Downtown Storm Mitigation


Project completed November 18, 2023

Work will include the installation of a temporary overflow pipe connected to the storm system served by the Robert Ostler Park outfall. These works are expected to provide some relief to the localized flooding being experienced on Shoppers Row between St. Ann’s and 10th Ave during extreme wet weather events.

As the City moves towards better understanding both the long and short term impacts of climate change, incremental improvements to the City’s key infrastructure are now becoming a key focus when system improvements are being considered in the existing 5-10 planning horizon. As part of these efforts to address localized flooding in the downtown, the City will be undertaking some temporary works to the City’s storm collection system serving a portion of this catchment area.

Work will include the installation of a temporary overflow pipe connected to the storm system served by the Robert Ostler Park outfall. These works are expected to provide some relief to the localized flooding being experienced on Shoppers Row between St. Ann’s and 10th Ave during extreme wet weather events. This work is temporary in nature as the City evaluates the best long term solution for the affected catchment area. The works will be monitored for performance over the coming winter season and should they achieve the desired level of success, the City will be looking to install  a second, similar temporary overflow arrangement on the outfall serving the Dogwood/16th Ave catchment area next year.

For more information on the City’s work to date in planning for Climate Change, visit the City’s Rising Seas project page.


Downtown Storm Mitigation 2022 FAQs

  • What is the project?

  • Where is the project located?

  • When is the construction work going to take place?

  • What is the cost of the project?

  • How is the project being funded?

  • Who will be involved in the project design and construction?

  • How will vehicle and pedestrian traffic be managed during construction?

  • What do I need to know?


Traffic management during construction will be the responsibility of the contractor doing the work. The contractor will have traffic control in place always ensuring safe passage for vehicles and pedestrians around the work zone. The project will not result in any necessary traffic detours with no measurable disruption to existing traffic flows expected.

Pedestrian traffic along the Robert V. Ostler portion of the seawalk will be temporarily detoured during construction. Park use will be restricted during the course of construction with the location of the works temporarily closed to the public.


No notifications at this time.

Project Progress

Project Milestones - Downtown Storm Mitigation

  • November 18, 2022

  • July 29, 2022

  • September 16, 2022


For more information, contact the Capital Project Department at or 250-286-5756