Improvement Association and Willow Point Business Improvement Area Society—Beautification Grants
  • Seniors Info Hub

BC Salmon Farmers Association’s Request for Support for World Oceans Day
Council received correspondence from Michelle Franze, Manager of Communications, Partnerships and Community, BC Salmon Farmers Association, requesting City support for planning and promoting a beach cleanup event that the association is organizing for World Oceans Day. World Oceans Day is on June 8, 2024. Council referred this item to staff for further review.

Correspondence from Tyee Chevrolet Buick GMC Regarding the Overdose Prevention Site
Council received correspondence from Troy Roblee, Managing Partner, Tyee Chevrolet Buick GMC, expressing concern about downtown safety and the Overdose Prevention Site located at 1330 Dogwood Street. Council directed staff to forward a copy of the letter, along with a letter from the Mayor, to Vancouver Island Mental Health Society, BC Housing and Island Health. Council noted that they have previously received other similar letters of concern. Staff will report back to Council about options for addressing these concerns at a later date, as previously directed by Council.

Council affirmed their concern for the safety and security of Campbell River residents and businesses. The City is actively investing in solutions and working with law enforcement, other levels of government and community partners on initiatives that work towards Council’s Strategic Priority: Healthy and Safe Community.  To learn more about what the City is doing, visit campbellriver.ca/downtown-safety.


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